2012 †
- EyeMovement[EyeMovement]Pub2012 Wu, R., & Kirkham, N. Z. (2012, March). Learning to learn from attention cues during infancy. Keynote presented at the Japan Society for Developmental Psychology conference, Nagoya, Japan (第23回日本発達心理学会). (Hidaka, S. as the organizer and translator) [Publications]
- FastMappingPub2012Creativity Hidaka, S. (2012). Toward a computational model of creativity: Novel hypothesis generation from structural knowledge. Seventh International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems, , 175-180. (KICSS2012)(pdf)(web). [Publications]
- MethodologicalImprovementPub2012 日高 昇平 & 西田 豊 (2012).統計的モデルの考え方:確率分布から多変量解析まで, 学習と対話 Vol. 2012, No.1, 21-26 (日本認知科学会・対話と学習研究会・第46回研究会).(pdf) [Publications]
- MethodologicalImprovementPub2012 日高 昇平 & 西田 豊 (2012).統計的モデルの考え方:確率分布から多変量解析まで, 日本認知科学会・対話と学習研究会・第46回研究会. [Publications]
- NeuroImaging?Pub2012 高橋康介・日高昇平・渡邊克巳 (2012). MEG信号から迫る視聴覚間の「同時」, 第27回日本生体磁気学会. [Publications]
- NonlinearTimeSeriesEyeMovementPub2012 MethodologicalImprovement [EyeMovement] 日高昇平, Yurovsky, D., Wu, R. (2012). 注視から認知過程へ:ベイズ統計による次元選択・潜在集団の推定, 日本認知科学会第29回大会発表論文集, 146-148 (Eye Movements to Cognitive Processes: Bayesian Dimension Selection and Latent Group Estimation).(pdf)(presentation) [Publications]
- NonlinearTimeSeriesEyeMovement[EyeMovement]Pub2012 Shohei Hidaka (2012). Characterizing Attention and Learning from Infant Eye Movements., [Publications]
- NonlinearTimeSeriesEyeMovement[EyeMovement]Pub2012 Yurovsky, D., Hidaka, S., & Wu, R. (2012) Quantitative Linking Hypotheses for Infant Eye Movements, In Proceedings of The Thirty Fourth Annual Meeting of Cognitive Science Society, 1203-1208. (CogSci2012) (pdf) . [Publications]
- NonlinearTimeSeriesMotorControl[MotorControl]Pub2012Creativity Hidaka, S. (2012) Identifying Kinematic Cues for Action Style Recognition. In Proceedings of The Thirty Fourth Annual Meeting of Cognitive Science Society, 1679-1684. (CogSci2012) (pdf) (poster). [Publications]
- PreprintPub2012KnowledgeSciences?NonlinearTimeSeriesPubSelected? Hidaka, S. (2012). Characterizing Multivariate Information Flows., eprint arXiv:1212.5449 (link). [Publications]
- Pub2012Creativity Nathan Nossal, Nobu Tsuchiyama、Shohei Hidaka, Hiroyuki Iida (2012). fNIRS Survey of Brain Function at the Moment of Winning, Game Programming Workshop 2012. [Publications]
- Pub2012EyeMovementPubSelected? Yurovsky D, Hidaka S, & Wu R (2012) Quantitative Linking Hypotheses for Infant Eye Movements. PLoS ONE 7(10): e47419. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0047419. (link) [Publications]
- TeachingMethodologicalImprovementPub2012 日高昇平他, 認知科学における数理・計算モデル: 体験的入門チュートリアルと研究の実際(2012年 3月22日, 東京工業大学・大岡山キャンパス)(Web) (pdf) [Publications]
- TeachingMotorControlPub2012 Hidaka, S. (2012). Decoding emotional contexts in bodily actions., Lecture for Master in the Science of Performative Creativity (University of Malta, March, 29th, 2012) [Publications]
- TeachingNonlinearTimeSeriesLearningInSocialInteractionPub2012 Hidaka, S. (2012). Word Learning In Social Interaction. In Cognitive Science Spring Seminars (University of Malta, March, 26th, 2012) (abstract) [Publications]
2011 †
- EyeMovement[EyeMovement]Pub2011 Hannagan T, Wu R, Hidaka S and Yu C (2011). A Computational Model for Cued Infant Learning. Front. Comput. Neurosci. Conference Abstract: IEEE ICDL-EPIROB 2011. August, 24th. Frankfurt, Germany. doi: 10.3389/conf.fncom.2011.52.00018 URL [Publications]
- EyeMovement[EyeMovement]Pub2011 Shohei Hidaka (2011). Child-caregiver multimodal dynamics in word learning., In the workshop "Gaze Bias Learning"(視線の学習)Linking neuroscience, computational modeling, and cognitivedevelopment., Tamagawa University. [Publications]
- NonlinearTimeSeriesEyeMovementPub2011[EyeMovement] 日高昇平,鈴木義彦 (2011). 目は口ほどに物言う:注視ダイナミクスと類似性判断の関係., 2011年度日本認知科学会第28回大会 発表論文集(P2-34) (pdf) [Publications]
- NonlinearTimeSeriesLearningInSocialInteractionPub2011 Hidaka S and Yu C (2011). Informational Coupling in Social Interaction as a Goodness of Communication. Front. Comput. Neurosci. Conference Abstract: IEEE ICDL-EPIROB 2011. doi: 10.3389/conf.fncom.2011.52.00007 URL [Publications]
- NonlinearTimeSeriesMotorControlPub2011 日高昇平 (2011). 身体動作に内在する状況性への情報理論的アプローチ, 第32回社会的知能発生学研究会, 2011年12月22-23日, リッチモンドホテルプレミア仙台. [Publications]
- NonlinearTimeSeriesMotorControl[MotorControl]Pub2011 Hidaka, S. & Yu, C. (2011) Information Theoretical Approach to Statistical Network in Bodily Actions. The 44th Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Psychology (SMP), July 18th, Tufts University (pdf). [Publications]
- Pub2011 Suzuki, Y. & Hidaka., S. (2011). Estimating similarity judgment processes based on neural activities measured by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)., ICCN2011 (pdf). [Publications]
- Pub2011[FastMapping]FastMapping Hidaka, S. & Smith, L. B. (2011). Packing: A Geometric Analysis of Feature Selection and Fast-Mapping in Children’s Category Formation., Cognitive System Research, 12, 1, 1-18. (pdf) [Publications]
- SemanticNetworkPub2011[SemanticNetwork] 日高昇平 (2011). 意味ネットワークの発達., 日本心理学会第75回大会 WS011「概念」 (URL) [Publications]
- TeachingPub2011 日高昇平・白肌邦生(2011) JAISTサマースクール2011「知識科学のフロンティア:生体計測がつなぐ認知神経科学とサービス経営」(web) [Publications]
2010 †
- EyeMovement[EyeMovement]Pub2010 British Psychological Society International Collaboration Award (For the collaborative work with Rachel Wu and D. Yurovsky, British Psychological Society, 2010) [Publications]
- EyeMovement[EyeMovement]Pub2010 Yurovsky, D., Hidaka, S., Yu, C., & Smith, L. B. (2010) Liking Learning to Looking: Habituation and Association in Infant Statistical Language Learning, In Proceedings of The Thirty Second Annual Meeting of Cognitive Science Society, 1589-1594. (pdf) [Publications]
- EyeMovement[EyeMovement]Pub2010 Yurovsky, D., Hidaka, S., Yu, C., & Smith, L. B. (2010). A Generative Model of Eye, Movements in Cross-Situational Learning. XVIIth Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies Baltimore, Maryland, March 10-14, 2010. [Publications]
- NonlinearTimeSeriesLearningInSocialInteractionPub2010[LearningInSocialInteraction] Hidaka, S., & Yu, C. (2010) Analyzing Multimodal Time Series as Dynamical Systems, 12th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces and 7th Workshop on Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction, 53-58 (ICMI-MLMI 2010). [Publications]
- NonlinearTimeSeriesLearningInSocialInteractionPub2010[LearningInSocialInteraction] Hidaka, S., & Yu, C. (2010). Spatio-Temporal Symbolization of Multidimensional Time Series, International Workshop on Spatial and Spatiotemporal Data Mining, 249-256. (SSTDM-10) [Publications]
- NonlinearTimeSeriesLearningInSocialInteractionPub2010[LearningInSocialInteraction] Yu, C., Smith, T.G., Hidaka, S., Scheutz, M., Smith, L.B. A Data-Driven Paradigm to Understand Multimodal Communication in Human-Human and Human-Robot Interaction . In P.R. Cohen, N.M. Adams, M.R. Berthold (Eds.) Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis IX,LNCS 6065 (pp. 232-244). Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.(pdf) [Publications]
- NonlinearTimeSeriesPub2010 Takahashi, K., Hidaka, S & Watanabe, K. (2010). Decoding Subjective Simultaneity from Neuromagnetic Signals, 17th International Conference on Biomagnetism. [Publications]
- SemanticNetworkPub2010 Hidaka, S. (2010) Development of Semantic Network: Evidence from a Forced Choice Association, The Ninth International Conference on Development and Learning. [Publications]
- SemanticNetworkPub2010 Hidaka, S. (2010) Development of the Semantic Network: From a random to a complex network, The Thirty Second Annual Conference of Cognitive Society. [Publications]
- SemanticNetwork[SemanticNetwork]Pub2010 日高 昇平 (2010). 意味の構造的知識の発達:ランダムネットワークから複雑ネットワークへ, O3-4, 日本認知科学会第27回大会発表論文集. [Publications]
- [FastMapping]Pub2010FastMapping Hidaka, S. & Smith, L. B. (2010). Acquisition of a Single Word to a Population of Words, Language Learning and Development, Volume 6, Issue 3, Pages 206 - 222. [Publications]
2009 †
- Pub2009 Tanaka, A., Takezawa, M., Nakamura, K., Hayashi, Y. , Hidaka, S. & Honda, H. (2009). Reports of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society and Cognitive Science in the Netherlands, Cognitive Studies Vol. 16 (2009) , No. 4 pp.532-540.(pdf) [Publications]
- SemanticNetwork[SemanticNetwork]Pub2009 日高 昇平 (2009).自由連想ネットワーク上の幾何学的な性質,日本認知科学会第26回大会発表論文集, 226-227 [Publications]
- VocabGrowth[VocabGrowth]Pub2009 Hidaka, S. (2009). Different Classes of Words are Learned in Different Ways. In Proceedings of The Thirty First Annual Meeting of Cognitive Science Society, 2316-2321.(pdf) (link) [Publications]
- VocabGrowth[VocabGrowth]Pub2009 日高 昇平 (2009). 語彙獲得の月齢分布に基づく語彙学習機構の推定. 日本認知科学会第27回大会発表論文集. [Publications]
- VocabGrowth[VocabGrowth]VocabSizeEstimationPub2009 Hidaka, S. (2009). A Sample-size-invariant Estimation of Lexical Diversity. In Proceedings of The Thirty First Annual Meeting of Cognitive Science Society. [Publications]
2008 †
- FastMappingPub2008[FastMapping] Hidaka, S. & Smith, L. B. (2008) How Features Create Knowledge of Kinds. In Proceedings of The Thirtieth Annual Meeting of Cognitive Science Society, 1029–1035. [Publications]
- FastMapping[FastMapping]Pub2008 日高 昇平 & Smith, L.B. (2008). 自然物体の“種類” に固有な新奇語の汎用. 日本認知科学会第25回大会発表論文集, O4-4. [Publications]
- VerbBody[VerbBody]Pub2008 Maouene, J, Hidaka, S. & Smith, L. B. (2008). Body parts and early-learned verbs., Cognitive Science, 32(7), 1200-1216.(pdf) [Publications]
2007 †
- FastMapping[FastMapping]Pub2007 日高 昇平 & Smith, L. B. (2007). なぜ自然カテゴリは“自然”か:曲面上に詰め込まれたカテゴリ., 日本認知科学会第24回大会発表論文集, 26-31. [Publications]
- Pub2007 日高 昇平 & 齋木 潤 (2007) 視覚的物体の分節化における全体的特徴の発見, 日本認知心理学会発表論文集, Vol. 2007, 19, o2A-5. [Publications]
- Pub2007FastMapping[FastMapping] In English: Hidaka, S. (2007). A geometric model of categorization space for lexical acquisition, Kyoto University. [Publications]
- Pub2007FastMapping[FastMapping] 日高 昇平. (2007) 語彙獲得過程におけるカテゴリ化空間の幾何学的モデル, 京都大学. [Publications]
- VerbBodyPub2007[VerbBody] Smith, L. B. Maouene, J. & Hidaka, S. (2007).The Body and Children’s Word Learning., In Plumert, J. M., Spencer, J. P. (ed.) The Emerging Spatial Mind, 168–192. Oxford University Press. (external) [Publications]
2006 †
- FastMappingPub2006 Hidaka, S. & Saiki, J. (2004), A connectionist account of ontological boundary shifting. ICONIP 2004, Lecture Note in Computer Science 3316, 22–25, Berlin, Springer-Verlag. [Publications]
- FastMappingPub2006 Hidaka, S. & Saiki, J. (2006). Feature discovery in object individuation. In Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Development and Learning. [Publications]
- FastMappingPub2006[FastMapping] Hidaka, S., Saiki, J., & Smith, L. B. (2006). Semantic packing as a core mechanism of category coherence, fast mapping and basic level categories. In Proceedings of The Twenty Eighth Annual Conference of Cognitive Society, 1500–1505. [Publications]
- FastMappingPub2006[FastMapping] Hidaka, S., Saiki, J., & Smith, L. B. (2006). Semantic packing: an account for category coherence. In Proceedings of The Seventh International Conference on Cognitive Modeling, 130–135. [Publications]
- MethodologicalImprovementPub2006[MethodologicalImprovement] Hidaka, S. & Saiki, J. (2006). A solution to current limitations in the analysis of developmental data. In The Fifteenth Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies. [Publications]
- MethodologicalImprovement[MethodologicalImprovement]Pub2006 日高 昇平, 吉田 華子, & 齋木 潤. (2006) 発達研究固有の実験的制約を考慮した定量的分析方法~バイリンガルの新奇語汎化課題に対する応用~., 認知科学, 13(3), 484-487. [Publications]
- VerbBodyPub2006[VerbBody] Maouene, J., Hidaka, S. & Smith, L. B., (2006) Body parts and the first 100 verbs, In Proceedings of The Twenty Eighth Annual Conference of Cognitive Society, 555–560. [Publications]
2005 †
- FastMapping[FastMapping]Pub2005 In English: Hidaka, S. & Saiki, S. (2005). A model study of infants’ novel word categorization., Cognitive Studies, 12, 235-251. [Publications]
- FastMapping[FastMapping]Pub2005 日高 昇平 & 斎木 潤. (2005) 幼児の新奇語カテゴリ化のモデル研究., 認知科学, 12(3), 235-251. (pdf1) [Publications]
- MethodologicalImprovementPub2005 第22回認知科学会発表賞 (日本認知科学会, 2005年12月3日) (link) [Publications]
- MethodologicalImprovementMethodologicalImprovementPub2005 日高 昇平,Hanako Yoshida,齋木 潤 (2005). 発達研究固有の実験的制約を考慮した定量的分析方法 ~バイリンガルの新奇語汎化課題に対する応用~,日本認知科学会第22回大会発表論文集, 224-225. [Publications]
- Pub2005 日高昇平 (2005). 第2回心の処理過程の脳的モデル化研究会 (北海道大学, 2005年1月) [Publications]
2004 †
2003 †
2002 †
In press †
- InPress?Invited 布山美慕・日髙昇平 (2021). 印象の認知の時間変化:主観報告と機械学習の併用による研究. (In 人工知能を用いた五感・認知機能の可視化とメカニズム解明. 9章4節, 技術情報協会.)(link) [Publications]
- Pub2024InPress? Torii, T., Maeda, A., & Hidaka, S. (2024). Distributional hypothesis as isomorphism between word-word co-occurrence and analogical parallelogram.PLoS ONE 19(10): e0312151. (link) [Publications]
Under review †
- UnderReview? Hidaka, S. (under review). Polynomial algorithm for $k$-partition minimization of submodular system with strong symmetry. (arXiv) [Publications]
- UnderReview?NonlinearTimeSeries Hiaka, S. & Kashyap, N.(under review) Pointwise dimension estmator. [Publications]
In preparation †