- 2019年10月 8日
Professor Mizuta delivered a Keynote Speech at the Hokuriku industry activation forum. <link> <picture1>
M2students presented posters and explained measuring equipment.
<picture2> <picture3> - 2019年9月24日
Dr Afsal Kareekunnan received a PhD degree. Congratulations! <picture1> <picture2> <picture3>
- 2019年9月17日
Mr Akira Uchiyama joined as a research assistant.
- 2019年9月 6日
Professor Mizuta delivered a Keynote Speech at the Seminar of the Society of Indoor Environment Japan : Indoor Environment Sensing for IoT era - from living body sensing to smart phone applications. <Link> - 2019年8月19日
Dr Amit Banerjee joined as a postdoctoral researcher.
- 2019年7月29日
Professor Mizuta received the JAIST Distinguished Professorship and President Award 2019. <link1> <link2> <link3>
- 2019年7月25日
The following paper by Mr KAREEKUNNAN Afsal, D3 student, has just been published online in Nanoscale.
'Electrically controlled valley states in bilayer graphene'
DOI: 10.1039/C9NR03621K - 2019年7月 4日
The application 'Wave phonon engineering based on atomic layer NEMS functionalized using sub-nanometer ion beam' (PI: Prof. Mizuta) is granted for KAKENHI Challenging Research (Pioneering).
- 2019年6月29日
Dr Ahmed Hammam, a JSPS Fellow, delivered a talk on 'My career and research in Japan' to the 2nd grade students at Koshi high school ', Fukui, <picture1> <picture2> <picture3>
- 2019年6月 4日
A postdoc researcher position is open for the project to develop graphene high performance gas sensors for ultralow gas concentration (good writing and speaking skills in Japanese is required).<link>