[[MPC Group]]/[[並列計算機]] -&color(red){Please run a program via NQSSI(job manager). When you have a interactive job, please run your program on sx9.jaist.ac.jp.};&br; -&color(red){ジョブを実行する際は,NQSSIを介して実行して下さい. インタラクティブは,sx9.jaist.ac.jp上で実行して下さい.};&br; *SX9 (Vector Computer) [#p530a7c2] Hostname: sx9.jaist.ac.jp (for interactive job) or sx9-fep.jaist.ac.jp (front end server) &br; -System 1 rack [4cpus] --CPU Spec --- 102.4GFLOPS/CPU * 4 ---Memory 256GB -Compilar -- FORTRAN90/SX(include OpenMP), C++/SX(include OpenMP) -Library --Mathkeisan(BLAS, LAPACK, BLACS, ScaLAPACK, FFT), MPI/SX, MPI2/SX -Software --NQSII, Gaussian09 *Environment Setting [#y1c45f60] -In the case of interactive job, please execute the below command before start calculation. -In the case of batch job, please contain the below command in your script. -インタラクティブジョブの場合は以下のコマンドで環境を設定してから,計算を実行してください. -バッチジョブの場合は,ジョブスクリプト中に以下のコマンドを記述して下さい. **bash [#x65decdb] g09root="/usr/local/G09/C.01" export g09root ./$g09root/g09/bsd/g09.profile **csh [#r5728089] setenv g09root "/usr/local/G09/C.01" source $g09root/g09/bsd/g09.login *Queue CLASS [#mdd7a010] |~CLASS|~CPU|~TIME|~MEMORY|~EXECUTABLE JOB|~EXECUTABLE JOB/USR|Check Point| |single|1|168hours|100GB|2|1/usr|3hours| *Gauss View [#k0bd1b8b] if you launch "Gauss View", you execute the below command on sx9-fep.jaist.ac.jp&br; command: /usr/local/gv/gview ガウスビュを起動する際は,下記のコマンドをsx9-fep上で実行してください.&br; コマンド: /usr/local/gv/gview * [#hacbb7b2] #counter