Technical Program
Wednesday, March 13, 1996
- Opening and Invited Talk 1 [9:15-10:30]
- Object Utopia
- Dave Thomas (OTI)
- Break [10:30-11:00]
- Session 1: Design and Evolution [11:00-12:30]
- Automating the Evolution of Object-Oriented Systems
- Walter L. Hursch & Linda M. Seiter (Northeastern Univ.)
- Using C++ Templates to Implement Role-Based Designs
- Michael Van Hilst & David Notkin (Univ. of Washington)
- Explicit Metaclasses as a Tool for Improving the Design of
Class Libraries
- T. Ledoux & P. Cointe (Ecole des Mines de Nantes)
- Break (Lunch) [12:30-14:00]
- Invited Talk 2 [14:00-15:00]
- Beyond Design by Contract: Towards Formally Provable Object-Oriented
- Bertrand Meyer (ISE Inc.)
- Break [15:00-15:30]
- Session 2: Parallelism and Distribution [15:30-17:00]
- ICC++ - A C++ Dialect for High Performance Parallel Computing
- A. Chien, U. Reddy, J. Plevyak & J. Dolby (Univ. of Illinois)
- Hierarchical Collections:
an Efficient Scheme to Build an Object-Oriented Distributed Class Library
for Massively Parallel Computation
- Naohito Sato, Satoshi Matsuoka & Akinori Yonezawa (Univ. of Tokyo)
- Adaptive Parameter Passing
- Cristina Lopes (Northeastern Univ.)
- Demonstrasion (to be announced) [17:00-18:00]
- Reception [18:30-20:00]
Thursday, March 14, 1996
- Invited Talk 3 [9:15-10:15]
- Patterns in Practice
- Richard Helm (IMB Consulting Group/ISSC Australia)
- Break [10:15-10:45]
- Session 3: Meta and Reflection [10:45-12:15]
- Designing a Meta Object Protocol to Wrap a Standard
Graphical Toolkit
- Erik Gallesio (Univ. de Nice - Sophia Antipolis)
- Avoiding Confusion in Metacircularity: The Meta-Helix
- Shigeru Chiba, Gregor Kiczales & John Lamping (Xerox PARC)
- An Algebraic Semantics of Reflective Objects
- Yasuyuki Tahara, Fumihiro Kumeno, Akihiko Ohsuga & Shinichi Honiden
- Break (Lunch) [12:15-13:45]
- Invited Talk 4 [13:45-14:45]
- A Meme Media Architecture for Fine-Grain Computer Software
- Yuzuru Tanaka (Hokkaido Univ.)
- Break [14:45-15:15]
- Session 4: Evaluation of Reuse [15:15-16:15]
- A Metric for Evaluating Effectiveness of Object-Oriented
Interface for Promoting Software Reuse
- Koji Nakanishi & Takashi Arano (NTT Software Labs.)
- Experience in Classification and Reuse of Synchronization
- Jean-Pierre Briot (Univ. of Tokyo)
- Break [16:15-16:30]
- Panel - to be announced [16:30-18:00]
Friday, March 15, 1996
- Invited Talk 5 [9:30-10:30]
- Synergies in Object-Oriented Language Design
and Implementation Research
- Craig Chambers (Univ. of Washington)
- Break [10:30-11:00]
- Session 5: Database, Persistency and File Systems [11:00-12:00]
- Ocore and VAST - Integrating Persistence into a Parallel
Object-Oriented Language
- Jorg Nolte, Hiroki Konaka, Atsushi Hori, Yutaka Ishikawa,
Munenori Maeda & Takashi Tomokiyo (RWC)
- A Metaobject Protocol for Accessing File Systems
- Chris Maeda (Univ. of Washington)
- Subtyping by Constraints in Object-Oriented Databases
- Wolfgang Kowarschick, Gerhard Kostler & Werner Kiessling
(Technische Universitaet Muenchen)
- Closing