
Mr. Ghaleeb Jeppie, Minister Counsellor of the Embassy of the Republic of South Africa, visited us. Thank you very much.

Assistant Professor Kentaro AOKI has joined. Nagao promoted to Professor.

Hasan completed PhD course, Peng and Zhaohan completed Master course. Cougratulations.

Peng and Zhaohan completed their master thesis and presentation. Congratulations.

Hasan completed her PhD defense. Congratulations!

[Award] Zhongping’s work (Macromol. Rapid Commun.) was selected as Cover. Congratulations!

[New member] Dr Agman joined. Welcome!!

Prof. Yu-Cheng CHIU from National Taiwan University of Science and Technology joined as Visiting Research Fellow. Welcome!

[Award] Dr. Athchaya received Excellent Poster Presentation Award at 2021 Hokuriku area lecture and research presentation. Congratulations!

[Awards] Hasan and Fangfang received awards at Student Symposium 2021 of JAIST International Research Center for Silent Voice Sensing (Excellent Core). Congratulations!

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