Technical Program
Session 1B1: Interconnection Networks (Dec. 5 13:30-15:30)
1010602190, Rearrangeability of the Tandem Cascade of Banyan-type Networks, Xuesong Tan and Shuo-Yen Robert Li 1010603193, ReCord: A Distributed Hash Table with Recursive Structure, Jianyang Zeng and Wen-Jing Hsu 1010620488, The Topology Properties and Network Embedding of RP(k), Fangai Liu, Zhiyong Liu 1030603267, Preservation of Conditionally Nonblocking Switches under 2-stage Interconnection, Shuo-Yen Robert Li and Xuesong Tan 1100620500, A Reconfigurable Optical Interconnect System for DSAG, Lei Li, Zheng Cao, Ming-Yu Chen and Jian-Ping Fan
Session 1B2: Parallelization Techniques (Dec. 5 13:30-15:30)
2020621527, Loop Parallelisation for the Jikes RVM, Jisheng Zhao, Ian Rogers, Chris Kirkham and Ian Watson 1030605271, Eliminating Inter-Thread Interference in Register File for SMT Processors, Hua Yang, Gang Cui and Xiaozong Yang 1030605297, Two-Path Limited Speculation Method for Static/Dynamic Optimization in Multithreaded Systems, Takashi Yokota, Moriyuki Saito, Fumihito Furukawa, Kanemitsu Ootsu and Takanobu Baba 1030620494, A New Way to High Performance NFS for Clusters, Rongfeng Tang, Jin Xiong, Jie Ma and Dan Meng 2020620502, A Hybrid Parallel Loop Scheduling Scheme on Heterogeneous PC Clusters, Wen-Chung Shih, Chao-Tung Yang, Ping-I Chen and Shian-Shyong Tseng 202603243, Table-Driven Code Optimizer, Sung-Lim Yun and Se-Man Oh,
Session 1B3: Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing-I (Dec. 5 13:30-15:30)
1050603195, A Voronoi-Trajectory Based Hybrid Routing (VTBR) Algorithm for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks with Obstacles, Di Wu, Yan Qu and Zhongxian Chi 1060525037, A Communication-Induced Checkpointing and Asynchronous Recovery Protocol for Mobile Computing Systems, Tongchit Tantikul and D. Manivannan 1060531143, An Efficient Distributed Broadcasting Algorithm for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, Yamin Li, Shietung Peng and Wanming Chu 1060603255, A Ring Removal Movement-Based Mobility Location Update Scheme, Ya-qin Yang, Jin-cai Yang and Ji-wei Cao 1060530131, Monte Carlo Simulation of LEACH Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks, Ying Wang and Mudi Xiong
Session 1B4: Grid Computing Systems-I (Dec. 5 13:30-15:30)
1100516025, A Scalable Security Architecture for Grid, Quan Zhou, Geng Yang and Jiangang Shen 1100525026, Design and Implementation of Grid Monitoring System Based on GMA, Jianwei Liao, Hongbin Cai, Pandeng Jiang and Meirong Chen 1100531140, A Resource Price-adjusting Mechanism for Supply and Demand Balance in Grid Computing, Lulai Yuan, Guosun Zeng and Xiongwei Mao 1100602181, Heterogeneous Resource Selection with Portfolio Optimization in Grid Economy, Yu Hua, Chanle Wu, Huyin Zhang and Libing Wu 1060620473, WGMDS: A WSRF-Compliant Information Service on Wireless Grids, Jianghu Yang, Ming Li, Changlai Huang and chuanshan Guo 1100516024, A Novel Security Model Based on Virtual Organization for Grid, Xiuying Wu, Geng Yang, Jiangang Shen and Quan Zhou
Session 1B5: Security, Reliability and Fault-Tolerance-I (Dec. 5 13:30-15:30)
1090530133, A Simple Process Calculus for the analysis of Security Protocols, Yonggen Gu, Yuxi Fu and Guoqiang Li 1090530134, D-S Evidence Theory and its Data Fusion Application in Intrusion Detection, Junfeng Tian, Weidong Zhao, Ruizhong Du and Zhe Zhang 1090602168, Efficient Traitor Tracing Scheme Based On NTRU, Xixiang Lv, Bo Yang and Changxing Pei 1090603205, A Study of Intrusion Signature Based on Honeypot, Jun-feng Tian, Jian-ling Wang, Ren-ling Li, Yue Fu 1090602184, The Architecture of the Large-scale Distributed Intrusion Detection System, Yonggang Chu, Jun Li and Yixian Yang
Session 1C1: Network Architectures (Dec. 5 16:00-18:00)
1020525061, Active Probe of Available Bandwidth: Analysis and Improvement, Changhua Zhu, Changxing Pei, Yunhui Yi and Dongxiao Quan 1020601158, CISOQ: A Practical High-Performance Packet Switch Architecture for the Support of Multicast Traffic, Ximing Hu, Jing Qu, Binqiang Wang, and Xiaobei Li 1020605304, Overlay Multicasting over Multihomed Proxies, Xiao Chen and Weinong Wang 1020618446, Research on New Types of Network Architecture, Yan Wang, Mengqin Xia, Fasheng Yi and Jiazhi Zeng
1020601164, Study on Network
topology visualization algorithm and implementation based on A* algorithm,
Wei Yuan, Changxing Pei, Haiyun Xiao, Changhua Zhu, Nan Chen and Yunhui Yi Session 1C2: Communication and Multimedia Systems (Dec. 5 16:00-18:00)
1040620495, Construction of a prototype of a volume communications environment, Masahiro Watanabe, Motoi Okuda and Teruo Matsuzawa 1050603254, VoD Service Model and Performance Evaluation on the China’s High Performance Broadband Information Network (3Tnet), Feng Lin, Xin Wang and Xiangyang Xue 1040509013, Detecting BGP Misconfiguration for BGP/MPLS VPNs, Haiying Liang, Guowen Teng, Hongjun Wang, Dadong Wang and Yuan Gao 1040603194, A New Tunnel Scheme for Multimedia Communications Traversing NAT/Firewall in NGN, Gengsheng Zheng, Zhiping Xie, Bo Wang and Guiming He 1040606365, Study of Channel Characteristics of Power Line Communications Networks in China, Mingyue Zhai, Chunying Liu and Haiying Bi 1040711567, The maximal rates of more general complex orthogonal designs, Haibin Kan and Hong Shen
Session 1C3: Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing-II (Dec. 5 16:00-18:00)
1060605306, Multi-constrained QoS Routing Scheme Using Mean Field Annealing in Wireless Mesh Networks, Lianggui Liu and Guangzeng Feng 1060606374, Data Dissemination Model for Location-Based Services, KwangJin Park, MoonBae Song and Ki-Sik Kong 1060620501, A Cluster-Based Energy-Efficient Scheme for Sensor Networks, Jian Zhang, Benxiong Huang, Lai Tu and Fan Zhang 1060620516, Random Walk Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks, Hui Tian, Hong Shen and Teruo Matsuzawa 1060605305, Secure Protocols Enhancement Based on Radio-propagation Related Looser Assumptions in Mobile Ad hoc Networks, Ruijun Yang, Qi Xia, Qunhua Pan, Xinli Huang, Weinong Wang and Minglu Li
Session 1C4: Optical Networks (Dec. 5 16:00-18:00)
1080602177, Dynamic Shared Path Protection Algorithm in WDM Mesh Networks under Service Level Agreement Constraints, Rongxi He, Bin Lin, Lemin Li and Chen Gu 1080605344, A Unified Framing Protocol for Hybrid Data Transport, Zhanqi Xu, Chunting Wang, Changxin PEI and Aijun WEN 1080616434, On-Line Routing in WDM-TDM Switched Optical Mesh Networks, Arun Vishwanath and Weifa Liang 1080622538, Wavelength Assignment for Parallel FFT Communication Pattern on Linear Arrays by Lattice Embedding, Yanwen Chen and Hong Shen 1080618452, Splitter Placement Problem on Directed Filber Tree, Tian Hu and Baohua Zhao
Session 1C5: Security, Reliability and Fault-Tolerance-II (Dec. 5 16:00-18:00)
1090603227, On the Effectiveness of multi-similarity for early detection of worms, Hui He, Ming-zeng Hu, Hong-li Zhang,Zhen-jiang Tang 1090605289, Intrusion Detection Based on An Improved ART2 Neural Networks, Di Wu, Ji Dai and Zhongxian Chi 8180618448, Privacy Preserving ID3 Algorithm over Horizontally Partitioned Data, Ming-Jun Xiao, Liu-Sheng Huang, Hong Shen and Yong-Long Luo 1090603206, Computing the Reliability for ClusteredAd Hoc Networks, Di Wu, Qing Li, Zhongxian Chi 1090603247, Disaster Recovery System Model in an E-government System, Kun wang, Zhen Cai, Zengxin Li and Lihua Zhou
Session 2A1: Security, Reliability and Fault-Tolerance-III (Dec. 6 10:30-12:30)
1090605309, Trusted Computing-Based Security Architecture For 4G Mobile Networks, Yu Zheng, Dake He, Xiaohu Tang and Hongxia Wang 1020601166, Intrusion detection combining multiple decision tree by fuzzy logic, Junfeng Tian, Yue Fu, Ying Xu and Jianling Wang 1090620479, A New Approach to Automatically Detect Worms, Ping Wang, Bin-Xing Fang and Xiao-Chun Yun 1090603250, Optimization of Intrusion Detection through FastHybrid Feature Selection, Khaja Mohammad Shazzad and Jong Sou Park 1090603262, An Efficient Keys Agreement for Multi-party’s Communication, Peng Zhang, Chengqing Ye, Xin Li and Xuying Ma 1090603268, Worm Detection in Large Scale Network by Traffic, Yi Xin, Bing-xing Fang, Xiao-chun Yun, Hai-yong Chen
Session 2A2: Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing-III (Dec. 6 10:30-12:30)
1060621529, Adaptive Carrier Sensing and Packet Sending -An Alternative to Boost the Performance in Directional Communications, Jacir L. Bordim, T. Hunziker, T. Ueda and K. Nakano 1060701563, An Efficient Key Management Scheme for Secure Sensor Networks, RuiYing Du, HuiJuan Tu and Song Wen 106603231, Design and Analysis of High Speed WLAN systems with Adaptive Margin Technology, Xiaohui Li, Nai’an Liu,Changxing Pei, Kechu Yi and Weidong Kou 106603232, An Efficient Topology Maintenance Algorithm Based on Shortest Path Tree for Wireless Sensor Networks, Zhong Shen, Yilin Chang, Xin Zhang and Can Cui 106603230, Delay Character of a Novel Architecture for IEEE 802.16 Systems, Nai’an Liu, Xiaohui, Li, Changxing Per and Bo Yang
Session 2A3: Ubiquitous Computing Systems (Dec. 6 10:30-12:30)
1110619461, Developing context-aware applications in ubiquitous computing environments, Jie Sun and ZhaoHui Wu 1110531146, Reconfigurable computing in ubiquitous computers A roadmap, Lu Yan, Zheng Liang 1090620509, Design of a Security Management Middleware in Ubiquitous Computing Environments, Zhefan Jiang, Sangok Kim, Kanghee Lee, Hyunchul Bae and Sangwook Kim 1110529128, An adaptable software architecture based on mobile components in pervasive computing, Songqiao Han, Shensheng Zhang, Yong Zhang and Chang'e Fan 1110531147, On-chip Debug for an Asynchronous Java Accelerator, Zheng Liang, Juha Plosila,Lu Yan and Kaisa Sere 1110605310, Design of Virtual Personal Computing Environment for Ubiquitous Computing, Xiaoli Su, Jintao Li, Faqiong Jiang, Hongzhou Shz and Junbo Guo
Session 2A4: Internet Computing and Web Technology-II (Dec. 6 10:30-12:30)
2050620510, Web Media Service based on Streaming Player supporting independent operating system, Sangok Kim, Kanghee Lee, Zhefan Jiang, Hyunchul Bae and Sangwook Kim 2040529130, Groovy Service: On-Demand Web Service by Script Language, ZhenChun Huang and Chuan He 2040601159, Integration and Share of Spatial Data Based on Web Service, Xiang Ma, Qunhua Pan and Minglu Li 2040602188, Study on Web Textile Ontology Library, Xin-juan Zhu, Xin Zhang and Ai-li Wang 2040606371, Optimal Selection of Web Services for Composition Based on Interface-Matching and Weighted Multistage Graph, Gao Yan, Zhang Bin, Na Jun, Yang Lei, Dai Yu, Gong Qiang 2040611419, Research on Improved Role Hierarchy Model in Extended Organization PKI Networks, Shaomin Zhang and Baoyi Wang Session 2A5: Simulation and Performance Evaluation-I (Dec. 6 10:30-12:30)
2080603201, Performance Comparison between VOPP and MPI, Z. Huang, M. Purvis and P. Werstein 1090605290, Simulating and Improving Probabilistic Packet Marking Schemes Using Ns2, Qiang Li, Hongzi Zhu, Meng Zhang and Jiubin Ju 2080601154, Research on the Performance Analysis of the Concurrent System, Jin Guo, Mingyuan Liu and Lifang Liu 2080602179, Component based performance prediction for network processor based system, Hong Xiao, Ling Zhang and Di Wu 8180618449, Simulation-based Optimization Strategy for Liquid Fueled Multi-Stage Space Launch Vehicle, Saqlain Akhtar and Linshu He
Session 2B1: Security, Reliability and Fault-Tolerance-IV (Dec. 6 13:30-15:30)
1090606362, Wrapping Client-Server Application to Web Services for Internet Computing, He Guo, Chunyan Guo, Feng Chen and Hongji Yang 1090606370, A New Algorithm to Solve Synchronous Consensus for Dependent Failures, Jun Wang and Min Song 1090607402, An Efficient Asynchronous Proactive RSA Scheme, Ruishan Zhang and Kefei Chen 1090616437, An Efficient Group Key Management Scheme: Link Tree Protocol, Jun Zhang, Fan-yuan Ma, Ying-cai Bai, Da-wu Gu 1090605308, Fast Two Phrases PPM for IP Traceback, Qiang Li, Qinyuan Feng, Meng Zhang and Jiubin Ju
Session 2B2: Grid Computing Systems-II (Dec. 6 13:30-15:30) 1100619456, Workflow-Based Remote-Sensing Image Processing Application in ImageGrid, Ran Zheng, Hai Jin, Qin Zhang and Ying Li 1100603258, JSChord: A Peer-to-Peer System to Achieve Max Throughput, Yifeng Shao, Feng Hong and Minglu Li 1100603259, An Adaptive Advance Reservation Mechanism for Grid Computing, Libing Wu, Chanle Wu, Jianqun Cui and Jianbing Xing 1100614422, Dynamic Role and Context-Based Access Control for Grid Applications, Hanbing Yao, Heping Hu, Zhengding Lu and Ruixuan Li 1100616430, Integrating Agent and Web Service into Grid Service Workflow System, Zhengli Zhai, Yang Yang, Wencai Guo and Zhimin Tian
Session 2B3: Software Technology and Programming Languages (Dec. 6 13:30-15:30)
2060602186, Role Based Platform Independent Web Application Modeling, Chengwan He, Wenjie Tu, Keqing He 2010602178, Chocolat/SMV:A Translator from CafeOBJ into SMV, Kazuhiro Ogata, Masahiro Nakano, Masaki Nakamura and Kokichi Futatsugi 2010603211, Formal Description and Complexity Analysis of Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc System, Jinkui Xie and Linpeng Huang 2060603196, Coalgebraic Component Specification and Verification in RSL, Meng Sun, Bernhard K. Aichernig and Naixiao Zhang 2060616440, Software Component Technology for Network Processor Based System, Hong Xiao, Ling Zhang and Di Wu 2070620485, A Segment-based Approach of Defending Against Buffer Overflow Attacks, Yu-an Tan, Ji-yan Zheng and Yuan-da Cao
Session 2B4: Agent Technology-I (Dec. 6 13:30-15:30)
2050521060, An OO-based Design Model of Software Agent, Jianxing Li Xinjun Mao and Yao Shu 1060619464, A Novel Peer-to-Peer Intrusion Detection System using Mobile Agents in MANETs, Kun Xiao, Ji Zheng, Xin Wang and Xiangyang Xue 2050620519, A Survey of Mobile Agent-Based Fault-Tolerant Technology, Wenyu Qu, Hong Shen and Xavier Defago 2050521059, Agent-Oriented Early Requirement Analysis of Distributed Simulation Environment of Fluid Flow, Jianxing Li, Zhichang Qi and Zuobin Chen 2050601151, Research of Multi-Agent Learning Method, Yong-mei Zhang, Yan Han and Li-qin Fu
Session 2B5: Simulation and Performance Evaluation-II (Dec. 6 13:30-15:30)
2080620469, How the enterprise choosing strategic action: modeling, algorithm and simulation, Yalin Chen, Xianjia wang, Chun Ye, Wenqi Zhu
2080605278, An Asynchronous
Event Relation Model for Monitoring Distributed System,
Ming Chen and Benting Wan 2080603249, A Distributed Architecture for Network Performance Measurement and Evaluation System, Hongjie Sun, Binxing Fang,and Hongli Zhang 2080619465, A Study of Parallel Prefetching Algorithms Using Trace-Driven Simulation, CaiBin, Changsheng Xie, Dongjian Luo, Haifeng Zhong 2080620507, Performance Evaluations of SLIM and DRBL Diskless PC Clusters on Fedora Core 3, Chao-Tung Yang, Ping-I Chen and Ya-Ling Chen
Session 2C1: Security, Reliability and Fault-Tolerance-V (Dec. 6 16:00-18:00)
1090620472, Access Control List Mediation System for Large-Scale Network, Kanghee Lee, Zhefan Jiang, Sangok Kim, Sangwook Kim and Seonkyung Kim 1090621537, An Efficient Protocol for the Problem of Secure Two-Party Vector Dominance, Yingpeng Sang, Hong Shen and Zonghua Zhang 1090622539, A Brief Comparative Study on Analytical Models of Computer System Dependability and Security, Zonghua Zhang, Hong Shen, Xavier Defago and Yingpeng Sang 103603228, Fault-Tolerance Schemes for Hierarchical Mesh Networks, Jason Zurawski and Dajin Wang 1090606366, Enhancing Attack Survivability of Gnutella-like P2P Networks by Targeted Immunization Scheme, Xinli Huang, Yin Li, Ruijun Yang, Fanyuan Ma
Session 2C2: Grid Computing Systems-III (Dec. 6 16:00-18:00)
2090609411, JSGrid An Environment for Heterogenous Cluster Computing, Kazuhiro Takeda, Satoshi Ono, Christopher J. Ashley and Shigeru Nakayama 3030605311, A Scheduling Method for Divisible Workload Problem in Grid Environment, Nguyen The Loc, Said Elnaffar, Takuya Katayama and Ho Tu Bao 1100620504, Design and Implementation of TIGER Grid: an Integrated Metropolitan-Scale Grid Environment, Chao-Tung Yang, Kuan-Ching Li, Wen-Chung Chiang and Po-Chi Shih 1100621526, A Run-Time Scheduling Policy for Dependent Tasks in Grid Computing Systems, Hui Jin, Yanxiang He, Weidong Wen and Haowen Liu 1100618447, Integration Patterns of Grid Security Service, Xiangli Qu, Xuejun Yang, Jingwei Zhong and Xuefeng Lv 1030619466, MAS organization: design, enforcement and instantiation, Chun Ye, Yalin Chen and Kefan Xie
Session 2C3: Internet Computing and Web Technology-I (Dec. 6 16:00-18:00)
2030605350, Incentives for participating in a Hybrid peer-to-peer system, Gunagzhong Sun and Guoliang Chen 8180610414, Development of an Internet Home Automation System using Java and Dynamic DNS Service, Xi-min Zhang, Jun-ding Sun and Li-hua Zhou 2030605294, Remote Monitoring of Air-Quality over Internet, Huiran Wang and Ruifang Ma 1090603251, Using Semantic Web Technologies to Specify Constraints of RBAC, Di Wu, Yabo Dong, Jian Lin and Miaoliang Zhu 2040602169, Verifying Web Services Composition: A Transformation-Based Approach, YanPing Yang, QingPing Tan and Yong Xiao 205603240, A Case of Application-level Multicast for Real-time Video Delivery over Internet, Zhensheng Liu and Guiming He
Session 2C4: Agent Technology-II (Dec. 6 16:00-18:00)
3100605320, A Study of Distributed Parallel Processing for Queen Ant Strategy in Ant Colony Optimization, Ichiro Iimura, Toshiya Ito, Koji Hamaguchi and Shigeru Nakayama 205603233, How to build bargaining agents in the e-commerce: modeling and analysis, Yalin Chen, Xianjia Wang, Wenqi Zhu and Guangming Wang 2050607403, Multi-agent-oriented Modeling for Intelligence Reconnaissance System, Xiong Li, Xiaobing Liu and Na Hao 2050616431, Describer: Service-Oriented Multiagent Architecture for Mobile Environment, Zhiqiang Liu, Dong Wang and Huanye Sheng 2050620497, A Layered Resource Sharing Model based on Agent in P2P System, Dan Wang and Rongjuan Zhao
Session 2C5: Tools and Environments for Software Development (Dec. 6 16:00-18:00)
2090621528, Collaborative MPEG-4 Contents Authoring, Presentation and Interaction in a Mobile Environment, Songlu Li, Sangwook Kim and Seonkyong Kim 2090528126, A systems programming language for wireless networked embedded systems, Xiaohua Luo, Kougen Zheng, Zhaohui Wu and Yunhe Pan 2090529128, A Message-Based Software Architectural Style for Distributed Application, Guozhen Tan, Xinpeng Li, Jiankun Wu and Chengxu Li 2090620468, An ECA rules Based Middleware Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks, Chongqing Zhang, Minglu Li and Qunhua Pan 2100620496, Design and Implementation of a Distributed Simulation System of 3D Sights, Jin-Lian Da and Chun-Shang Tian 1020605322, Simulating Large-Scale Traffic Aggregation in an Automatic Switched Optical Network, Hua Wang, Xin Wang and Xiangyang Xue
Session 3A1: Parallel and Distributed Algorithms-I (Dec. 7 10:30-12:30)
8180605296, Multi-Session Partitioning for Parallel Timing Optimization, Jiyoun Kim, Jose Neves and Marios Papaefthymiou 3010517090, An O(1) Time parallel algorithm for the fominance counting and 3D block-based medial axis transform on AROB, Sih-Ying Lin, Shi-Jinn Horng, Tzong-Wann Kao and Yuh-Rau Wang 3010603213, Optimal routing in a small-world network, Jianyang Zeng and Wen-Jing Hsu 3010603214, A distributed self-stabilizing algorithm for finding a connected dominating set in a graph, Ankur Jain and Arobinda Gupta 3010605345, Efficiency of Local Genetic Algorithm in Parallel Processing, Gang Peng, Takeshi Nakatsuru, Ichiro Iimura and Shigeru Nakayama 3011226089, Some New Parallel Fast Fourier Transform Algorithms, Cui-xiang Zhong, Guoqiang Han and Ming-he Huang
Session 3A2 Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing-IV: (Dec. 7 10:30-12:30) 3040620475, GLB-DMECR Geographic Location-Based Decentralized Minimum Energy Consumption Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks, Huifeng Hou, Xiangwen Liu, Hongyi Yu and Hanying Hu 3040620477, Energy Adaptive Cluster-Head Selection for Wireless Sensor Networks, Ying Liang and Haibin Yu 3040620498, Comparative Analysis of Scheduling Algorithms in Ad Hoc Mobile Networking, Heng Xu, Xin Wang and C.K.Toh 3040624552, Research of TCP Vegas Congestion Control Algorithm in Ad Hoc Networks, Changqing Gong, Zhigang Zhao, Guangxing Wang 3040620488, Coverage and Energy Efficient Information Gathering Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks, Xiangwen Liu, Huifeng Hou, Jinya Yang, Hongyi Yu and Hanying Hu
Session 3A3: Resource and Task Scheduling-I (Dec. 7 10:30-12:30)
8180619454, LRC-RED A Self-tuning Robust and Adaptive AQM Scheme, Naixue Xiong, Yan Yang and Xavier Defago 3020605301, Approximating Spanning Trees With Inner Nodes Cost, Rudolf Fleischer, Qi Ge, Jian Li, Shijun Tian and Haitao Wang 3020606368, A Recursion Nearness based Method for Characterizing IP Address, Wei Ren and Hai Jin 1020603202, Mapping Resources for Network Emulation with Heuristic and Genetic Algorithms, Yi Liu, Yanping Li, Kaiping Xiao and Huali Cui 3020620478, Accurate DCA Algorithm for TCP Congestion Avoidance, Mengqin Xia, Fasheng Yi,Yan Wang and Jiazhi Zeng
Session 3A4: Image Processing and Computer Graphics-I (Dec. 7 10:30-12:30)
8180708566, AVS Generic Audio Coding, Ruimin Hu, Shuixian Chen, Haojun Ai and Naixue Xiong 8180616435, New Ray-Space Interpolation Method for Free Viewpoint Video System, Liang-zhong Fan, Mei Yu, Gang-yi Jiang, Rang-ding Wang and Yong-deak Kim 8180603192, A Watermarking Method Using Quantization and Statistical Characteristics of Wavelet Transfrom, KeunDuck Byun, HyungJun Kim and SangJin Lee 8180620481, Multiple Description Layered Coding for Video Communication, Mei Yu, Xien Ye, Gangyi Jiang, Rangding Wang, Fangming Xiao and Yong-deak KIM
Session 3A5: Network Routing-I (Dec. 7 10:30-12:30)
108603237, A QoS Multicast Routing Algorithm Based on Shrinking-chaotic-mutation Evolutionary Algorithm in IP/DWDM Optical Internet, Xinwei Wang, Pengcheng Liu and Min Huang 3040601153, A Distributed Entropy-Based QoS Multicast Routing Optimization Algorithm for MANET, Chao Gui and Baolin Sun 8180630562, A Strategy for Routing Messages Between Elements in a Hypercube with Faulty Links, Dinko Gichev 1080603246, An On-line Integrated Routing Algorithm in IP/MPLS over WDM Networks, Yang Su,Zhanqi Xu, and Zengji Liu 8180704565, A New Routing Method to Tolerate both Convex and Concave Faulty Regions in MeshTorus Networks, Huaxi Gu, Hong Shen, Zengji Liu and Guochang Kang
Session 4A1: Network Routing-II (Dec. 8 10:30-12:30)
3040624553,A Dual-Channel Routing Scheme in Ad Hoc Networks, Qinghui Wang, Junsuo Sun and Guangxing Wang 304603239, A Hybrid Intelligent QoS Multicast Routing Algorithm in NGI, Junwei Wang, Xingwei Wang and Min Huang 1020617442, Research of multicast server selection based on ant algorithm, YuHua Liu, Jiwei Cao, Liansheng Tan and Kaihua Xu 3040605294, Aggregation Tree routing algorithm for dynamic topology in large scale networks, Guozhen Tan, Ningning Han, Yi Liu and Hengwei Yao 8180605343, Solving the Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Demands and Customers, Hui Wang, Ce Fu and Yan Chen
Session 4A2: Parallel and Distributed Algorithms-II (Dec. 8 10:30-12:30)
3010603215, Encoding a binary search tree in constant time on BSR, Liming Xiang, Kai Cheng and Kzauo Ushijiam 3010603216, Parallel Downloading Algorithm for Large-volume File Distribution, Haitao Chen, Zhenghu Gong, Zunguo Huang 3010605279, Localized algorithm for coverage in wireless sensor Networks, Hongli Xu, Liusheng Huang, Yingyu Wan and Kezhong Lu 3010605321, Spatial gossip on the Percolation Model, Qi Xia, Weinong Wang and Ruijun Yang 3010615429, An Agent-Based Deadlock Detection/Resolution Algorithm for the AND Model, Xin Cheng, Xioazong Yang, Feng Jin 3010618453, Ubicast An Enhanced Application-Level Multicast Protocol, Zi Chu and Yin-yin Yang
Session 4A3: Applications-I (Dec. 8 10:30-12:30)
3050606369, Towards Efficient and Scalable Searches for Mass-Market, Decentralized File-Sharing Applications, Xinli Huang, Yin Li, Fei Liu, Fanyuan Ma 8180704564, Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimisation in Engineering Management An Empirical Case on Bridge Deck Maintenance, Chunlu Liu and Yoshito Itoh
1010621525, Evaluation of
Network Interface Controller on DIMMnet-2 Prototype Board,
Akira Kitamuray, Yoshihiro Hamaday, Yasuo
Miyabey, 1090603207, AMS Based Reconstruction Algorithm with Two-dimentional Thresholdfor IP Tracebacks, Xueqin Yang, Changxing Pei, Changhua Zhu and Yan Li 1100620499, Development of the real-time visualization system on network, Hiroshi Oiwa, Yoshinobu Asano, Hiroyuki Matsumoto and Teruo Matsuzawa 8180602167, Structural Analysis Based on Baseline in Printed Mathematical Expressions Recognition, Xue-dong Tian and Hao-xin Fan
Session 4A4 P2P Systems: (Dec. 8 10:30-12:30) 1030619455, Ontology-Based Clustering and Routing in Peer-to-Peer Networks, Juan Li and Son Vuong 3050601151, A P2P Based Personal Digital Library for Community, Yanfei Xu 2030526075, A Novel Incentive Mechanism for P2P Systems, Tao Wang, Xianliang Lu and Mengshu Hou 8180621535, Research on Peer-to-Peer Based Social Interaction Supporting Tools, Guozhen Zhang 3040605314, An improved P2P Model Based on Chord, Yu Dan, XinMeng Chen and Yunlei Chang
Session 4A5: Image Processing and Computer Graphics-II (Dec. 8 10:30-12:30)
3070519047, Audio watermarking algorithm based on wavelet packet and psychoacoustic model, Rang-Ding Wang and Da-Wen Xu 3070602183, An improved Basic-Unit Layer Rate-Control Scheme on H.264, Shuguang Su, Shengsheng Yu and Jingli Zhou 3070603224, Performance Study of Nongrid Registration Algorithm for Investigating Lung Disease, Fumihiko Ino, Yuya Tanaka, Hiroko Kitaoka and Kenchi Hagihara 3070603225, A New Adaptive Multistage Median Filter, Huansheng Song, Guoqiang Wang and Xiangmo Zhao 3070603226, Gabor Filterbank and Its Application in the Fingerprint texture analysis, Yang Xu and Xuedong Zhang 3070603256, Iris Image Denoising Algorithm Based on Phase Preserving, Jian-ming Wang, Run-tao Ding, Hong Shen
Session 4B1: Image Processing and Computer Graphics-III (Dec. 8 13:30-15:30)
8180627556, A Novel High Gray Scale Data Driver for Passive Matrix OLED Displays, Hong-Jae Shin, Sun-Bo Woo, Seung-Jun Shin, Kae-Dal Kwack and Tae-Whan Kim 3070605283, AnchorClu: An Anchorperson Shot Detection Method Based on Clustering, Xi-Dao Luan, Yu-Xiang Xie, Ling-Da Wu, Jun Wen, Song-Yang Lao 3070605285, An Approach to Image Retrieval Based on Concept Lattices and Rough Set Theory, Ming Li, Tong Wang, Xiao-li Li 3070605318, Number and Letter Character Recognition of Vehicle License Plate Based on Edge Hausdorff Distance, Shuang-tong Tang and Wen-ju Li 3070610418, Residual Texture Based Fast Block-Size Selection for Inter-Frame Coding in H.264/AVC, Zhengning Wang, Qiang Peng and Yong Zeng 3070605282, Stereo Correspondence using Color Based on Competitive-cooperative Neural Networks, Xijun Hua, Masahiro Yokomichi and Michio Kono
Session 4B2 Applications-II: (Dec. 8 13:30-15:30)
2040620491, A WBEM Disk Array Provider, Yu-an Tan, Hong Deng and Guo-min Lin 2010620503, Symmetry and Autobisimulation, Jianmin Jiang and Jinzhao Wu
1090605307, Authentication with
controlled anonymity in P2P systems,
Adam Wierzbicki, Aneta Zwierko, Zbigniew Kotulski 2050602170, A kind of negotiation policy for resource allocation in distributed manufacturing environment, Cixing Lv, Yunlong Zhu and Chaowan Yin 2080525079, A Model for NP-based Application Design, Zheng Shan,Rong-cai Zhao and Kang-min Xie 3030610412, A New Algorithm for Partner Selection in Virtual Enterprise, ZhiBin Zeng, Yan Li, Wenxing Zhu and ShuJuan Li 3010620483, A Distributed and Cooperative Target Localization Algorithm in Wireless Sensor, Xing-yu Pi and Hong-yi Yu 2050603199, A New Network Management Framework Design and Application Realization, Jing-hua Li and Guang-hui Xu
Session 4B3: Database Applications and Data Mining (Dec. 8 13:30-15:30)
8180603263, Event Driven RFID Reader for Warehouse Management, Dayu Yang 2020531145, ARV-based Array Grouping and Data Distribution in OpenMP/JIAJIA, Lifang Zeng, Xuejun Yang and Chun Huang 3080531149, Attribute value reduction in variable precision rough set, Fu-zhong Nian and Ming Li 3080602173, A Window-based Algorithm for Skyline Queries, Jing Yu, Xin Liu and Guo-hua Liu 3080603221, Quantitative Association Rules Mining Methods with Privacy-preserving, Zi-Yang Chen and Guo-Hua Liu 3080605331, A Novel Text Classification Algorithm Based on Naïve Bayes and KL-divergence, Baoyi Wang and Shaomin Zhang 3080617441, Web Document Classification Based on Extended Rough set, Gaoxiang Yi, Heping Hu and Zhengding Lu
Session 4B4: Intelligent Computing and Neural Networks (Dec. 8 13:30-15:30)
3100603270, Genetic Algorithms for Solving Linear Bilevel Programming, Xian-Jia Wang and Guang-Min Wang 3100603219, A Genetic Algorithm Optimized New Structured Neural Network for Multistage Decision-Making Problem, Lei Yang, Yu Dai, Bin Zhang and Gao Yan 3100603252, Intelligent Compaction Control Based on Fuzzy Neural Network, Yongfeng Ju, Guangfeng Lin, Yindi Fan and Zongyi Liu 3060602191, A novel genetic algorithm for HP model protein folding, Jie Song, Jiaxing Cheng, TingTing Zheng and Junjun Mao 3100602180, An Improved Genetic Algorithm For Multi-Objective Optimization, Fu Lin and GuiMing He 3100603257, A Coevolutionary Model Based on Dynamic Combination of Genetic Algorithm and Ant Colony Algorithm, Ming Chen and Qiang Lu
Session 4B5: Parallel and Distributed Algorithms-III (Dec. 8 13:30-15:30)
310603235, Digital Modulation Identification Based on Software Radio Platform, Jian chen, Yonghong Kuo, Jiandong Li, Fenglin Fu and Chao Li 3060621524, Parallel Algorithm for Computing Reversal Distance, Yifei Shen and Guoliang Chen 3100603218, Solving Very Large Traveling Salesman Problems by SOM Parallelization on Cluster Architectures, Hannes Schabauer, Erich Schikuta and Thomas Weishäupl 3100603220, Network Optimized by K-L Transform for Digital Modulation Identification, Yonghong Kuo, Jian Chen and Xiaohua Tan 3100605349, Prediction of Chaotic Time Series Using LS-SVM with Automatic Parameter Selection, Xiaodong Wang, Haoran Zhang, Changjiang Zhang and Minlan Jiang
Session 4C1: Parallel and Distributed Algorithms-IV (Dec. 8 16:00-18:00)
3090605281, Scalable Parallel Quadrilateral Mesh Generation Coupled with Mesh Partitioning, Jianjun Chen, Yao Zheng and Xia Ning 3090616433, An Efficient Multiple-Precision Division Algorithm, Liusheng Huang, Yonglong Luo, Hong Zhong and Hong Shen 3090620484, A High-Throughput Fibre channel Data Communication Service, Yu-an Tan, Li-gu Zhu and Yuan-da Cao 8180621530, Solution to Multi-objective Fuzzy Optimization Dynamic Programming with Uncertain Information, Yingwei Jin, Hong Shen, Keqiu Li and Zhongxian Chi 8180621531, A New Solution to Non-structural System Group Decision-making Problems, Yingwei Jin, Hong Shen, Keqiu Li and Zhongxian Chi 3090620489, Fluid-structure Interaction Within 3-layered Aortic Arch Model under Pulsatile Blood Flow, Feng Gao, Masahiro Watanabe and Teruo Matsuzawa
Session 4C2: Computer Mathematics (Dec. 8 16:00-18:00)
8180531139, The Calculational Method For Spectrogram and Variance-Length Curve Of Yarn Based On Multiresolution Analysis, Jun Ma and N. A. Korobov 8180601163, Constructing Random SVK-Lattices from Cyclic Bases, Weichi Yu and Dake He 8180619459, Hamiltonian-like Properties of k-Ary n-Cubes, Tong An, Deqiang Wang, Kelun Wang, Mingyang Pan and Shuyan Qu 8180620486, Embedding Paths of different lengths into Crossed Cubes, Jianxi Fan, Xiaola Lin, Xiaohua Jia 8180531138, The Eigen-Problem In The Completely Max-Algebra, Jun Ma, Yan Gao and Zhi yong Dai
Session 4C3: Knowledge Based Systems (Dec. 8 16:00-18:00)
3050602182, Research on Application of Development Method of Knowledge Base in the Integrated System for ICAD, Pengshou Xie, Yongping Kang and Qiuyu Zhang 3020605302, A DL-based Approach for product knowledge reasoning, Xiangjun Fu, Shanping Li and Nizamuddin Channa 3050605303, Towards a Knowledge-Based System of Distributed Configuration, Xiangjun Fu and Shanping Li 3050617445, The Research on Decision Approach of Data Dependence in Dynamic Workflow System, Shaomin Zhang and Baoyi Wang 3070605286, Decision Tree’s Pruning Algorithm Based on Deficient Data sets, Yong Zhang, Zhongxian Chi and Dagong Wang 1100509023, Knowledge Discovery and Ontology-based services on the Grid, R.B. Mishra, Sunil Kumar Pandey
Session 4C4: Image Processing and Computer Graphics-IV (Dec. 8 16:00-18:00)
1050606372, Perceptually Optimized Error-Resilient H.264 Video Streaming System Over the best-effort Internet, Ning Liao, Ziyi Quan and Aidong Men 3070620474, An Automatic and Robust Algorithm for Segmentation of Three-dimensional Medical Images, Haibo Zhang, Hong Shen and Huichuan Duan 3070615428, An Image Hiding Method Based on Correlation Analysis and Image Fusion, Bin Liu and Zhitang Li 3070619463, An Invariant Feature Representation for shape Retrieval, ShuiHua Han 3070620515, A new approach of the vehicle license plate location, Hongke Xu, Fuhua Yu, Jiahua Jiao and Huanshsng Song 3070621536, Toward Robust Blind Logo Watermarking in JPEG-Compressed Images Using a Trellis Coding Model, Qing Gong and Hong Shen
Session 4C5: Resource and Task Scheduling-II (Dec. 8 16:00-18:00)
3030527113, Load Balance Heuristics for Synchronous Iterative Applications on Heterogeneous Cluster Systems, Weizhe Zhang, Mingzeng Hu and Hongli Zhang 3030605313, Security-Driven Scheduling Algorithms Based on EigenTrust in Grid, Kenli Li, Yan He, Xiaoling Liu and Ying Wang 3030617444, Gracefully Degrading Battery-Aware Static Multiprocessor Schedules based on Symmetric Task Fusion, Frode Eika Sandnes, Oliver Sinnen and Yo-Ping Huang 3030619457, Using Dataflow Information to Improve Inter-Workflow Instance Concurrency, Yang Wang and Paul Lu 303603234, A Post-Scheduling Optimization Algorithm of Distributed Real-Time Tasks, Ming Fang and Youguang Yuan