Photo Gallery II

●At the Party of the Gordon Research Conferences (GRC) in 1998. / ゴードン会議の晩餐会で。

●With Students in My Lab., Tohoku University in 1997 / 東北大学の学生たちと。

●With My Student of Tohoku University at Japan Sea in 1998. / 東北大学の学生と日本海をバックに。

●With My Sister at My House in May 1998 / 妹と実家で。

●With My Brother & Sisters at a Park in 1982 / 幼き日の私達兄弟。

●With My Cousin at the New Year Party in 1998 / 新年会で従妹と。

/// ご意見ご感想をお寄せ下さい。 ///

Copyright (C) Dr. Ken-ichi SHINOHARA. All Rights Reserved.