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This paper proposes a method of extracting the desired signal from a noisy signal, addressing the problem of segregating two acoustic sources as a model of acoustic source segregation base on Auditory Scene Analysis. Since the problem of segregating two acoustic sources is an ill-inverse problem, constraints are needed to determine an unique solution. The proposed method uses the four heuristic regularities proposed by Bregman as constraints and uses the instantaneous amplitude and phase of noisy signal components that have passed through a wavelet filterbank as features of acoustic sources. Then the model can extracts the instantaneous amplitude and phase of the desired signal. Simulations were performed to segregate the harmonic complex tone from a noise-added harmonic complex tone and to compare the results of using all or only some constraints. The results show that the method can segregate the harmonic complex tone precisely using all the constraints related to the four regularities and that the absence some constraints reduces the accuracy.

Masashi Unoki