
Grant Program by The Mitani Foundation for Research and Development has been adopted. Thank you very much.

We had a 10th anniversary party!

[For new students] We welcome you to visit our lab. Please ask the Nagao Lab students at M3-46.

Two national grants have been adopted. Thank you very much.

Gang Du and Miaomiao Liu got master degree. Congratulations!

My former postdoc, Dr. Zhuqing Wang, started his lab in Sichuan University (China). Congratulations!!

Gang and Miaomiao completed their master thesis and presentation. Congratulations.

A paper co-authored with Prof. Karan, Dr. Shrivastava of University of Calgary, and Dr. Nagano of Rikkyo University was selected for the Soft Matter Most Popular 2020 collection. Thank you very much.

Our number of top 10% most cited publications in JAIST was the highest in the last 5 years. Congratulations and thank you very much.

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