Extra High Quality Audio-Visual System
Important psychophysical factors and their characteristics are under
The transmission of the high order sensation is possible
among the persons who have the same aesthetic sense
and sense of value.
Test images and sound resource are an important part of research.
A pilot model of a special display system for a 36 bit/pixel image and
a pilot model of an extra high quality sound system are set up at the
Audio-Visual Lab. in JAIST.
Prof. R.Algazi(UC/Davis),
Prof. H.Maitre(ENST),
Prof. F.Schmitt(ENST) and Dr. K.Martinez(University of Southermpton)
have visited and admired the quality and presence.
ENST and University. of Southermpton are working with Louvre,
Paris in VASARI Project and London National Gallery
in MARC Project respectively.
The images and sounds reproduced by the Extra High Quality imaging system and
the Extra High Quality sound system should carry high order sensation
such as the realistic, atomospheric and expressiveness
, and move us deeply.
We are investigating the relation of the key assessment word:"image
depth" with the gamma, step response, aliasing, halation,
and the cross modulation among R, G, and B displayed on CRT.
"Extra High Qualty Audio-Visual System for Creation of Future
A-V Works and Two-Way Presence Communication" which is one of JSPS's
big research project for future program has started from April 1997.
Prof. M.Miyahara is the representative of the project.
English papers;
(1)M.Miyahara, T.Ino, H.Shirai, S.Taniho and V.R.Algazi,
"Important Factors to Convey High Order Sensation",
IEICE Trans. Commun. E81-8.11.pp.1966-1973 (1998-11)
(2)T.Ishikawa, Shingo Fuyuki, Makoto Miyahara,
"Investigations and Analysis of Assessment Word for Sound Quality
for the Reproduction of High Order Sensations",
16th International Congress on Acoustics and 135th Meeting Acoustical
Society of America, 2app (1998-06)
(3)M.Miyahara, T.Ino, S.Taniho and V.R.Algazi,"Discovery of Important
Factors to Convey High Order Sensation - Image Depth and
The Related Factors -", IS&T/SPIE's 10th Annual Symposium EI'98,
3308-05 (1998-01)
(4)M.Miyahara, S.Otsuka, S.Taniho and V.R.Algazi,
"Reproduction of High Order Sensation on a Display
and Cross Modulation among R, G and B", AIC 97 Kyoto, B2-030-01 (1997-05)
(5)M.Miyahara, S.Otsuka, S.Taniho and V.R.Algazi,
"An Extra High Quality Imaging System", IS&T/SPIE
Symposium on Electric Imaging, 3025-03 (1997-02)
(6)M.Miyahara,"Uniform Lightness-Chromaticness Scale System and Important
Physical Factors for the Display of Extra HD Images in Multimedeia",
ASIA Display, pp.679-682 (1995-10)
Picture Quality Scale (PQS)
(1)M.Miyahara, K.Kotani, and V.R.Algazi, "Objective Picture Quality
Scale(PQS) for Image Coding", IEEE Trans. on Commun,
46, 9, pp.1215-1226, (1998-09)
(2)K.Kotani, Q,Gan, M.Miyahara and V.R.Algazi,"Objective Picture Quality Scale
for Color Imaging Coding", PCS'94 Sacramento, 4-04 (1994-09)
(3)M.Miyahara,"Quality Assessments for Visual Service", IEEE Commun.Magazine,
26, 10, pp.51-60 (1988-10)