-- ========================================================== --> file: qlock.mod -- ========================================================== --> LABELconst mod! LABELconst { [LabelConst] ops rm wt cs : -> LabelConst {constr} -- equality over LabelConst op _=_ : LabelConst LabelConst -> Bool {comm} vars Lc1 Lc2 : LabelConst eq (Lc1 = Lc1) = true . ceq Lc1 = Lc2 if Lc1 = Lc2 . -- eq (Lc1 = Lc2) = (Lc1 == Lc2) . -- This equation is the abbreviation of the following three -- equations: -- eq (rm = wt) = false . -- eq (rm = cs) = false . -- eq (wt = cs) = false . -- We suppose that we will not declare any more operators whose -- sort is LabelConst even when we write proof scores. -- } --> LABEL mod* LABEL { pr(LABELconst) [LabelConst < Label] -- -- We may declare operators whose sort is Label. -- op _=_ : Label Label -> Bool {comm} vars L1 L2 : Label eq (L1 = L1) = true . ceq L1 = L2 if L1 = L2 . } --> PID -- generic set of objects with constants and errors mod* PID { [PidConst < Pid, Pid Err < PidErr] -- equality over PidErr op _=_ : PidErr PidErr -> Bool {comm} vars Pe1 Pe2 : PidErr eq (Pe1 = Pe1) = true . ceq Pe1 = Pe2 if Pe1 = Pe2 . -- equality over constants vars Pc1 Pc2 : PidConst eq (Pc1 = Pc2) = (Pc1 == Pc2) . -- error declaration var P : Pid var E : Err eq (E = P) = false . } --> TRIV= -- generic set of objects with constants and errors mod* TRIV= { [EltConst < Elt, Elt Err < EltErr] -- op _=_ : EltErr EltErr -> Bool {comm} vars Ee1 Ee2 : EltErr eq (Ee1 = Ee1) = true . ceq Ee1 = Ee2 if Ee1 = Ee2 . -- vars Ec1 Ec2 : EltConst eq (Ec1 = Ec2) = (Ec1 == Ec2) . -- var El : Elt var Er : Err eq (Er = El) = false . } --> QUEUE mod! QUEUE (D :: TRIV=) { [Empty NeQueue < Queue, Queue Err < Qerr] -- constructors of Queue op empty : -> Empty {constr} op _,_ : Queue Elt.D -> NeQueue {constr} -- equality over QueueErr op _=_ : Qerr Qerr -> Bool {comm} eq (Qe:Qerr = Qe) = true . ceq Qe1:Qerr = Qe2:Qerr if Qe1 = Qe2 . -- eq (empty = Q1:Queue , X:Elt.D) = false . eq (Q1:Queue , X:Elt.D = Q2:Queue , Y:Elt.D) = (Q1 = Q2) and (X = Y) . -- error declaration eq (Er:Err.QUEUE = Q:Queue) = false . -- CafeOBJ variables var Q : Queue vars X Y : Elt.D -- put op put : Elt.D Queue -> NeQueue eq put(X,empty) = empty,X . eq put(X,(Q,Y)) = put(X,Q),Y . -- get op get : Queue -> Qerr op get : NeQueue -> Queue op get : Empty -> Err.QUEUE op get : Err.QUEUE -> Err.QUEUE eq get((Q,X)) = Q . -- top op top : Queue -> EltErr.D op top : NeQueue -> Elt.D op top : Empty -> Err.D op top : Err.QUEUE -> Err.D op top : Qerr -> EltErr.D eq top((Q,X)) = X . -- empty op empty? : Queue -> Bool eq empty?(empty) = true . eq empty?((Q,X)) = false . -- (_ in _) pred (_in_) : Elt.D Queue eq (X in empty) = false . eq (X in (Q,Y)) = ((X = Y) or (X in Q)) . } --> QLOCK mod* QLOCK { pr(LABEL) pr(QUEUE(PID{sort Elt -> Pid, sort EltConst -> PidConst, sort Err -> Err, sort EltErr -> PidErr})) -- state space of QLOCK [Sys] -- observations op pc : Sys Pid -> Label op queue : Sys -> Queue -- initial state of QLOCK op init : -> Sys {constr} -- actions op want : Sys Pid -> Sys {constr} op try : Sys Pid -> Sys {constr} op exit : Sys Pid -> Sys {constr} -- initial state eq pc(init,I:Pid) = rm . eq queue(init) = empty . -- CafeOBJ variables var S : Sys vars I J : Pid -- want op c-want : Sys Pid -> Bool eq c-want(S,I) = (pc(S,I) = rm) . -- ceq pc(want(S,I),J) = (if I = J then wt else pc(S,J) fi) if c-want(S,I) . ceq queue(want(S,I)) = put(I,queue(S)) if c-want(S,I) . ceq want(S,I) = S if not c-want(S,I) . -- try op c-try : Sys Pid -> Bool eq c-try(S,I) = (pc(S,I) = wt and top(queue(S)) = I) . -- ceq pc(try(S,I),J) = (if I = J then cs else pc(S,J) fi) if c-try(S,I) . eq queue(try(S,I)) = queue(S) . ceq try(S,I) = S if not c-try(S,I) . -- exit op c-exit : Sys Pid -> Bool eq c-exit(S,I) = (pc(S,I) = cs) . -- ceq pc(exit(S,I),J) = (if I = J then rm else pc(S,J) fi) if c-exit(S,I) . ceq queue(exit(S,I)) = get(queue(S)) if c-exit(S,I) . ceq exit(S,I) = S if not c-exit(S,I) . } -- ==========================================================