This page was created by the Report Generator tool, a part of the Web Polygraph performance benchmark.

1. Executive summary

Response time:2202.94msec
- misses:2712.16msec
- hits:176.77msec
Hit Ratio:19.46%

Phases: framp|fill|fexit|inc1|top1|dec1|idle|inc2|top2|dec2

2. Engineer summary

1.00 logs were used to generate this report.

Load Count
Offered: 135.44 11.53
Measured: 135.44 11.53

Hit Ratios DHR
Offered: 28.79 30.16
Measured: 19.46 17.49

Cachability Ratios Count
Measured: 80.14 83.65

Response Times Response Time (msec)
Min Median Mean Max
hit 0.00 88.50 176.77 14876.00
miss 4.00 2667.50 2712.16 57531.00
ims.sc200 1.00 1941.50 1917.45 39180.00
ims.sc304 4.00 2715.50 2747.59 82444.00
cachable 0.00   2109.85 57531.00
uncachable 4.00   2658.67 50577.00
fill 4.00   2729.67 57531.00
basic 0.00 2339.50 2218.86 57531.00
ims 1.00 1979.50 1935.77 82444.00
reload 4.00 2755.50 2783.73 22195.00
rep 0.00 2327.50 2202.94 82444.00

Wait Queue requests
Average length:126.04

Stream Rates Count
hit 26.36 2.02
miss 109.08 9.52
ims.sc200 14.84 1.27
ims.sc304 0.33 0.00
cachable 108.54 9.65
uncachable 26.90 1.89
fill 70.68 6.58
basic 116.47 9.94
ims 15.18 1.27
reload 3.79 0.33
rep 135.44 11.53

Stream Totals Count
hit 1.54 14.45
miss 6.39 68.20
ims.sc200 1.01 10.54
ims.sc304 0.02 0.00
cachable 6.36 69.14
uncachable 1.58 13.52
fill 4.82 54.69
basic 7.94 82.65
ims 1.03 10.54
reload 0.26 2.72
rep 9.23 95.91

Connection Length Min Mean Max
Use (xact/conn) 1.00 1.00 1.00
Life time (msec) 0.00 2202.94 82444.00

Object Sizes Size (KB)
Min Median Mean Max
hit 1.25 5.62 9.82 363.51
miss 0.38 5.09 11.19 4703.71
ims.sc200 0.38 5.20 10.93 2968.44
ims.sc304 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
cachable 1.25   11.40 4641.71
uncachable 0.38   8.99 4703.71
fill 1.25   11.91 4641.71
basic 0.38 5.21 10.92 4703.71
ims 0.10 5.02 10.69 2968.44
reload 0.39 5.19 11.04 3308.82
rep 0.10 5.19 10.90 4703.71

Object Class Contribution (%)
Count Volume
hit 19.46 17.49
miss 80.54 82.51
ims.sc200 10.96 10.99
ims.sc304 0.25 0.00
cachable 80.14 83.65
uncachable 19.86 16.35
fill 52.18 57.02
basic 86.00 86.18
ims 11.21 10.99
reload 2.80 2.83
rep 100.00 100.00

Errors (0.00% of all transactions):

#errno  count count% explanation
   263     65  26.10 "premature end of msg body"
   267    152  61.04 "unsupported HTTP status code"
   276     32  12.85 "hit on reload request"

Potential problems:

  1. Measured document hit ratio (19.46%) differs from the offered DHR (28.79%) by -32.41%.
  2. Measured byte hit ratio (17.49%) differs from the offered BHR (30.16%) by -42.01%.
  3. Reported fill count contribution (52.18%) does not match `cachable miss' estimation (60.68%).
  4. Reported fill volume contribution (57.02%) does not match `cachable miss' estimation (66.16%).

3. Traces

Generated on Wed Nov 22 10:04:10 2000 by ./make_report t2-11210219