Radioactivity Information
Please check here for the radioactivity level around Toyama city, if it's a concern for you.
The radioactivity levels in all provinces are announced at:
If you don't know where Toyama city is, here is the map:
View a larger map
Earthquake Information
As you may know, a massive earthquake hit the north of Japan.
Rescue operations are currently under way, and we hope that all circumstances get under control soon.
We highly appreciate your considerable support and donations from all over the world.
Some of you may be concerned about visiting Japan in August, especially due to the accident brought to the nuclear plants at Fukushima city.
While this is a shocking accident, the situation is not as bad as what is reported by the press outside of Japan.
Toyama city, where the workshop will take place, is not affected by this accident.
Please keep considering your contributions to the workshop.
If you have any questions, please contact shinpei*at*ece*dot*cmu*dot*edu.
Thank you very much.