2014 †
- NonlinearTimeSeriesPub2014Reading Fuyama, M., Hidaka, S., & Suwa, M. (2014). The Continuous Measurement of Absorption in Reading Based on the Time Series of Subjective Evaluation and Heart Rates. The Jagiellonian-Rutgers Conference in Cognitive Science 2014 (CogSciJR14). [Publications]
- Pub2014 2014年度(第28回)人工知能学会全国大会優秀賞(JSAI Annual Conference Award)(筆頭著者:布山 美慕, 2014年7月22日) (link) [Publications]
- Pub2014 日高 昇平 (2014). 最適化ではない計算論:統計的モデリングと非線形力学的解析法の融合., Young Perceptionist Seminar・若手会ジョイントセミナー, 2014年9月5日, 休暇村志賀島(福岡県福岡市東区). [Publications]
- Pub2014FrameProblems? Hidaka, S. & Kashyap, S. (2014). The Generalist Approach to Frame Problems., In Proceedings of The Third Asian Conference on Information Systems, 318-325. ((ACIS2014) held on Nha Trang, Viet Nam, December 1st-3rd) (pdf) [Publications]
- Pub2014LearningInGames 鳥居 拓馬, 日高 昇平, 真隅 暁 (2014). 学習あり繰り返し囚人のジレンマにおける協調行動の発生., 第28回人工知能学会全国大会, 4H1-3. [Publications]
- Pub2014MethodologicalImprovementLearningInGamesUoU Hidaka, S., T. Torii, & A. Masumi (2014). Tractable Infinite Order Markov Analysis for Iterated Games with Learners., In Proceedings of the Joint 7th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 15th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, 286-291, ISBN: 978-1-4799-5954-9. ((SCIS & ISIS 2014) held on December 3rd-6th, Kitakyushu International Conference Center, Kitakyushu, Japan.) [Publications]
- Pub2014MethodologicalImprovementVocabSizeEstimation幼児が獲得している単語の抽出単語数と獲得単語種類数の理論的な関係を証明 ~氷山の一角から潜在語彙数の推定~, 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 (2014 年 9 月 10 日).(link) [Publications]
- Pub2014MethodologicalImprovementVocabSizeEstimation幼児の語彙力統計学で測定, 北國新聞 (2014 年 9 月 11 日). (pdf) [Publications]
- Pub2014NonlinearTimeSeries 布山 美慕, 日高 昇平, 諏訪 正樹 (2014). 身体動作と心拍数による読書中の熱中状態観測手法の構築., 第4回知識共創フォーラム. [Publications]
- Pub2014NonlinearTimeSeriesMotorControl Buated W., Fujinami T., Hidaka S., Kashyap N, (2014). Balance Assessment for Parkinson, International Congress on Non-Motor Dysfunctions in Parkinson's Disease and Related Disorders, Nice, France. [Publications]
- Pub2014NonlinearTimeSeriesMotorControl 布山 美慕, 日高 昇平, 諏訪 正樹 (2014). 読書における熱中状態の定義・観測手法構築., 第28回人工知能学会全国大会, 2D4-OS-28a-7in. (第28回人工知能学会全国大会優秀賞) [Publications]
- Pub2014NonlinearTimeSeriesMotorControl 日高昇平, KASHYAP Neeraj, 藤波 努 (2014). 点次元推定法によるリズム運動の分析., 第28回人工知能学会全国大会, 1M5-OS-05b-5. [Publications]
- PubSelected?Pub2014MethodologicalImprovementVocabSizeEstimationHidaka2014VocabEstimation? Hidaka, S. (2014). General type-token distribution., Biometrika. 101 (4), 999-1002. doi: 10.1093/biomet/asu035. (First published online: August 17, 2014) (pdf). (link) [Publications]
2013 †
- EyeMovementPub2013 Miyazaki, M., Hidaka, S., Imai, M., Yeung, H. H., Kantartzis, K., Okada, H., & Kita, S. (2013). The facilitatory role of sound symbolism in infant word learning. In Proceedings of The Thirty Fifth Annual Meeting of Cognitive Science Society, 3080-3085. (pdf) [Publications]
- NonlinearTimeSeriesLearningInSocialInteractionPub2013 日高 昇平 (2013). 人の多感覚コミュニケーションにおける情報ネットワークの可視化., 電子情報通信学会誌., Vol.96 No.12 pp., 945-950. (pdf). [Publications]
- NonlinearTimeSeriesMotorControlPub2013Creativity Hidaka, S. & Fujinami, T. (2013). Topological Similarity of Motor Coordination in Rhythmic Movements. In Proceedings of The Thirty Fifth Annual Meeting of Cognitive Science Society, 2548-2553.(pdf)(poster). [Publications]
- NonlinearTimeSeriesPub2013MethodologicalImprovementCreativityKnowledgeSciences? 日高 昇平 (2013). データから知識へ:多変量情報流による潜在的機構の推定., 知識共創フォーラム (知識共創第3号, III7-1-III7-10) (Hidaka, S. (2013). From Data To Knowledge: Estimating Latent Mechanisms Through Multivariate Information Flows.)(pdf)(link) [Publications]
- NonlinearTimeSeriesPub2013MotorControl 日高 昇平 & 藤波 努(2013). サンバ運動の力学的位相構造による不変的表現., 第27回人工知能学会全国大会 (1H3-OS-02a-4) (link). [Publications]
- NonlinearTimeSeriesPub2013MotorControlCreativity日高 昇平 (2013). リズム運動の次元:不変量による協調運動の分析., 第16回身体知研究会予稿集, 8-13. (Characterizing Rhythmic Coordination in Human Movements with Invariances., SKL-16-03 (pp. 8-13).)(pdf) [Publications]
- NonlinearTimeSeriesPub2013MotorControlCreativity日高 昇平 (2013). 力学的不変量仮説: 運動制御の最適化理論の上位原理として., 第15回身体知研究会予稿集, 9-15. (Dynamical Invariance Hypothesis: As a Superordinate Principle Upon Motor Control Optimality Theory., SIG-SKL-15, 9-15.)(pdf)(pdf2) [Publications]
- PreprintPub2013MethodologicalImprovementVocabSizeEstimation Hidaka, S. (2013). General Type Token Distribution., eprint arXiv:1305.0328. (link) [Publications]
- Pub2013 Hidaka, S. (2013). Statistical Modeling of Eye Movements in Cognitive Developmental Studies [Publications]
- Pub2013 日高昇平 (2013). 模倣の基礎理論の構築およびシミュレーションによる実証., 第14回人工知能研究成果発表会. 2013年9月18日, 今池ガスビル. [Publications]
- Pub2013 日高昇平 (2013). 生体計測による認知・神経・行動メカニズムの描像., JAISTシンポジウム2013. 2013年11月22日, 富士ソフトアキバプラザ. [Publications]
- Pub2013MotorControlCreativity2012年度研究者支援「創造性研究奨励賞」(2013年2月20日, NPO法人ニューロクリアティブ研究会, 研究テーマ:「身体技能を創り・感じる脳の計算論的メカニズム」)(link)(link2) [Publications]
- PubSelected?PreprintPub2013MethodologicalImprovementDimensionEstimation Hidaka, S. & Kashyap, N. (2013). On the Estimation of Pointwise Dimension., eprint arXiv:1312.2298. (link) [Publications]
- PubSelected?Pub2013VocabGrowthHidaka2013Vocab Hidaka, S. (2013) A Computational Model Associating Learning Process, Word Attributes, and Age of Acquisition. PLoS ONE 8(11): e76242. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0076242. (link) [Publications]
- SemanticNetworkNonlinearTimeSeriesKnowledgeSciences?Pub2013 日高 昇平 (2013). 知識獲得の計算理論に向けて:多変量情報流による潜在的機構の推定., 日本認知科学会第30回大会発表論文集 (O2-3). [Publications]
2012 †
- EyeMovement[EyeMovement]Pub2012 Wu, R., & Kirkham, N. Z. (2012, March). Learning to learn from attention cues during infancy. Keynote presented at the Japan Society for Developmental Psychology conference, Nagoya, Japan (第23回日本発達心理学会). (Hidaka, S. as the organizer and translator) [Publications]
- FastMappingPub2012Creativity Hidaka, S. (2012). Toward a computational model of creativity: Novel hypothesis generation from structural knowledge. Seventh International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems, , 175-180. (KICSS2012)(pdf)(web). [Publications]
- MethodologicalImprovementPub2012 日高 昇平 & 西田 豊 (2012).統計的モデルの考え方:確率分布から多変量解析まで, 学習と対話 Vol. 2012, No.1, 21-26 (日本認知科学会・対話と学習研究会・第46回研究会).(pdf) [Publications]
- MethodologicalImprovementPub2012 日高 昇平 & 西田 豊 (2012).統計的モデルの考え方:確率分布から多変量解析まで, 日本認知科学会・対話と学習研究会・第46回研究会. [Publications]
- NeuroImaging?Pub2012 高橋康介・日高昇平・渡邊克巳 (2012). MEG信号から迫る視聴覚間の「同時」, 第27回日本生体磁気学会. [Publications]
- NonlinearTimeSeriesEyeMovementPub2012 MethodologicalImprovement [EyeMovement] 日高昇平, Yurovsky, D., Wu, R. (2012). 注視から認知過程へ:ベイズ統計による次元選択・潜在集団の推定, 日本認知科学会第29回大会発表論文集, 146-148 (Eye Movements to Cognitive Processes: Bayesian Dimension Selection and Latent Group Estimation).(pdf)(presentation) [Publications]
- NonlinearTimeSeriesEyeMovement[EyeMovement]Pub2012 Shohei Hidaka (2012). Characterizing Attention and Learning from Infant Eye Movements., [Publications]
- NonlinearTimeSeriesEyeMovement[EyeMovement]Pub2012 Yurovsky, D., Hidaka, S., & Wu, R. (2012) Quantitative Linking Hypotheses for Infant Eye Movements, In Proceedings of The Thirty Fourth Annual Meeting of Cognitive Science Society, 1203-1208. (CogSci2012) (pdf) . [Publications]
- NonlinearTimeSeriesMotorControl[MotorControl]Pub2012Creativity Hidaka, S. (2012) Identifying Kinematic Cues for Action Style Recognition. In Proceedings of The Thirty Fourth Annual Meeting of Cognitive Science Society, 1679-1684. (CogSci2012) (pdf) (poster). [Publications]
- PreprintPub2012KnowledgeSciences?NonlinearTimeSeriesPubSelected? Hidaka, S. (2012). Characterizing Multivariate Information Flows., eprint arXiv:1212.5449 (link). [Publications]
- Pub2012Creativity Nathan Nossal, Nobu Tsuchiyama、Shohei Hidaka, Hiroyuki Iida (2012). fNIRS Survey of Brain Function at the Moment of Winning, Game Programming Workshop 2012. [Publications]
- Pub2012EyeMovementPubSelected? Yurovsky D, Hidaka S, & Wu R (2012) Quantitative Linking Hypotheses for Infant Eye Movements. PLoS ONE 7(10): e47419. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0047419. (link) [Publications]
- TeachingMethodologicalImprovementPub2012 日高昇平他, 認知科学における数理・計算モデル: 体験的入門チュートリアルと研究の実際(2012年 3月22日, 東京工業大学・大岡山キャンパス)(Web) (pdf) [Publications]
- TeachingMotorControlPub2012 Hidaka, S. (2012). Decoding emotional contexts in bodily actions., Lecture for Master in the Science of Performative Creativity (University of Malta, March, 29th, 2012) [Publications]
- TeachingNonlinearTimeSeriesLearningInSocialInteractionPub2012 Hidaka, S. (2012). Word Learning In Social Interaction. In Cognitive Science Spring Seminars (University of Malta, March, 26th, 2012) (abstract) [Publications]
2011 †
- EyeMovement[EyeMovement]Pub2011 Hannagan T, Wu R, Hidaka S and Yu C (2011). A Computational Model for Cued Infant Learning. Front. Comput. Neurosci. Conference Abstract: IEEE ICDL-EPIROB 2011. August, 24th. Frankfurt, Germany. doi: 10.3389/conf.fncom.2011.52.00018 URL [Publications]
- EyeMovement[EyeMovement]Pub2011 Shohei Hidaka (2011). Child-caregiver multimodal dynamics in word learning., In the workshop "Gaze Bias Learning"(視線の学習)Linking neuroscience, computational modeling, and cognitivedevelopment., Tamagawa University. [Publications]
- NonlinearTimeSeriesEyeMovementPub2011[EyeMovement] 日高昇平,鈴木義彦 (2011). 目は口ほどに物言う:注視ダイナミクスと類似性判断の関係., 2011年度日本認知科学会第28回大会 発表論文集(P2-34) (pdf) [Publications]
- NonlinearTimeSeriesLearningInSocialInteractionPub2011 Hidaka S and Yu C (2011). Informational Coupling in Social Interaction as a Goodness of Communication. Front. Comput. Neurosci. Conference Abstract: IEEE ICDL-EPIROB 2011. doi: 10.3389/conf.fncom.2011.52.00007 URL [Publications]
- NonlinearTimeSeriesMotorControlPub2011 日高昇平 (2011). 身体動作に内在する状況性への情報理論的アプローチ, 第32回社会的知能発生学研究会, 2011年12月22-23日, リッチモンドホテルプレミア仙台. [Publications]
- NonlinearTimeSeriesMotorControl[MotorControl]Pub2011 Hidaka, S. & Yu, C. (2011) Information Theoretical Approach to Statistical Network in Bodily Actions. The 44th Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Psychology (SMP), July 18th, Tufts University (pdf). [Publications]
- Pub2011 Suzuki, Y. & Hidaka., S. (2011). Estimating similarity judgment processes based on neural activities measured by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)., ICCN2011 (pdf). [Publications]
- Pub2011[FastMapping]FastMapping Hidaka, S. & Smith, L. B. (2011). Packing: A Geometric Analysis of Feature Selection and Fast-Mapping in Children’s Category Formation., Cognitive System Research, 12, 1, 1-18. (pdf) [Publications]
- SemanticNetworkPub2011[SemanticNetwork] 日高昇平 (2011). 意味ネットワークの発達., 日本心理学会第75回大会 WS011「概念」 (URL) [Publications]
- TeachingPub2011 日高昇平・白肌邦生(2011) JAISTサマースクール2011「知識科学のフロンティア:生体計測がつなぐ認知神経科学とサービス経営」(web) [Publications]
2010 †
- EyeMovement[EyeMovement]Pub2010 British Psychological Society International Collaboration Award (For the collaborative work with Rachel Wu and D. Yurovsky, British Psychological Society, 2010) [Publications]
- EyeMovement[EyeMovement]Pub2010 Yurovsky, D., Hidaka, S., Yu, C., & Smith, L. B. (2010) Liking Learning to Looking: Habituation and Association in Infant Statistical Language Learning, In Proceedings of The Thirty Second Annual Meeting of Cognitive Science Society, 1589-1594. (pdf) [Publications]
- EyeMovement[EyeMovement]Pub2010 Yurovsky, D., Hidaka, S., Yu, C., & Smith, L. B. (2010). A Generative Model of Eye, Movements in Cross-Situational Learning. XVIIth Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies Baltimore, Maryland, March 10-14, 2010. [Publications]
- NonlinearTimeSeriesLearningInSocialInteractionPub2010[LearningInSocialInteraction] Hidaka, S., & Yu, C. (2010) Analyzing Multimodal Time Series as Dynamical Systems, 12th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces and 7th Workshop on Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction, 53-58 (ICMI-MLMI 2010). [Publications]
- NonlinearTimeSeriesLearningInSocialInteractionPub2010[LearningInSocialInteraction] Hidaka, S., & Yu, C. (2010). Spatio-Temporal Symbolization of Multidimensional Time Series, International Workshop on Spatial and Spatiotemporal Data Mining, 249-256. (SSTDM-10) [Publications]
- NonlinearTimeSeriesLearningInSocialInteractionPub2010[LearningInSocialInteraction] Yu, C., Smith, T.G., Hidaka, S., Scheutz, M., Smith, L.B. A Data-Driven Paradigm to Understand Multimodal Communication in Human-Human and Human-Robot Interaction . In P.R. Cohen, N.M. Adams, M.R. Berthold (Eds.) Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis IX,LNCS 6065 (pp. 232-244). Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.(pdf) [Publications]
- NonlinearTimeSeriesPub2010 Takahashi, K., Hidaka, S & Watanabe, K. (2010). Decoding Subjective Simultaneity from Neuromagnetic Signals, 17th International Conference on Biomagnetism. [Publications]
- SemanticNetworkPub2010 Hidaka, S. (2010) Development of Semantic Network: Evidence from a Forced Choice Association, The Ninth International Conference on Development and Learning. [Publications]
- SemanticNetworkPub2010 Hidaka, S. (2010) Development of the Semantic Network: From a random to a complex network, The Thirty Second Annual Conference of Cognitive Society. [Publications]
- SemanticNetwork[SemanticNetwork]Pub2010 日高 昇平 (2010). 意味の構造的知識の発達:ランダムネットワークから複雑ネットワークへ, O3-4, 日本認知科学会第27回大会発表論文集. [Publications]
- [FastMapping]Pub2010FastMapping Hidaka, S. & Smith, L. B. (2010). Acquisition of a Single Word to a Population of Words, Language Learning and Development, Volume 6, Issue 3, Pages 206 - 222. [Publications]
2009 †
- Pub2009 Tanaka, A., Takezawa, M., Nakamura, K., Hayashi, Y. , Hidaka, S. & Honda, H. (2009). Reports of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society and Cognitive Science in the Netherlands, Cognitive Studies Vol. 16 (2009) , No. 4 pp.532-540.(pdf) [Publications]
- SemanticNetwork[SemanticNetwork]Pub2009 日高 昇平 (2009).自由連想ネットワーク上の幾何学的な性質,日本認知科学会第26回大会発表論文集, 226-227 [Publications]
- VocabGrowth[VocabGrowth]Pub2009 Hidaka, S. (2009). Different Classes of Words are Learned in Different Ways. In Proceedings of The Thirty First Annual Meeting of Cognitive Science Society, 2316-2321.(pdf) (link) [Publications]
- VocabGrowth[VocabGrowth]Pub2009 日高 昇平 (2009). 語彙獲得の月齢分布に基づく語彙学習機構の推定. 日本認知科学会第27回大会発表論文集. [Publications]
- VocabGrowth[VocabGrowth]VocabSizeEstimationPub2009 Hidaka, S. (2009). A Sample-size-invariant Estimation of Lexical Diversity. In Proceedings of The Thirty First Annual Meeting of Cognitive Science Society. [Publications]
2008 †
- FastMappingPub2008[FastMapping] Hidaka, S. & Smith, L. B. (2008) How Features Create Knowledge of Kinds. In Proceedings of The Thirtieth Annual Meeting of Cognitive Science Society, 1029–1035. [Publications]
- FastMapping[FastMapping]Pub2008 日高 昇平 & Smith, L.B. (2008). 自然物体の“種類” に固有な新奇語の汎用. 日本認知科学会第25回大会発表論文集, O4-4. [Publications]
- VerbBody[VerbBody]Pub2008 Maouene, J, Hidaka, S. & Smith, L. B. (2008). Body parts and early-learned verbs., Cognitive Science, 32(7), 1200-1216.(pdf) [Publications]
2007 †
- FastMapping[FastMapping]Pub2007 日高 昇平 & Smith, L. B. (2007). なぜ自然カテゴリは“自然”か:曲面上に詰め込まれたカテゴリ., 日本認知科学会第24回大会発表論文集, 26-31. [Publications]
- Pub2007 日高 昇平 & 齋木 潤 (2007) 視覚的物体の分節化における全体的特徴の発見, 日本認知心理学会発表論文集, Vol. 2007, 19, o2A-5. [Publications]
- Pub2007FastMapping[FastMapping] In English: Hidaka, S. (2007). A geometric model of categorization space for lexical acquisition, Kyoto University. [Publications]
- Pub2007FastMapping[FastMapping] 日高 昇平. (2007) 語彙獲得過程におけるカテゴリ化空間の幾何学的モデル, 京都大学. [Publications]
- VerbBodyPub2007[VerbBody] Smith, L. B. Maouene, J. & Hidaka, S. (2007).The Body and Children’s Word Learning., In Plumert, J. M., Spencer, J. P. (ed.) The Emerging Spatial Mind, 168–192. Oxford University Press. (external) [Publications]
2006 †
- FastMappingPub2006 Hidaka, S. & Saiki, J. (2004), A connectionist account of ontological boundary shifting. ICONIP 2004, Lecture Note in Computer Science 3316, 22–25, Berlin, Springer-Verlag. [Publications]
- FastMappingPub2006 Hidaka, S. & Saiki, J. (2006). Feature discovery in object individuation. In Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Development and Learning. [Publications]
- FastMappingPub2006[FastMapping] Hidaka, S., Saiki, J., & Smith, L. B. (2006). Semantic packing as a core mechanism of category coherence, fast mapping and basic level categories. In Proceedings of The Twenty Eighth Annual Conference of Cognitive Society, 1500–1505. [Publications]
- FastMappingPub2006[FastMapping] Hidaka, S., Saiki, J., & Smith, L. B. (2006). Semantic packing: an account for category coherence. In Proceedings of The Seventh International Conference on Cognitive Modeling, 130–135. [Publications]
- MethodologicalImprovementPub2006[MethodologicalImprovement] Hidaka, S. & Saiki, J. (2006). A solution to current limitations in the analysis of developmental data. In The Fifteenth Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies. [Publications]
- MethodologicalImprovement[MethodologicalImprovement]Pub2006 日高 昇平, 吉田 華子, & 齋木 潤. (2006) 発達研究固有の実験的制約を考慮した定量的分析方法~バイリンガルの新奇語汎化課題に対する応用~., 認知科学, 13(3), 484-487. [Publications]
- VerbBodyPub2006[VerbBody] Maouene, J., Hidaka, S. & Smith, L. B., (2006) Body parts and the first 100 verbs, In Proceedings of The Twenty Eighth Annual Conference of Cognitive Society, 555–560. [Publications]
2005 †
- FastMapping[FastMapping]Pub2005 In English: Hidaka, S. & Saiki, S. (2005). A model study of infants’ novel word categorization., Cognitive Studies, 12, 235-251. [Publications]
- FastMapping[FastMapping]Pub2005 日高 昇平 & 斎木 潤. (2005) 幼児の新奇語カテゴリ化のモデル研究., 認知科学, 12(3), 235-251. (pdf1) [Publications]
- MethodologicalImprovementPub2005 第22回認知科学会発表賞 (日本認知科学会, 2005年12月3日) (link) [Publications]
- MethodologicalImprovementMethodologicalImprovementPub2005 日高 昇平,Hanako Yoshida,齋木 潤 (2005). 発達研究固有の実験的制約を考慮した定量的分析方法 ~バイリンガルの新奇語汎化課題に対する応用~,日本認知科学会第22回大会発表論文集, 224-225. [Publications]
- Pub2005 日高昇平 (2005). 第2回心の処理過程の脳的モデル化研究会 (北海道大学, 2005年1月) [Publications]
2004 †
2003 †
2002 †
In press †
- InPress?Invited 布山美慕・日髙昇平 (2021). 印象の認知の時間変化:主観報告と機械学習の併用による研究. (In 人工知能を用いた五感・認知機能の可視化とメカニズム解明. 9章4節, 技術情報協会.)(link) [Publications]
- Pub2024InPress? Torii, T., Maeda, A., & Hidaka, S. (2024). Distributional hypothesis as isomorphism between word-word co-occurrence and analogical parallelogram.PLoS ONE 19(10): e0312151. (link) [Publications]
Under review †
- UnderReview? Hidaka, S. (under review). Polynomial algorithm for $k$-partition minimization of submodular system with strong symmetry. (arXiv) [Publications]
- UnderReview?NonlinearTimeSeries Hiaka, S. & Kashyap, N.(under review) Pointwise dimension estmator. [Publications]
In preparation †