
[Invited] Material Architectonics on Sustainable Action (MANA,NIMS&PRESTO,JST)

[Paper] Chemistry – A European Journal

[Paper] Applied Surface Science

[Presentation] Ohyama, Noro, Oono, Ono, Kobayashi, Nagao, 94th Annual meeting of The Chemical Society of Japan

[Press Release] 10-1 S cm-1 order’s proton conductive thin film with oriented structure

[Invited] Karthik and Nagao, NanotechJapan at Tsukuba

[Paper] J. Mater. Chem. A

[Paper] Electrochimica Acta

[Invited] NanotechJapan at Nagoya Univ.

[Presentation] 4th Molecular Materials Meeting @ Singapore 2014

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