Technical Program

Thursday, November 4, 1993

Opening Session (9:00 - 9:20)

Opening Address
General Chair: Takuya Katayama (JAIST)

Message from the Program Committee
PC Co-Chairs: Shojiro Nishio (Osaka U.), Aki Yonezawa (U. of Tokyo)

Session 1: (9:20 - 11:00)
Object-Oriented Programming Languages
Chair: Aki Yonezawa (University of Tokyo)

Uniting Functional and Object-Oriented Programming (Invited Paper)
John Sargeant (University of Manchester)

Traces (Solving the "Make Isn't Generic" Problem)
Gregor Kiczales (Xerox PARC)

Gluons: a Support for Software Component Cooperation
Xavier Pintado (University of Geneva)

Session 2 (11:20 - 12:50)
Object-Oriented Programming Language and Environment
Chair: Yutaka Ishikawa (RWC Partnership)

TAO: An Object-Orientation Kernel
Kenichi Yamazaki, Yoshiji Amagai, and Ikuo Takeuchi (NTT Basic Research Laboratories), Masaharu Yoshida (NTT Human Interface Laboratories)

Change Management and Consistency Maintenance in Software Development Environments Using Object Oriented Attribute Grammars
Katsuhiko Gondow, Takashi Imaizumi (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Yoichi Shinoda (JAIST), Takuya Katayama (JAIST/Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Design of an Integrated and Extensible C++ Programming Environment
Kin'ichi Mitsui, Hiroaki Nakamura (IBM Research, Tokyo Research Laboratory), Theodore C. Law, and Shahram Javey (IBM Canada, Language Technology Centre)

Session 3 (14:00 - 15:40)
Meta and Reflection
Chair: Gregor Kiczales (Xerox PARC)

Metalevel Decomposition in AL-1/D
Hideaki Okamura (Keio University), Yutaka Ishikawa (Real World Computing Partnership), and Mario Tokoro (Keio University/Sony CSL)

Definition of a Reflective Kernel for a Prototype-Based Language
Philippe Mulet and Pierre Cointe (Ecole des Mines de Nantes)

Kernel Structuring for Object-Oriented Operating Systems: The Apertos Approach
Yasuhiko Yokote (Sony Computer Science Laboratory Inc.)

Session 4 (16:00 - 17:30)
Object-Oriented Database Features
Chair: Masatoshi Yoshikawa (AIST, Nara)

Object Oriented Database Systems: Functional Architecture (Invited Paper)
Francois Bancilhon (O2 Technology)

Maintaining Behavioral Consistency during Schema Evolution
Paul L. Bergstein and Walter L. Hursch (Northeastern University)

An Object-Centered Approach for Manipulating Hierarchically Complex Objects
Ling Liu (Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt)

Friday, November 5, 1993

Exhibitor Presentations (9:00-10:00)
Chair: Tatsuo Nakajima (JAIST)

AL-1 (Keio University)
Apertos (Sony Computer Science Laboratory)
Harmony (Osaka University)
MAGE (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
OBJ (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
Real-Time Mach (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Keio University, Carnegie-Mellon University)

Session 5 (10:20-11:00)
Views for Object-Oriented Database
Chair: Shinji Shimojo (Osaka University)

Towards the Unification of Views and Versions for Object Databases
Kwang June Byeon and Dennis McLeod (University of Southern California)

Session 6 (11:00-12:10)
Object-Oriented Programming and Modeling
Chair: Tsutomu Kamimura (IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory)

Refactoring and Aggregation (Invited Paper)
Ralph E. Johnson (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Dynamic Extensibility in a Statically-Compiled Object-Oriented Language
Jawahar Malhotra (Aarhus University)

Session 7 (14:00-15:30)
Object-Oriented Database Language
Chair: Atsushi Ohori (Kyoto University)

Managing Change in Persistent Object Systems (Invited Paper)
Malcolm Atkinson (University of Glasgow)

An Object-Oriented Pattern Matching Language
Marc Gemis and Jan Paredaens (University of Antwerp)

CLOG: A Class-Based Logic Language For Object-Oriented Databases
Siu Cheung Hui, A. Goh, and K. R. Jose (Nanyang Technological University)

Session 8 (15:50-18:00)
Object-Oriented Software Development
Chair: Koichiro Ochimizu (JAIST)

Name Management and Object Technology for Advanced Software (Invited Paper)
Alan Kaplan and Jack C. Wileden (University of Massachusetts)

Constraints in Object-Oriented Analysis
Stefan Van Baelen, Johan Lewi, Eric Steegmans, and Bart Swennen (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)

Integration of the tool (AWB) supporting the O* Method in the PCTE-based Software Engineering Environment
Sai Peck Lee (University of Paris I)

Minimizing Dependency on Class Structures with Adaptive Programs
Karl J. Lieberherr and Cun Xiao (Northeastern University)

Saturday, November 6, 1993

Session 9 (9:00 - 10:40)
Chair: Etsuya Shibayama (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

First Class Messages as First Class Continuations
Ken Wakita (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

A Typing System for an Object-Calculus
Vasco T. Vasconcelos (Keio University) and Mario Tokoro (Keio University/Sony CSL)

A Type Mechanism based on Restricted CCS for Distributed Active Objects
Yasunori Harada (NTT)

Session 10 (11:00 - 12:30)
Object Technologies for Software Development
Chair: Katsuyasu Toyama (NTT)

Adding Implicit Invocation to Languages: Three Approaches (Invited Paper)
David Notkin (University of Washington), David Garlan (Carnegie Mellon University), and William G. Griswold (University of California, San Diego)

Requirements and Early Experiences in the Implementation of the SPADE Repository using Object-Oriented Technology
Sergio Bandinelli, Luciano Baresi, Alfonso Fuggetta, and Luigi Lavazza (Politecnico di Milano)

Object-Oriented Formal Specification Development using VDM
Amarit Laorakpong and Motoshi Saeki (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Closing Session (12:30 - 12:40)

Closing Address
JSSST Symposium Series Committee Chair: Mario Tokoro (Keio University/Sony CSL)

Maintained by Takuo Watanabe (Publicity Chair).