Shangbin JIN Won CSJ Student Presentation Award 2013
(CSJ = The Chemical Society of Japan).  Congratulations!
Xiong Chen Won the 2013 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad. Congratulations!
Cheng Gu won the MOF2014 Kobe Poster Award. Congratulations!
Hong Xu won the 2014 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad. Congratulations!
Ning Huang Won the 2015 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad. Congratulations!
Shanshan TAO Won the 2017 CSJ Student Presentation Award. Congratulations!
Xiong CHEN Won Excellent Poster Award in 2013 National Polymer Conference, China. Congratulations!
Long CHEN Won Excellent Poster Award in 2013 National Polymer Conference, China. Congratulations!
2010: Long CHEN Won Excellent Research Award of SOKENDAI. Congratulations!
March 2008: Long CHEN Won Excellent Presentation Award in the 88th Annual Meeting of Chemical Society of Japan. Congratulations!
2010: Long CHEN Won Nagakura Research Incentive Award of SOKENDAI. Congratulations!