12th TRS meeting (Nagoya Univ., November 4-5, 1997)
Organized by Toshiki Sakabe, Masahiko Sakai (Nagoya Univ.)
List of presentations.
11/4 (Tue) 10:00-17:30
- Takahito Aoto, A proof of a conjecture by H. Zantema
- Masahiko Sakai, AC path ordering
- Munehiro Iwami,
Persistence of termination in order-sorted equational rewriting
- Yoshinobu Kawabe,
On Modularity of Completeness in Order-sorted Term Rewriting Systems
- Masayoshi Saga, List-based Deforestation
- Aart Middeldorp,
Modularity of Termination Using Dependency Pairs, by Arts and Giesl
- Keiichirou Kusakari, On Proving AC Termination by Dependency Pairs
- Yoshihito Toyama, On rewriting induction
11/5 (Wed) 9:30-17:00
- Fer-Jan de Vries, Types for Terms, joint work with Dezani and Barbanera
- Mizuhito Ogawa, Notes on nonlinear extensions of Lambda caliculi
- Yohji Akama, SN combinators and partial combinatory algebra
- Satoshi Okui, On E-unification
- Michio Oyamaguchi,
On the upside-parallel-closed condition of left-linear TRS's
- Toshiyuki Yamada, Equivalence of Different Types of CTRSs
- Ken Mano, On Extention of Chew's Theorem
- Shoji Yuen,
Extending Process Languages with Time, joint work with I.Ulidowski
- Taro Suzuki, Higher-Order Lazy Narrowing Calculus
List of participants.
- Toshiki Sakabe, Shoji Yuen, Masahiko Sakai (Nagoya Univ.)
- Michio Oyamaguchi, Satoshi Okui (Mie Univ.)
- Hideto Kasuya (Aichi Univ.)
- Yoshihito Toyama, Takahiro Aoto, Munehiro Iwami, Keiichirou Kusakari,
Masayoshi Saga (JAIST)
- Aart Middeldorp, Taro Suzuki, Toshiyuki Yamada (Tsukuba Univ.)
- Yohji Akama (Tokyo Univ.)
- Fer-Jan de Vries (ETL)
- Ken Mano, Yoshinobu Kawabe, Mizuhito Ogawa (NTT)