
[Invited] 4th International Conference on Science & Engineering of Materials (ICSEM-2021)

[Presentation] Fangfang and Nagao at China University of Petroleum (East China) (Online)

[Accepted] Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (Zhongping)

[Accepted] Macromol. Symp.

[Media] Our research was featured on Hokkoku Shinbun (newspaper). (Athchaya)

[Accepted] ChemistrySelect (Hasan)

[Press Release] Proton’s Travel Route in Polymers Could Lead the Way to Clean Fuels (Athchaya)

[Media] Our research was featured on THE SCIENCE NEWS (newspaper). (Fangfang and Dongjin)

[Collaboration] Inoue and Prof. Matsui at 70th SPSJ Annual Meeting

[Accepted] Electrochemistry

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