7th TRS meeting (JAIST, Jan.23-25, 1995)
Organized by Yoshihito Toyama (JAIST)
List of presentations.
- Fer-Jan de Vries, Bohm models for infinite eager and lazy lambda-calculus
- Shoji Yuen, Fully Abstract Characterizations of Testing Preorders for
Probabilistic Processes (joint work with Z.Dayar, R.Cleaveland, and S.A.Smolka,
presented at CONCUR'94)
- Aart Middeldorp, (1) Dummy elimination by self-labelling
(2) Level-Confluence of Conditional Rewrite Systems with Extra Variables in
Right-Hand Sides (RTA-95 paper collaborated with T.Suzuki and T.Ida)
- Patrick Viry, Oriented Rewriting Logic
- Masako Takahashi, (1) Decidable properties of intersection type systems
(by Toshihiko Kurata and Masako Takahashi)
(2) Relation between combinatory reduction systems and conditional lambda
- Vincent van Oostrom, Developing Developments
- Michio Oyamaguchi, A Result on the CR Property of Nonlinear and
Nonterminating TRS's
- Mizuhito Ogawa, Simple-gap termination
- Masahiko Sakai, Term set rewriting systems (joint work with H.Kasuya)
- Tohru Naoi, On a Non-Standard Recursion Theory --
Primitive Recursion + /infty vs. Quasi-Primitive Recursion + /infty
- Junnosuke Yamada, Real Arithmetic by Rewriting
- Ken Mano, to be announced
- Yoshihito Toyama,
A finite Thue system with decidable word problem and
without equivalent finite canonical system (by D.Kapur and P.Narendran, TCS35)
- Akira Kitahara, On the modularity of confluent term rewriting systems with
shared constructors (joint work with M.sakai and Y.Toyama)
List of participants.
- Aart Middeldorp (Tsukuba Univ.)
- Patrick Viry (Kyoto Univ.)
- Masako Takahashi (Titech)
- Michio Oyamaguchi (Mie Univ.)
- Tohru Naoi (Gifu Univ.)
- Shoji Yuen (Nagoya Univ.)
- Yoshihito Toyama, Masahiko Sakai, Akira Kitahara, Takahashi, Nagaya
- Fer-Jan de Vries, Vincent van Oostrom, Junnosuke Yamada, Ken Mano,
Mizuhito Ogawa (NTT)
- Hattori