Last update August 1, 2006

Technical Report #209


Three Approaches to Game-Theoretical Value Prediction


H. Kita, A.Cincotti and H. Iida

Abstract. One of the most important characteristics of games can be represented by the game-theoretical values. Every n-person zero-sum game with perfect information has a unique theoretical value. However, it is a time-consuming task to determine the game-theoretical value, and usually it is impossible to establish it in complex games. This paper presents our new attempt to predict the game-theoretical value with three approaches while having focus on the diminishing return, the change of game outcome and the change of score points in the framework of computer self-plays.

This paper was presented at 10th Game Programming Workshop, November 18-20, 2005, Hakone, included in the Proceedings, IPSJ, Symposium Series Vol.2005, No.15. ISSN: 1344-0640




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