22nd TRS meeting (Yakushima Royal Hotel, Yakushima, March 2-4, 2003)

Organized by Mizuhito Ogawa (JST/U.Tokyo)


    3/2 (Sun) 14:00-17:00
    Chair : Mizuhito Ogawa
  1. M. Sakai (Nagoya Univ.), Innermost reduction is a strategy for calculation of all normal forms on right linear TRS
  2. N.Nishiya (Nagoya Univ.), Condition for Generation of Terminating Inverse TRSs from Constructor TRSs

    Chair: Aart Middeldorp
  3. H.Ohsaki (AIST), Equational tree automata and its applications to protocol verfication
  4. J.van de Pol (CWI), Verification of distributed systems in the muCRL toolset
    Business meeting & Banquet

    3/3 (Mon) 9:00-12:00
    Chair: J.van de Pol
  5. T.Yamada (Mie Univ.), Automatic termination proof
  6. A.Middeldorp (Tsukuba Univ.), Automating the Dependency Pair Method

    Chiar: Masahiko Sakai
  7. A.Middeldorp (Tsukuba Univ.), Tsukuba Termination Tool
  8. M.Ogawa (JST/U.Tokyo), Control flow analysis generator of Java programs

    3/3 (Mon) 13:30-17:00
    Chair: Hitoshi Ohsaki
  9. M.Oyamaguchi (Mie Univ.), Right-linear and right-inside-stable TRS effectively preserves recognizability
  10. J.van de Pol (CWI), Confluence and LTS reductions the preserve branching bisimilarity

    Chair: Michio Oyamaguchi
  11. I.Mitsuhashi (Mie Univ.), Decidability of E-unification for semi-constructor TRSs
  12. M.Ogawa (JST/U.Tokyo), Catamorphic approach to program analyses

    3/4 (Tue) 9:00-12:00
  13. Free discussion hour

List of participants.