The registration procedure will be announced in the week of August 10th.
All the regular and the short papers will be included into the PDCAT05 proceedings. A regular paper can have 5 pages while a short paper can have 3 pages. That is the only difference. Please note that 3 pages (short) and 5 pages (regular) are IEEE double column 10pt font size format. It should be able to contain 6-8 (short) and 10-12 (regular) single column pages. You can adjust line-gap to compact more contents if really necessary. If you paper is really too long, you may shorten it by abbreviating/condensing implementation/simulation details. you are allowed for have extra pages at IEEE's standard page charge rate $100 per page.
You may modify your accepted paper's title if really necessary, but it should not be changed to a completely new one. Please inform us about your modification when you upload the camera-ready version of the paper. Also please fill out the registration form using the following pattern: Paper title: New title (old title)
You can access the online author kit at http://www.computer.org/portal/pages/ieeecs/publications/cps/final/pdcat2005.html
Please contact g-xie@jaist.ac.jp or pdcat05@jaist.ac.jp with your paper number and paper title as soon as possible. Thanks for your cooperation.
The PDCAT05 proceedings is to be published by the IEEE Computer
Society's Conference Publishing Services (CPS). Currently, all conference proceedings published by the IEEE Computer
Society's Conference Publishing Services (CPS) are archived into the IEEE Computer Society's digital library, the IEEE's IEL digital library
and the IEEE's new Xplore® digital library. Once archived into the IEL and Xplore® digital libraries, the proceedings are forwarded to INSPEC®
for indexing. http://www.iee.org.uk/publish/inspec/
The PDCAT03 proceedings was published by the IEEE publisher and all the accepted papers were included into the EI Compendex in the end. Also all the papers in the PDCAT04 proceedings were included into the EI Compendex after they were published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). We cannot confirm now that all the individual papers of PDCAT05 will be definitely included into the EI Compendex. It can only be decided by EI after the proceedings is published, but as far as we know from the previous experiences, it is very likely that the papers in the PDCAT05 proceedings will be included into the EI Compendex. Invitation letter will only be issued to: speakers/presenters, committee members and paid attendees. Please fill the form of Request for Invitation Letter and email it to PDCAT05@jaist.ac.jp. 我们的会议集将由IEEE Computer Society出版,所有由IEEE出版的会议集都会收录进IEEE INSPEC数据库,该数据库直接连接到EI检索引擎,我们已经联系IEEE Publisher关于是否所有文章都能录入EI Compendex,他们的回答是:在会议集出版之前不能确保文章会录入EI Compendex,但是由于IEEE INSPEC在科学界的声誉,每年其中大部分文章都被录入EI。 PDCAT最近两届的EI索引情况如下: PDCAT03会议集也是由IEEE出版,先录入IEEE INSPEC,然后全文录入EI Compendex。 PDCAT04会议集是出版在Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS),全文也录入EI Compendex。 在PDCAT05会议集出版之前,我们不能保证全文录入EI Compendex,但是我们相信,根据PDCAT05的文章质量和录取率,最近两届EI索引情况, 以及IEEE INSPEC在科学界的声誉,PDCAT05的会议集出版后将会全文录入EI Compendex。