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Update Information
Almost everyday, the data and prediction is updated. The number of countries with more than 10,000 cumulative number of infected cases keeps increasing (thus, more and more countries are under the scope of this prediction). This update information summarizes the system-level update other than this regular data/prediction update.
Date (MMDDYY) | Update |
051120 | This website was open. |
051320 | The preprint on Bayesian SIR model (Hidaka, S. & Torii, T., 2020) was uploaded. |
051520 | This update form was added. |
051520 | The daily new number of infected cases will be added. |
051920 | The ratio of infected individuals per capita (per 100,000) is added to the visualization option. |
051920 | The ratio of infected individuals per capita (per 100,000) is added to the visualization option. |
062520 | The JS system was in technical trouble. |
Up-coming update (ToDo list)
Status | Update |
Week(s) | The prediction model will be extended to a mixture model. |
Week(s) | The downloadable prediction data (in the csv form) will be published. |