List of documents for KOTETU
The performance of Kotetu is depend on your configuration.
This page shows tips and memo for your configuration.
- Disk:
Kotetu eliminate most of file operation overhead
with some techniques.
(1.2 and later,
1.5 and later)
OS: (not available)
--- We use Linux 2.2.x and 2.4.x
Network: (not available)
--- We use FastEthernet (100Mbps duplex)
Threads/Processes: (not availabe)
The version and release of kotetu is controlled by package name
(e.g., 'kotetu-work.200105111445.tar.gz').
Please tell me package name you use when you contact us.
The version number is changed in large modification.
- nonumbers - obsolted, early version.
Very fast but very low hit-ratio because it is implemented
using memory caching.
It is not match multi users and long term operations.
- 1.0 - obsolted, first release.
- 1.1 - obsolted, disk access tuned.
- 1.2 - current, file packing.
- 1.3 - tryal, some swapper technique. Don't use.
- 1.4 - next trial
- 1.5 - fs balancement
During several years, prototype is called 'FALCON'.
- Presentation material for IEEE SMC '01 (2001/Oct/07) :
(PDF is available.
But my PDF enviroment is poor. It may disappoints you)