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PDCAT 2005 URGENT: Please check here for the Hotel info: http://www.jaist.ac.jp/pdcat05/hotel.htm .

What is PDCAT'2005?

The International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT) is a major forum for scientists, engineers, and practitioners throughout the world to present the latest research, results, ideas, developments and applications in all areas of parallel and distributed computing. Following PDCAT'00 in Hong Kong, PDCAT'01 in Taipei, PDCAT'02 in Kanazawa, Japan, PDCAT'03 in Chengdu, China,  and PDCAT'04 in Singapore, PDCAT'05 will be held in Dalian, China.

Important Notice

  1. [2004-12-12]: PDCAT'05 is calling for papers now! [HTML][PDF] [DOC][TXT]
  2. [2004-12-12]: PDCAT'05 program and registration information will be available later.
  3. [2005-2-1]: Paper submissions are underway.
  4. [2005-6-6]: Paper submission deadline has been extended to June 20!
  5. [2005-6-7]: Review form can be downloaded now. [TXT]
  6. [2005-6-24]: Paper submission closed!
  7. [2005-7-2]: The conference proceedings will be published in English by IEEE Computer Society (cited by EI). It is also planned that the extended versions of some selected papers are to be published in special issues of two journals: IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems (cited by SCI), International Journal High Performance Computing and Networking.
  8. [2005-7-29]: The PDCAT05 notification letters have been sent out by email.  If you haven't received them, please contact g-xie@jaist.ac.jp as soon as possible.
  9. [2005-7-30]: You can access the online author kit as follows:

  10. [2005-7-30]: For authors from non English speaking countries: We would like you to perform a thorough linguistic check to meet the English language requirement, thank you for your cooperations.

  11. [2005-8-1]: The registration procedure will be announced around August 10th.

  12. [2005-8-2]: Before you ask questions, please read the FAQ on the website.

  13. [2005-8-11]: The registration procedure has been announced.

  14. [2005-8-12]: Downloadable forms:  Registration Form, Request for Invitation Letter

  15. [2005-8-17]: Please read the answers in the FAQ list to numerous EI citation questions raised by many authors.

  16. [2005-8-23]: The tutorials have been announced. They are free for all the registered authors.

  17. [2005-8-26]: Please check the registered paper list.

  18. [2005-9-15]: The Conference Schedule and Technical Program have been announced.

  19. [2005-10-8]: Please check here for the Hotel info: http://www.jaist.ac.jp/pdcat05/hotel.htm . We have contacted with the hotel, so you need only to submit the reservation form and you can pay the fee when you check in.

Where is the location of PDCAT'2005?

Dalian, a well-known city with a longstanding history and civilization, lies on the east coast of Eurasia and the southern tip of Liaodong peninsular in Northeast China, with the Yellow Sea on the east, Bohai Sea on the west, facing the Shandong peninsular across the sea on the south and backed up by the vast Northeast Plain on the north. Dalian is the marine gateway of Northeast China. Now as the provincial level decision-making authority, also named as "Northern Hong Kong", it comprises 5 districts, 3 county-level cities with a total population of 5,601,000. Dalian has a world-class reputation for its seafood, shopping, and sightseeing. Numerous tourist spots including the Xinghai Shell Museum, the second phase of the Dalian Water Paradise and the Sun Asia Ocean World have been opened for tourists. All these tourist spots can be visited comfortably in December. Dalian is well connected to major cities via air and rail. 


Important Dates


Paper submission deadline:    June 5, 2005

Author notification:          Aug 1, 2005

Camera-ready version due:     Sep 1, 2005

Conference:                   Dec 5-8, 2005


Who are in the committee ?

Honorary Chair

Gengdong Cheng, President, Dalian University of Technology, China

General Chair

Hong Shen, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), Japan

Program Chair

Koji Nakano, Hiroshima University, Japan

Vice Program Chairs

Shuo-Yen Robert Li, Chinese Univ. of HK, China

Fuliang Yin, Dalian University of Technology, China

Teruo Matuzawa, JAIST, Japan

Tutorial&Workshop Chair

Susumu Horiguchi, Tohoku University, Japan

Finance Chair

Haibin Kan,  Fudan University, China

Publication Chair

Keqiu Li, JAIST

IT Chair

Gui Xie, JAIST






How to contact us?

PDCAT'05 Secretariat

Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Asahidai 1-8, Tatsunokuchi, Nomishi, Ishikawa, Japan


Email: pdcat05@jaist.ac.jp

Web: http://www.jaist.ac.jp/pdcat05

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PDCAT'2005, All rights reserved. Last updated: October 26, 2005


