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2014.10.26-30  The 18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences


 【会場】    USA


  • Development of miniaturized ionization source for protein mass spectrometry on a chip
    Kiyotaka Sugiyama, Hiroki Harako, Yoshiaki Ukita, and Yuzuru Takamura

    High sensitive detection of biomolecule by synthesized peptide bioprobe on-chip based programmable biosensor
    Lightson Ngashangva, Rahul Bhardwaj, Yoshiaki Ukita, Yuzuru Takamura, and Manish Biyani

    Development of programmable biosensor based on the electrochemical detection of metal ion
    Rahul Bhardwaj, Lightson Ngashangva, Yoshiaki Ukita, Manish Biyani, and Yuzuru Takamura

    Study on centrifugal force based particle trapping in micro chamber at lower reynolds number
    Bineet Sharma, Manish Biyani, Yoshiaki Ukita, and Yuzuru Takamura

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