Shao Chin SUNG

Proflie: B.S. Waseda University 1993, M.S. JAIST 1995, Ph.D JAIST 1998

Research Interests: Circuit Complexity, Quantum Computation, Scheduling Problems, Neural Networks.

Theory Resources on WWW

Professional organizations.
Electronic journals , as well as electronic faces of printed ones.
Archives of papers/documents of interest.
Conference information.
Tech report archive services, and bibliography databases.
Some useful documents.
Other indices of theory resources.
Universities, CS departments, and research labs.
Home pages of some theory people.

Address: Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

1-1 Asahidai, Tatsunokuchi, Ishikawa, Japan, 923-1292.
Phone: +81-761-51-1282.
Last update: Aug 5, 1996