Log formats of Wcol-E and its example

Goto examples


Wcol-E, the prefetching proxy server writes logfile. Using logfile analysis, you will know number of access, traffic and fashion of users. This page shows its format and examples.


Log types

Select log-type which you want. Type is located in 7th field in specified logfile or system logfile.


deamons log

     1 time(sec.usec)
     2 START
     3 version of Wcol-E
     4 ID of information format
     5 mode, PROXY/CATALYST
     1 time(sec.usec)
     2 END
     3 version of Wcol-E
     4 ID of information format

sessions log

Generic pattern:

     1 time(sec.usec)
     2 session, FETCH/SEND/PREFETCH
     3 service port
     4 peer-address (client or child proxy)
     5 request protocol, HTTP/ICP
     6 request protocol version
     7 no-cache ('n' if no-cache)
     8 if-modified-since[IMS] ('*' if specified time)
     9 auth ('X' if authorized)
    10 method, GET/HEAD/POST
    11 URL
    12 HTTP response-code
    13 content-type
    14 size to client (bytes)
    15 response time to client (msec)
    16 :


     1 time(sec.usec)
     2 session, FETCH
     3 service port
     4 peer-address (client or child proxy)
     5 request protocol, HTTP
     6 request protocol version
     7 no-cache ('n' if no-cache)
     8 if-modified-since[IMS] ('*' if specified time)
     9 auth ('X' if authorized)
    10 method, GET/HEAD/POST
    11 URL
    12 HTTP response-code
    13 content-type
    14 size to client (bytes)
    15 response time to client (msec)
    16 :
    17 server-type, ORIGIN/PARENT/SIBLING
    18 server
    19 server-port
    20 size from server (bytes)
    21 response time from server (msec)
     1 time(sec.usec)
     2 session, PREFETCH
     3 service port
     4 peer-address (client or child proxy)
     5 request protocol, HTTP
     6 request protocol version
     7 no-cache ('n' if no-cache)
     8 if-modified-since[IMS] ('*' if specified time)
     9 auth ('X' if authorized)
    10 method, GET/HEAD/POST
    11 URL
    12 HTTP response-code
    13 content-type
    14 size to client (bytes)
    15 response time to client (msec)
    16 :
    17 server-type, ORIGIN/PARENT/SIBLING
    18 server
    19 server-port
    20 size from server (bytes)
    21 response time from server (msec)
     1 time(sec.usec)
     2 session, SEND
     3 service port
     4 peer-address (client or child proxy)
     5 request protocol, HTTP
     6 request protocol version
     7 no-cache ('n' if no-cache)
     8 if-modified-since[IMS] ('*' if specified time)
     9 auth ('X' if authorized)
    10 method, GET/HEAD/POST
    11 URL
    12 HTTP response-code
    13 content-type
    14 size to client (bytes)
    15 response time to client (msec)
    16 :
    17 date-source, CACHE
    18 -
    19 -1
    20 size from server (bytes)
    21 response time from server (msec)
    22 :
    23 reason, FETCH/PREFETCH
    24 apperence count
     1 time(sec.usec)
     2 session, ERROR
     3 service port
     4 peer-address (client or child proxy)
     5 request protocol, HTTP
     6 request protocol version
     7 no-cache ('n' if no-cache)
     8 if-modified-since[IMS] ('*' if specified time)
     9 auth ('X' if authorized)
    10 method, GET/HEAD/POST
    11 URL
    12 HTTP response-code
    13 content-type
    14 size to client (bytes)
    15 response time to client (msec)
    16 :


     1 time(sec.usec)
     2 session, QUERY
     3 service port
     4 peer-address (client or sibling proxy)
     5 request protocol, ICP
     6 request protocol version
     7 no-cache ('n' if no-cache)
     8 if-modified-since[IMS] ('*' if specified time)
     9 auth ('X' if authorized)
    10 method, QUERY
    11 URL
    12 response, HIT/MISS
    13 -
    14 size to client (bytes)
    15 -
    16 :

GC (Garbage Collector)

     1 GC
     2 START
     3 time (sec)
     4 buffer legth for GC
     5 path of GC working file
     1 GC
     2 END
     3 time (sec)
     4 take time for GC
     5 cache size after GC
     6 cache size before GC
     7 cache size before GC (directories)
     8 cache size before GC (files)
     9 cache legth before GC (number of files)
    10 size of expired unused cache


HTTP (miss hit) 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 873759677.630336 FETCH 9000 HTTP 1.0 - - - GET http://www.sfc.wide.ad.jp:80/~miyagawa 301 text/html 478 221 : ORIGIN www.sfc.wide.ad.jp 80 374 218 time(sec.usec) port peer-address ver method URL code c-type size res s-type server port size res HTTP (hit) 16 19 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 20 21 23 24 873759681.042464 SEND 9000 HTTP 1.0 - - - GET http://www.sfc.wide.ad.jp:80/~miyagawa/dic/index.html 200 text/html 1700 2 : CACHE - -1 1581 672 : PREFETCH 1 HTTP (prefetch(miss hit)) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 873759679.487715 PREFETCH - - - - - - - GET http://www.sfc.wide.ad.jp:80/~miyagawa/dic/index.html 200 text/html 0 1298 : ORIGIN www.sfc.wide.ad.jp 80 1581 672
Ken-ichi Chinen