
1. Target Prediction

- Furui, S. and Akagi, M. (1985). "On the role of spectral transition in phoneme perception and its modeling", Proc. 12th Int. Conf. Acoustics, A2-6.

- Akagi, M. and Tohkura, Y. (1988). "On the application of spectrum target prediction model to speech recognition", Proc. Int. Conf. Acoustics Speech and Signal Process., NewYork, 139-142.

- Akagi, M. (1990). "Evaluation of a spectrum target prediction model in speech perception", J. of Acoust. Society of America, 87, 2, 858-865.

- Akagi, M. and Tohkura, Y. (1990). "Spectrum target presiction model and its application to speech recognition", Computer Speech and Language, 4, Academic Press 325-344.

2. Contextual Effect

- Akagi, M. (1992). "Psychoacoustic evidence for contextual effect models", Speech Perception, Production and Linguistic Structure, IOS Press, Amsterdam , 63-78

- Akagi, M. (1993). "Modeling of contextual effects based on spectral peak interaction", J. of Acoust. Society of America, 93, 2, 1076-1086.

- Akagi, M., van Wieringen, A. and Pols, L. C. W. (1994). "Perception of central vowel with pre- and post-anchors", Proc. Int. Conf. Spoken Lang. Process. 94, 503-506.

- Yonezawa, Y. and Akagi, M. (1996). "Modeling of contextual effects and its application to word spotting", Proc. Int. Conf. Spoken Lang. Process. 96, 2063-2066.

3. Speaker Individuality and Speech Timbre

- Kitamura, T. and Akagi, M. (1994). "Speaker Individualities in speech spectral envelopes", Proc. Int. Conf. Spoken Lang. Process. 94, 1183-1186.

- Kitamura, T. and Akagi, M. (1995). "Speaker individualities in speech spectral envelopes", J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn. (E), 16, 5, 283-289.

- Kitamura, T. and Akagi, M. (1996). "Relationship between physical characteristics and speaker individualities in speech spectral envelopes", Proc ASA-ASJ Joint Meeting, 833-838.

- Akagi, M. and Ienaga, T. (1995). "Speaker individualities in fundamental frequency contours and its control", Proc. EUROSPEECH95, 439-442.

- Akagi, M. and Ienaga, T. (1997). "Speaker individuality in fundamental frequency contours and its control", J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn. (E), 18, 2 73-80.

- Akagi, M., Iwaki, M. and Minakawa, T. (1998). "Fundamental frequency fluctuation in continuous vowel utterance and its perception," ICSLP98, Sydney, Vol.4, 1519-1522.

- Akagi, M., Kitamura, T., Suzuki, N. and Michi, K. (1996). "Perception of lateral misarticulation and its physical correlates", Proc ASA-ASJ Joint Meeting, 933-936.

4. Source Segregation

- Akagi, M. and Mizumachi, M. (1997). "Noise Reduction by Paired Microphones", Proc. EUROSPEECH97, 335-338.

- Mizumachi, M. and Akagi, M. (1998). "Noise reduction by paired-microphones using spectral subtraction," Proc. ICASSP98, II, 1001-1004

- Unoki, M. and Akagi, M. (1997). "A method of signal extraction from noisy signal based on auditory scene analysis", Proc. CASA97, IJCAI-97, Nagoya, 93-102.

- Unoki, M. and Akagi, M. (1997). "A method of signal extraction from noisy signal", Proc. EUROSPEECH97, 2587-2590.

- Unoki, M. and Akagi, M. (1998). "Signal extraction from noisy signal based on auditory scene analysis," ICSLP98, Sydney, Vol.5, 2115-2118.

- Akagi, M., Iwaki, M. and Sakaguchi, N. (1998). "Spectral sequence compensation based on continuity of spectral sequence," Proc. ICSLP98, Sydney, Vol.4, 1407-1410.

- Unoki, M. and Akagi, M. (1999). "A method of signal extraction from noisy signal based on auditory scene analysis," Speech Communication, 27, 3-4, 261-279.

- Mizumachi, M. and Akagi, M. (1999). "Noise reduction method that is equipped for robust direction finder in adverse environments," Proc. Workshop on Robust Methods for Speech Recognition in Adverse Conditions, Tampere, Finland, 179-182.

- Unoki, M. and Akagi, M. (1999). "Segregation of vowel in background noise using the model of segregating two acoustic sources based on auditory scene analysis", Proc. CASA99, IJCAI-99, Stockholm, 51-60.

- Unoki, M. and Akagi, M. (1999). "Segregation of vowel in background noise using the model of segregating two acoustic sources based on auditory scene analysis", Proc. EUROSPEECH99, 2575-2578.

- Mizumachi, M. and Akagi, M. (1999). "An objective distortion estimator for hearing aids and its application to noise reduction," Proc. EUROSPEECH99, 2619-2622.

5. Auditory model

- Maki, K. and Akagi, M. (1997). "A functional model of the auditory peripheral system", Proc. ASVA97, Tokyo, 703-710.

- Maki, K., Hirota, K. and Akagi, M. (1998). “A functional model of the auditory peripheral system: Responses to simple and complex stimuli,” Computational Hearing, Italy, 13-18.

- Itoh, K. and Akagi, M. (1998). "A computational model of auditory sound localization," Computational Hearing, Italy, 67-72

- Unoki, M. and Akagi, M. (1998). "A computational model of co-modulation masking release," Computational Hearing, Italy, 129-134.

- Ito, K. and Akagi, M. (1999). "A computational model of auditory sound localization based on ITD," Abstracts of Symposium on Recent Developments in Auditory Mechanics, Sendai, Japan, 29P01, 156-157.

- Maki, K., Akagi, M. and Hirota, K. (1999). "Effect of the basilar membrane nonlinearities on rate-place representation of vowel in the cochlear nucleus: A modeling approach," Abstracts of Symposium on Recent Developments in Auditory Mechanics, Sendai, Japan, 29P06, 166-167.

6. Speech analysis

- Nandasena, A.C.R. and Akagi, M. (1998). "Spectral stability based event localizing temporal decomposition," Proc. ICASSP98, II, 957-960