研究業績 (2005. 7. 4現在)
- 1995(平成7)年度
- 大西孝明、岩原玲児、森脇弘幸、渡久山佳和、坂井 穣、今井捷三:
- 岩原玲児、大西孝明、斉藤 清、岩尾成浩、坂井穣、今井捷三:
- 坂井穣、岩原玲児、大西孝明、斉藤 清、岩尾成浩、今井捷三:
“YBCO /A1-xCaxMnO3+y /YBCO (A=La,Pr) 接合の製作”、
- 1996(平成8)年度
- 坂井穣、日置純一、佐々木貴博、今井捷三:
“YBCO /Pr1-xCaxMnO3+y /YBCO接合の評価”、第57回応用物理学会学術講演会7a-SKA-15
- 坂井穣、佐々木貴博、日置純一、斎藤英朗、今井捷三:
“Pr1-xCaxMnO3+y /YBa2Cu3O7-y積層膜の3次元組成分析”
- 日置純一、佐々木貴博、辻浦祥司、山口徹、坂井穣、今井捷三:
- 坂井穣、日置純一、辻浦祥司、山口徹、今井捷三:
“YBCO /Pr1-xCaxMnO3+y /YBCO接合のジョセフソン特性”
- 1997(平成9)年度
- 山口徹、辻浦祥司、坂井穣、今井捷三:
- 辻浦祥司、山口徹、坂井穣、今井捷三:
- 相馬英博、金子護、世古和幸、坂井穣、今井捷三:
- 坂井穣、辻浦祥司、山口徹、松岡史哲、岩崎秀夫、今井捷三:
- 1998(平成10)年度
- 坂井穣、グエン・ティ・ホア・ホン、今井捷三:
- 大園修司、坂井穣、玉田敬祐、和気康弘、北川篤史、寺井恒太、今井捷三:
“YBa2Cu3O7-y /Pr1-xCaxMnO3-z /YBa2Cu3O7-y積層型接合の作製”、
- 坂井穣、増田淳、松村英樹:
- 坂井穣、大園修司、玉田敬祐、和気康弘、北川篤史、寺井恒太、今井捷三:
“YBa2Cu3O7-y /Pr1-xCaxMnO3-z /YBa2Cu3O7-y積層型接合作製技術の検討”、
- 1999(平成11)年度
- A. Masuda, J. Sakai and H. Matsumura:
"Novel thin-film fabrication method combining pulsed laser ablation and catalytic chemical vapor deposition: Application to preparation of Er-doped hydrogenated amorphous Si films", 5th International Symposium on Sputtering & Plasma Processes (1999.6.16 Kanazawa Institute of Technology)
- A. Masuda, J. Sakai and H. Matsumura: "Novel deposition technique of
Er-doped a-Si:H combined catalytic CVD and pulsed laser ablation", 18th
International Conference of Amorphous and Microcrystalline
Semiconductors (ICAMS 18) (Snowbird, USA, Aug. 22- 27, 1999)
- 寺井恒太、坂井穣、今井捷三:
- Nguyen Hoa Hong, Joe Sakai and Syozo Imai:
"Magnetoresistance in Sr and Ba-doped LCMO thin films"、
- 北川篤史、坂井穣、今井捷三:
“Pr1-xCaxMnO3-z /YBa2Cu3O7-y積層膜の電界効果”、
- 世古和幸、坂井穣、今井捷三:
- 坂井穣、増田淳、秋山治大、江龍修、中嶋堅志郎、松村英樹:
作製(II)”、第60回応用物理学会学術講演会 3p-ZF-6(合同セッションA)(1999年9月3日、甲南大)
- Nguyen Hoa Hong, Joe Sakai, Hideo Iwasaki and Syozo Imai:
"Magnetoresistance in La0.45Ba0.05Ca0.5MnO3-y thin films"
the Third International Workshop on Materials Science(IWOMS '99)
(Hanoi, Nov.2-4, 1999).
- Nguyen Hoa Hong, Joe Sakai and Syozo Imai:
"Electronic and magnetic properties of La0.4Ba0.1Ca0.5MnO3-y
thin films",
44th Annual Conference on Magnetism & Magnetic Materials
(San Jose, Nov.15-18, 1999).
- 玉田敬祐,坂井穣,今井捷三:“PLD法によるNd0.5Ba0.5MnOz薄膜の作製”
- 北川篤史、酒井優、平尾達也、坂井穣、今井捷三:
- 増田淳、坂井穣、秋山治大、江龍修、中嶋堅志郎、松村英樹:
- 坂井穣、和気康弘、今井捷三:
第47回応用物理学関係連合講演会 30a-E-1(2000年3月30日、青学大)
- 寺井恒太、酒井優、平尾達也、坂井穣、今井捷三:
第47回応用物理学関係連合講演会 30p-E-6(2000年3月30日、青学大)
- 坂井穣、北川篤史、酒井優、平尾達也、今井捷三:
第47回応用物理学関係連合講演会 31a-E-12(2000年3月31日、青学大)
- Nguyen Hoa Hong, Joe Sakai and Syozo Imai:
"Ferromagnetism above room temperature in Ba-doped La-Ca-Mn-O thin films",
第47回応用物理学関係連合講演会 31a-E-14(2000年3月31日、青学大)
- 2000(平成12)年度
- J. Sakai, A. Kitagawa, K. Terai, K. Tamada, M. Sakai, T. Hirao and S. Imai:
"Field effect in perovskite type manganite/high-Tc superconductor
bilayered films",
Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC2000) (Virginia Beach, Virginia USA,
September 18, 2000)
- 坂井穣、酒井優、今井捷三:“NdBa2Cu3O7-δ/ Nd0.5Ba0.5MnO3/ NdBa2Cu3O7-δ
ランプエッジ接合の作製”平成12年度日本物理学会北陸支部・応用物理学会北陸信越支部合同講演会 V-18
- 坂井穣、酒井優、平尾達也、今井捷三:“PCMO/ YBCO 積層膜の格子歪みと電界効果”
平成12年度日本物理学会北陸支部・応用物理学会北陸信越支部合同講演会 V-19
- Hoa Hong Nguyen, Joe Sakai, and Syozo Imai:
"Ferromagnetism at room temperature in La-Ba-Ca-Mn-O thin films",
The 8th Joint MMM-Intermag Conference (San Antonio, Texas USA, January 9, 2001)
- 林煕重、安正宣、坂井穣、三谷忠興、南泰鉉:
Ti-Ni 薄膜の製作”第48回応用物理学関係連合講演会 28a-P1-27
- 2001(平成13)年度
- 坂井穣、村上達也、松倉和紀、今井捷三:
“PCMO 接合2次元アレイにおける電界効果のマッピング”
第62回応用物理学会学術講演会 11p-H-6(2001年9月11日、愛知工業大)
- 岡義之、坂井穣、今井捷三、N.T.H.Hong:
“Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 の Ba ドープによる絶縁体−金属転移”
第62回応用物理学会学術講演会 11p-H-7(2001年9月11日、愛知工業大)
- 村上達也、折井亮子、松倉和紀、宮地晃平、坂井穣、今井捷三:
“La0.35Ba0.1Ca0.55MnO3 /
YBa2Cu3O7-y 積層膜の電界効果”
第62回応用物理学会学術講演会 11p-H-8(2001年9月11日、愛知工業大)
- 寺島亮、世古和幸、市川佳子、坂井穣、今井捷三:
“磁性バリアを用いた窒化ニオブ SIS 接合の作製”
第62回応用物理学会学術講演会 13p-L-5(2001年9月13日、愛知工業大)
- 世古和幸、市川佳子、寺島亮、坂井穣、今井捷三:
“Al バッファ層を用いた NiOx 磁性障壁層 SIS 接合の作製”
第62回応用物理学会学術講演会 13p-L-6(2001年9月13日、愛知工業大)
- 市川佳子、世古和幸、寺島亮、坂井穣、今井捷三:
“障壁層に磁性体酸化物 CrOx を用いた SIS 接合の作製”
第62回応用物理学会学術講演会 13p-L-7(2001年9月13日、愛知工業大)
- K. Seko, Y. Ichikawa, R. Terajima, J. Sakai and S.Imai:
"Fabrication of Niobium SIS Junctions with a Magnetic Barrier NiOx"
The 14th International Symposium on Superconductivity, FDP-3 (27
Sept. 2001, International Conference Center Kobe)
- 2002(平成14)年度
- T. Murakami, Y. Hozumi, K. Kurata, J. Sakai and S. Imai: "Field Effect of
Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 Thin Films in Ramp-type Junctions with
YBa2Cu3O7-z Electrodes"
Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC2002), 4EG07 (Houston,
August 8, 2002)
- 坂井穣:“ペロブスカイト型Mn酸化物のデバイス展開”
- 坂井穣、今井捷三:“電極層上のPCMO薄膜の酸素量と格子定数”
第63回応用物理学会学術講演会 24p-P5-8(2002年9月24日、新潟大)
- 村上達也、穂積康文、坂井穣、今井捷三:
第63回応用物理学会学術講演会 24p-P5-9(2002年9月24日、新潟大)
- R. Terajima, K. Seko, J. Sakai and S. Imai: "Fabrication of NbN
Tunnel Junctions with a Magnetic Barrier"
The 15th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2002),
FDP-3 (Yokohama, November 13, 2002)
- J. Sakai and S. Imai: "Evaluation of Oxygen Content in
Perovskite-type Manganite / YBCO Bilayered Films"
The 15th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2002),
FDP-38 (Yokohama, November 13, 2002)
- J. Sakai: "Device application of charge-ordered perovskite-type manganites"
The Second Joint Workshop on Advanced Materials Science and
Technology (AMST '03), 11a-3 (JAIST, March 11, 2003)
- 岡田真知、坂井穣、今井捷三:
第50回応用物理学関係連合講演会 28a-L-9(2003年3月28日、神奈川大)
- 村上達也、坂井穣、今井捷三:
第50回応用物理学関係連合講演会 28a-ZH-10(2003年3月28日、神奈川大)
- 2003(平成15)年度
- 寺島亮、小野秀臣、坂井穣、今井捷三:“磁性バリアを用いた窒化ニオブSIS接合の作製 (II)”
第64回応用物理学会学術講演会 2a-N-2(2003年9月2日、福岡大)
- 寺島亮、小野秀臣、柴田亜一路、坂井穣、今井捷三:“磁性バリアを用いた窒化ニオブSIS接合の作製”
JAIST International Symposium on Nano Technology 2003 (NT2003), P10 (Tatsunokuchi, September 12, 2003)
- 坂井穣、今井捷三:“Pr1-xCaxMnO3 薄膜の温度可変X線回折測定”
JAIST International Symposium on Nano Technology 2003 (NT2003), P16 (Tatsunokuchi, September 12, 2003)
- 村上達也、坂井穣、今井捷三:“ペロブスカイト型Mn 酸化物を用いた微小面積における電界効果”
JAIST International Symposium on Nano Technology 2003 (NT2003), P17 (Tatsunokuchi, September 12, 2003)
- 中榮穣、酒井敏彦、坂井穣、今井捷三、山本良之、堀秀信:“抵抗メモリーの電気的特性”
- 坂井穣、今井捷三:“Pr1-xCaxMnO3 薄膜の高抵抗転移と磁気特性”
- 坂井穣、今井捷三:“ペロブスカイト酸化物基板の構造相転移”
平成15年度応用物理学会北陸・信越支部学術講演会 1E-5(2003年12月13日、北陸先端大)
- 柴田亜一路、寺島亮、畠中幸平、坂井穣、今井捷三:“磁性バリアを用いた窒化ニオブSIS接合の作製”
平成15年度応用物理学会北陸・信越支部学術講演会 1E-7(2003年12月13日、北陸先端大)
- Joe Sakai, Yoshiyuki Yamamoto, Hidenobu Hori, and Syozo Imai: "Magnetic phase and transport
property of Pr1-xCaxMnO3 thin films" '04MMM-Intermag joint meeting (Anaheim, CA, January 8, 2004)
- Nguyen Hoa Hong, Wilfrid Prellier, Joe Sakai and Antoine Ruyter: "Substrate effects on the room
temperature ferromagnetism in Co-doped TiO2 thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition", '04MMM-Intermag joint meeting (Anaheim, CA, January 9, 2004)
- 寺島亮、柴田亜一路、坂井穣、今井捷三:“磁性トンネルバリアを持つNbN接合の製作”
第2回超伝導・低温工学若手合同講演会 7(2004年1月16日、大阪市立大)
- Joe Sakai and Syozo Imai: "Formation of Perovskite-type Oxide / Electrode / Si Substrate Structures" The 12th Seoul International Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Applicationws (ISPSA-2004) (Gyeongju, Korea, March 15, 2004)
- 2004(平成16)年度
- 村上達也、坂井穣、今井捷三: “ペロブスカイト型Mn酸化物を用いた微小面積における電界効果(3)”
第65回応用物理学会学術講演会 1a-H-1(2004年9月1日、東北学院大)
- Joe Sakai and Syozo Imai: "Resistance Memory Effect of Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3 / YBa2Cu3O7 Junctions"
JAIST International Symposium on Nano Technology 2004, P4 (JAIST, Sep. 9, 2004)
- Joe Sakai and Syozo Imai: "Room-temperature Resistance Switching and Temperature Hysteresis of Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3 Junctions" 49th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM04), AT-09 (Jacksonville, FL, Nov. 8, 2004)
- A. Ruyter, H. Nguyen, W. Prellier and J. Sakai: "Magnetic Force Microscopy Study on V:TiO2 and Cr:TiO2 Thin Films: Direct Evidences of a Diluted Magnetic Structure" 49th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM04), FB-07 (Jacksonville, FL, Nov. 8, 2004)
- H. Nguyen, J. Sakai and A. Hassini: "Magnetic Properties of V-doped ZnO Thin Films" 49th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM04), HP-07 (Jacksonville, FL, Nov. 8, 2004)
- 村上達也、山本浩史、藤野優作、坂井穣、今井捷三: “ペロブスカイト型Mn酸化物を用いた微小面積における電界効果(4)” 第52回応用物理学関係連合講演会 31a-K-4(2005年3月31日、埼玉大)
- 2005(平成17)年度
- Nguyen Hoa Hong, Joe Sakai, Antoine Ruyter, Wilfrid Prellier, Awatef Hassini and Virginie Brize: "Ferromagnetic Transition-metal-doped Tin Dioxide Thin Films" 2005 IEEE International Magnetics Conference (Intermag 2005), DA-04 (Nagoya, April 6, 2005)
- Shin-ichi Ito, Kenji Takahashi, Shoji Okamoto, I. P. Koutsaroff, A. Cervin-Lawry, Joe Sakai, Nobuaki Ito, and Hiroshi Funakubo: "Dielectric Property of BST Films Prepared on SrRuO3/Pt Hybrid Electrode" International Symposium on Integrated Ferroelectrics (ISIF 2005), 8-9-C (Shanghai, China, April 18, 2005)
- 1993(平成5)年
- J. Sakai, G. Mizutani and S. Ushioda: "Bonding of O2, CO2, and CO on a Cs/p-GaAs(100) surface and its relation to negative electron affinity", Surf. Sci. 283 (1993) 217-220.
- J. Sakai, G. Mizutani and S. Ushioda: "Thermal desorption spectra of Cs and As species from Cs+O2/n-GaAs(100) coadsorbed surfaces", Appl. Surf. Sci. 64 (1993) 275-281.
- H. Sano, J. Sakai, G. Mizutani and S. Ushioda: "Raman scattering from triimethylaluminum (TMA) : Free and adsorbed molecules on GaAs(100)", Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 64/65 (1993) 865-870.
- 1996(平成8)年
- T. Yamauchi, Y. Sonoda, K. Sakamoto, S. Ushioda, H. Sano,
J. Sakai and G. Mizutani: "Surface SHG and photoemission from Cs/p-GaAs
and the Cs/O2/p-GaAs coadsorbed system", Surf. Sci. 363 (1996), 385-390.
- 1998(平成10)年
- J. Sakai, J. Hioki, T. Ohnishi, T. Yamaguchi and S. Imai:
"YBa2Cu3O7-z /Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3+y /YBa2Cu3O7-z sandwich type
Josephson junctions", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Pt.1, 37 (1998) 3286-3289.
- 1999(平成11)年
- A. Masuda, J. Sakai and H. Matsumura: "Novel deposition technique of
Er-doped a-Si:H combined catalytic CVD and pulsed laser ablation",
Proceedings of The 18th International Conference of Amorphous and
Microcrystalline Semiconductors (ICAMS 18) (Snowbird, USA, Aug. 22- 27,
- N. H. Hong, J. Sakai, H. Iwasaki and S. Imai: "Magnetoresistance in
La0.45Ba0.05Ca0.5MnO3-y thin films", Proceedings of The Third
International Workshop on Materials Science (IWOMS '99) (Hanoi, Nov.2-4,
1999), p.403.
- 2000(平成12)年
- A. Masuda, J. Sakai and H. Matsumura: "Novel thin-film fabrication
method combining pulsed laser ablation and catalytic chemical vapor
deposition: application to preparation of Er-doped hydrogenated
amorphous Si films", Vacuum 59 (2000) 635-640.
- N. H. Hong, J. Sakai and S. Imai: "Electronic and magnetic properties
of La0.4Ba0.1Ca0.5MnO3-y thin films", J. Appl. Phys.
87 (2000) 5600-5602.
- A. Masuda, J. Sakai, H. Akiyama, O. Eryu, K. Nakashima and H. Matsumura:
"Novel deposition technique of Er-doped a-Si:H combining catalytic chemical
vapor deposition and pulsed laser-ablation", J. Non-Cryst. Solids 266-269
(2000) 136-140.
- 2001(平成13)年
- J. Sakai, A. Kitagawa, K. Tamada, M. Sakai, T. Hirao and S. Imai:
"Field effect in perovskite type manganite films on high-Tc superconductor",
IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 11 (2001) 248-251.
- N. H. Hong, J. Sakai and S. Imai: "Ferromagnetism at room temperature
in La-Ba-Ca-Mn-O thin films", J. Appl. Phys. 89 (2001) 6976-6978.
- J. Sakai, A. Kitagawa and S. Imai: "Switching effect perpendicular to
the plane of Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3-y thin films", J. Appl. Phys. 90 (2001) 1410-1413.
- 2002(平成14)年
- Kazuyuki Seko, Yoshiko Ichikawa, Ryo Terajima, Joe Sakai and Syozo Imai:
"Fabrication of Niobium SIS Junctions with a Magnetic Tunneling Barrier NiOx",
Physica C 378-381, pt.2 (2002) 1310-1313.
- K. Seko, Y. Ichikawa, R. Terajima, J. Sakai and S. Imai:
"Fabrication of niobium superconductor-insulator-superconductor
junctions with a magnetic tunneling barrier NiOx for millimeter and
submillimeter mixer applications", J. Appl. Phys. 92 (2002) 2810-2815.
- 2003(平成15)年
- Nguyen Hoa Hong, Syozo Imai, Joe Sakai and Hideo Iwasaki:
"Effects of Ba doping on physical properties of La-Ca-Mn-O thin
films", J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 15 (2003) 1.
- Nguyen Hoa Hong, Joe Sakai, Jacques Noudem, et al.:
"Anomalous behavior in
La0.7Ba0.1Ca0.2Mn0.9Ru0.1O3 thin films",
Phys. Rev. B 67 (2003) 134412.
- Joe Sakai and Syozo Imai:
"Evaluation of oxygen content in perovskite-type manganite/ YBCO
bilayered films", Physica C 392-396 (2003) 1342-1345.
- Ryo Terajima, Kazuyuki Seko, Joe Sakai and Syozo Imai:
"Fabrication of NbN tunnel junctions with a magnetic barrier",
Physica C 392-396 (2003) 1382-1386.
- J. Sakai and S. Imai, "Observation of unrecoverable domains in two-dimensional-arrayed Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3-y junctions", Appl. Surf. Sci. 220, 1-4 (2003) 251-258.
- N. H. Hong, J. Sakai, W. Prellier and A. Hassini, "Co distribution in rutile ferromagnetic Co-doped TiO2 thin films grown by laser ablation on silicon substrates" Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, 15 (2003) 3129-3131.
- N. H. Hong, J. Sakai, J. G. Noudem, A. Hassini, F. Gervais and M. Gervais, "Ru-doped La0.7(Ba-Ca)0.3MnO3 thin films: Indirect Evidence of Phase Separation" J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. 15 (2003) 6527-6536.
- N. H. Hong, J. Sakai, A. Hassini, J. Noudem, M. Gervais and F. Gervais, "Doping Ru/Cr on B-site of La-(Ba-Ca)-Mn-O thin films: driving insulator-to-metal transition temperature far apart from Curie temperature" Mater. Sci. Eng. B 104 (2003) 137 - 140.
- T. Murakami, J. Sakai and S. Imai, "Electric-field-induced insulator-metal transition in Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 thin films in ramp-type junctions", J. Appl. Phys. 94 (2003) 6549 - 6551.
- 2004(平成16)年
- N. H. Hong, J. Sakai, J. G. Noudem, F. Gervais and M. Gervais, "Ru doped La0.7(Ba-Ca)0.3MnO3 thin films: Unexpected Ferromagnetic Insulating Phase and Positive Magnetoresistance", J. Mag. Mag. Mater. 272 - 276 (2004) 1826 - 1828.
- Joe Sakai, Yoshiyuki Yamamoto, Hidenobu Hori, and Syozo Imai: "Magnetic phase and transport property of Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3 thin films", J. Appl. Phys. 95 (2004) 7094 - 7096.
- Nguyen Hoa Hong, Awatef Hassini, Joe Sakai, Jacques G. Noudem, Monique Gervais, and Fran腔is Gervais:
"An enhancement of the ferromagnetic volume fraction in La0.9Ba0.1Mn1-xCrxO3 thin films"
Mater. Sci. Eng. B 107 (2004) 305 - 309.
- Nguyen Hoa Hong, Wilfrid Prellier, Joe Sakai and Antoine Ruyter: "Substrate effects on the room temperature ferromagnetism in Co-doped TiO2 thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition", J. Appl. Phys. 95 (2004) 7378 - 7380.
- Joe Sakai, Atsushi Masuda, Haruo Akiyama, Osamu Eryu, Kenshiro Nakashima and Hideki Matsumura: "Correlation between O / Er Content Ratio and Photoluminescence Intensity of (Er, O)-Doped Hydrogenated Amorphous Si Thin Films Prepared by a Catalytic Chemical Vapor Deposition / Laser Ablation Hybrid Process", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Pt. 1 43 (2004) 4198 - 4201.
- Nguyen Hoa Hong, Joe Sakai and W. Prellier: "Distribution of dopant in Fe:TiO2 and Ni:TiO2 thin films", J. Mag. Mag. Mater. 281 (2004) 347 - 352.
- Nguyen Hoa Hong, Joe Sakai, W. Prellier, Awatef Hassini, Antoine Ruyter, and Fran腔is Gervais: "Ferromagnetism in transition-metal-doped TiO2 thin films" Phys. Rev. B 70 (2004) 195204.
- Joe Sakai and Syozo Imai: "Formation of Perovskite-type Oxide / Electrode / Si Substrate Structures" J. Korean Phys. Soc. 45 (2004) S752 - S755.
- Hoa Hong Nguyen, Antoine Ruyter, W. Prellier, and Joe Sakai: "Room temperature ferromagnetism in anatase Ti0.95Cr0.05O2 thin films: Clusters or not?" Appl. Phys. Lett. 85 (2004) 6212.
- Nguyen Hoa Hong, Joe Sakai, and Awatef Hassini, "Ferromagnetism at room temperature with a large magnetic moment in anatase V-doped TiO2 thin films" Appl. Phys. Lett. 84 (2004) 2602 - 2604.
- Nguyen Hoa Hong, W. Prellier, Joe Sakai, and Awatef Hassini, "Fe- and Ni-doped TiO2 thin films grown on LaAlO3 and SrTiO3 substrates by laser ablation" Appl. Phys. Lett. 84 (2004) 2850 - 2852.
- 2005(平成17)年
- Nguyen Hoa Hong, Joe Sakai, and Awatef Hassini: "Magnetism in V-doped ZnO thin films" J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 17 (2005) 199 - 204.
- Nguyen Hoa Hong, Joe Sakai, W. Prellier and Antoine Ruyter: "Room temperature ferromagnetism in anatase Ti0.95V0.05O2 thin films" Physica B 355 (2005) 295 - 298.
- Joe Sakai and Syozo Imai: "Room-temperature resistance switching and temperature hysteresis of Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3 junctions" J. Appl. Phys. 97 (2005) 10H709.
- Nguyen Hoa Hong, Joe Sakai, Nathalie Poirot, and Antoine Ruyter, "Laser ablated Ni-doped HfO2 thin films: Room temperature ferromagnets" Appl. Phys. Lett. 86 (2005) 242505.
- Nguyen Hoa Hong, Joe Sakai, and Awatef Hassini, "Magnetic properties of V-doped ZnO thin films" J. Appl. Phys. 97 (2005) 10D312.
- Nguyen Hoa Hong, Antoine Ruyter, Fran腔is Gervais, W. Prellier, and Joe Sakai, "Magnetic structure of V:TiO2 and Cr:TiO2 thin films from magnetic force microscopy measurements" J. Appl. Phys. 97 (2005) 10D323.
- Nguyen Hoa Hong, and Joe Sakai, "Ferromagnetic V-doped SnO2 thin films" Physica B 358 (2005) 265 - 268.
- Nguyen Hoa Hong, Joe Sakai, W Prellier, and Antoine Ruyter, "Room temperature ferromagnetism in laser ablated transition-metal-doped TiO2 thin films on various types of substrates" J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 38 (2005) 816 - 821.
- Nguyen Hoa Hong, Joe Sakai, W Prellier, and Awatef Hassini, "Transparent Cr-doped SnO2 thin films: ferromagnetism beyond room temperature with a giant magnetic moment" J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 17 (2005) 1697 - 1702.
- Nguyen Hoa Hong, Virginie Briz and Joe Sakai, "Mn-doped ZnO and (Mn, Cu)-doped ZnO thin films: Does the Cu doping indeed play a key role in tuning the ferromagnetism?" Appl. Phys. Lett. 86 (2005) 082505.
- Nguyen Hoa Hong, Joe Sakai, Ngo Thu Huong, Nathalie Poirot, and Antoine Ruyter, "Role of defects in tuning ferromagnetism in diluted magnetic oxide thin films" Phys. Rev. B (in press).