[Uchihira Lab]
[research topics]
Technology Management & Service System Design (Naoshi Uchihira)
Naoshi Uchihira
Dr.Eng(Computer Science) and Ph.D(Knowledge Science)
Professor, School of Knowledge Science
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Faculty Profile
Uchihira Laboratory
Our laboratory is engaged on technology management, particularly on knowledge transfer for project management,
including R&D projects and new service and product development projects. Service system design methodology
is another focused research theme in our laboratory. We have been developing a collaboration support
system for healthcare services with several companies.
This project is founded by Service Science, Solutions and Foundation Integrated Research Program, JST.
JST Service Science Project with Toshiba Corporation,
Shimizu Corporation, Okayama Univ.
Innovation for Service Space Communication by Voice Tweets in Nursing and Caring
My Publication List
Building KS-I, 5F
School of Knowledge Science
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
1-1, Asahidai, Nomi, Ishikawa, 923-1292, Japan
email: uchihira at jaist.ac.jp
Laboratory Mission
In a competitive global market, it is one of big issues for companies to create new value and profit from their products and services. There is no magic wand to turn their products and services into major successful businesses. However, it is possible to increase success probability of their products and services by analyzing past similar project cases and visualizing future changes and risks of the target project. We propose knowledge transfer framework from managers of past projects to managers of target current projects. Our framework consists of knowledge externalization (post project review for past projects) and knowledge internalization (project phase review for target projects).Furthermore, we have developing a project case database and a project management tool for supporting successive operation of the proposed framework in the companies. In the current era, servitization of manufacturing companies is very important to create new value and profit. Especially, we are greatly concerned with project management of product-based service systems.
Laboratory Policy
The most important thing is to engage in the interesting and exiting research theme which you can think may change the world. In parallel, it is also important to learn and master the way of doing research including problem definition, modeling, prototyping, experiment, and evaluation. When working in a company after graduation, it may be usual that the job activity differs from the research theme of JAIST. However, I believe the way of doing research that you mastered is helpful for good jobs and is connected to your next growth in the company.
When I was an engneer in the company.
Until now, I have engaged in research and development of growing and immature technologies including software engineering, risk engineering, service science and technology management. In these growing and immature fields, it is required to find an essence of fuzzy problems and formulate it by the new way of thinking. This process is very interesting and exiting for me although it may look strange for traditional researchers in the established fields. From now, I will continue to propose exiting new concepts by seizing problems and the chances that will appear at the change point of technology and life.
When I was a JAIST working student.
When I was a manager of a company’s R&D division and struggled for better technology management, I had met a MOT (management of technology) course of JAIST and entered its Ph.D course as a working student. I could spend a busy but fruitful years in JAIST where I could learn many things form teachers and classmates. In particular, the framework of social science is fresh and stimulating for me since it is substantially different form the engineering framework familiar to me. After graduation, the successive human network which is maintained through various events (JAIST open seminar, etc.) enriches my research and business activities.