Dr. Eng. Khoirul Anwar, Asst. Professor
Dr. Anwar graduated (cum laude) from the department of Electrical Engineering (Telecommunications), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Bandung, Indonesia in 2000. He received Master and Doctor Degrees from Graduate School of Information Science, Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST) in 2005 and 2008, respectively. Since then, he was appointed as an assistant professor in NAIST. He received best student paper award from the IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium 2006 (RWS'06), California-USA, Best Paper of Conference held Indonesian Student Association (ISA 2007), Kyoto, Japan in 2007, Best Paper Presenter for the track of Advanced Technology in International conference on Sustainability for Human Security (SUSTAIN), Kyoto October 2011, and Indonesian Diaspora "Award for Innovation", Congress of Indonesian Diaspora, Los Angeles, USA, July 2012, Achmad Bakrie Award 2014, Jakarta, December 2014.
Dr. Anwar's technique is adopted by the international telecommunication union (ITU), ITU-R standard No.~ITU-R S.1878 "Multi-carrier Based Transmission Techniques for Satellite Systems" also noted in ITU-R S.2173 (07/2010) "Multi-carrier based transmission techniques".
Dr. Anwar was in University of Melbourne, Australia, 2007 and University of Oulu, Finland, 2010 as a visiting researcher. Since September 2008, he is with the School of Information Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) as \emph{an assistant professor}. His research interests are network information theory, error correction coding, iterative decoding and signal processing for wireless communications. He serves as a reviewer for a number of main journals and conferences in the area of wireless communications, coding theory and signal processing. Dr. Anwar is a member of IEEE (Information Theory society, Communications society) and IEICE Japan.