
[Presentation] Rashed and Ono at JAIST Japan-India Symposium on Materials Science 2015 (JISMS 2015)

[Invited] 7th Bionanosystems meeting

[Presentation] Polymer Research Center (PORCE), UKM, Malaysia

[Presentation] Rashed, Laokroekkiat, Ohno, Ono, Kobayashi, Guo at annual meeting of Hokuriku area CSJ

[Presentation] Ono, Nagao at annual meeting of Solid State Ionics

[Presentation] Ohno, Ono at CSJ Festa

[Presentation] Laokroekkiat at MOF 2014 Conference

[Presentation] Prof. Nagano (Nagoya Univ.) at 63rd Symposium on Macromolecules

[Presentation] Dr Sata (DLR, Germany) at 17th Solid State Protonic Conductors

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