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201310.17-18 International Symposium on Advanced Materials 2013


 【会場】     JAIST


  • Label Free Electrochemical Biosensor for DNA Hybridization Detection using On-Chip Synthesized Probes
    Rahul Bhardwaj, Yoshiaki Ukita and Yuzuru Takamura

    Synthesis of peptide as probe molecule on microfluidic chip using Fmoc-SPPS protocol to develop programmable biosensor
    Lightson NG, Yoshiaki Ukita and Yuzuru Takamura

    Study on Trapping of Particle by loop trajectory for Single Cell Washing
    Bineet Sharma, Kiyotaka Sugiyama, Yoshiaki Ukita, D.S. Rawat, Yuzuru Takamura

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