YES # Compositional critical pair system (Shintani and Hirokawa 2022). Consider the left-linear TRS R: s(p(x)) -> x p(s(x)) -> x +(x,0()) -> x +(x,s(y)) -> s(+(x,y)) +(x,p(y)) -> p(+(x,y)) -(0(),0()) -> 0() -(x,s(y)) -> p(-(x,y)) -(x,p(y)) -> s(-(x,y)) -(p(x),y) -> p(-(x,y)) -(s(x),y) -> s(-(x,y)) Let C be the following subset of R: (empty) The critical pair system CPS(R,C) is: p(s(p(x0))) -> p(x0) +(y0,s(p(x0))) -> +(y0,x0) +(y0,s(p(x0))) -> s(+(y0,p(x0))) -(y0,s(p(x0))) -> -(y0,x0) -(y0,s(p(x0))) -> p(-(y0,p(x0))) -(s(p(x0)),y1) -> -(x0,y1) -(s(p(x0)),y1) -> s(-(p(x0),y1)) s(p(s(x0))) -> s(x0) +(y0,p(s(x0))) -> +(y0,x0) +(y0,p(s(x0))) -> p(+(y0,s(x0))) -(y0,p(s(x0))) -> -(y0,x0) -(y0,p(s(x0))) -> s(-(y0,s(x0))) -(p(s(x0)),y1) -> -(x0,y1) -(p(s(x0)),y1) -> p(-(s(x0),y1)) -(p(y0),s(x1)) -> p(-(p(y0),x1)) -(p(y0),s(x1)) -> p(-(y0,s(x1))) -(s(y0),s(x1)) -> p(-(s(y0),x1)) -(s(y0),s(x1)) -> s(-(y0,s(x1))) -(p(y0),p(x1)) -> s(-(p(y0),x1)) -(p(y0),p(x1)) -> p(-(y0,p(x1))) -(s(y0),p(x1)) -> s(-(s(y0),x1)) -(s(y0),p(x1)) -> s(-(y0,p(x1))) -(p(x0),s(y1)) -> p(-(x0,s(y1))) -(p(x0),s(y1)) -> p(-(p(x0),y1)) -(p(x0),p(y1)) -> p(-(x0,p(y1))) -(p(x0),p(y1)) -> s(-(p(x0),y1)) -(s(x0),s(y1)) -> s(-(x0,s(y1))) -(s(x0),s(y1)) -> p(-(s(x0),y1)) -(s(x0),p(y1)) -> s(-(x0,p(y1))) -(s(x0),p(y1)) -> s(-(s(x0),y1)) The TRS R is locally confluent and CPS(R,C)/R is terminating. Therefore, the confluence of R follows from that of C. # Emptiness. The empty TRS is confluent.