
[Media] Our research was featured on Hokkoku Shinbun (newspaper). (Fangfang and Dongjin)

[Press Release] The first hydroxide conductivity in anion conducting polymer thin films (Fangfang)

[Accepted] ChemSusChem

[Presentation] Athchaya, Fangfang, and Nagao at Silent Voice Sensing Joint Seminar online

[Accepted] Int. J. Hydrog. Energy

[Accepted] Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.

[Online Lecture] China University of Petroleum (East China)

[Accepted] Mater. Today Proc.

[Accepted] Mater. Sci. Forum

[Tutorial] Dynamic control of electron and ion by designing soft matter in 69th Symposium on Macromolecules

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