Organized by Masahito Kurihara (Hokkaido University)
6th TRS meeting (Hokkaido University, July 28-29, 1994)
List of presentations.
- Aart Middeldorp, Semantic Labelling (by Hans Zantema, to appear in
Fundamenta Informaticae)
- Fer-Jan de Vries,
(1) A tentative outline of the infinite lambda calculus
(2) Currying preserves strong normalisation
- Vincent van Oostrom,
On the (very simple) proof of modularity of completeness for left-linear TRSs
(by Massimo Marchiori)
- Mizuhito Ogawa,
Well-quasiordering finite trees with gap-condition. Proof of Harvey Friedman's
conjecture (by Igor Kriz, Annals of Math. 130, 1989)
- Michio Oyamaguchi,
On the Church-Rosser property of E-overlapping and nonterminating TRS's
- Junnosuke Yamada,
Some Remarks on the Termination of MCTRSs and OSRSs - Termination of
Order-sorted Rewriting (by I.Graedig, LNCS632)-
- Ken Mano, Chew's theorem revisited^2 (collaboration with M.Ogawa)
- Tetsuo Ida, Another view of standard reduction
- Masahito Kurihara, Termination by Completion
(by F.Bellegarde and P.Lescanne)
List of participants.
- Tetsuo Ida, Aart Middeldorp (Tsukuba Univ.)
- Masahito Kurihara (Hokkaido Univ.)
- Michio Oyamaguchi (Mie Univ.)
- Fer-Jan de Vries, Junnosuke Yamada, Ken Mano, Vincent van Oostrom,
Mizuhito Ogawa (NTT)