Ishikawa Digest    石川ダイジェスト

News highlight from Ishikawa Prefecture


On September 29, Professor Kazuo Kato, an assistant professor in the Kanazawa University Education Department's Japanese Language Division, reported that according to a "Dialect Awareness Survey,"more than half of the people living in Kanazawa cannot say that they like the dialect of Kanzawa and that people who have come to Kanzawa from other prefectures feel that there is a gap between their image of Kanazawa as a city and the language used there.

This survey was conducted nationwide, and of the people who said that they liked their local dialects, Kanazawa resulted in a low twelfth-place ranking our of fourteen places.

150 males originally from the greater Kanazawa area (fifty high school students, fifty 25-50-year-olds, and fifty 60-year-olds) and fifty males originally from outside Ishikawa were selected to complete the survey.

47% of the people originally from Kanazawa answered, "I like the Kanazawa dialect." The rest of the people answered, "I do not like it, " or "I neither like nor dislike it."

The younger the person the fewer the "I like Kanazawa dialect" responses. People originally from other prefectures who said,"I like Kanzawa dialect" were also relatively few in number--32%.

45% of the people originally from Kanazawa said that their image of Kanzawa dialect is that of a slow, lazy drawn-out way of speaking, but 65% of those people originally from other prefectures feel that way.
The places with people who like thier dialects (in order of the greatest numbers of people) of the fourteen places surveyed are 1) Matsumoto 2)Naha 3) Fukuoka, Hirosaki 5) Sapporo. Kanazawa ranks at number twelve followed by Chiba and Oogaki. Kyushu, Tohoku, and Kansai occupy the top ranks, and those regions with distinct dialects with characteristics which are hard to hammer out received low-ranking results.

 9月29日、加藤和夫金沢大学教育学部助教授(国語学)は方言意 識調査の結果を発表した。この調査は全国14地点で行われたものだ が、金沢弁の好感度は14地点中12位という低い結果になっている。
 調査によると、地元出身の47%は「金沢弁が好き」と答えたが、 53%は「嫌い」「どちらともいえない」と答えた。若い人ほど「好 き」と答えた人が少ない傾向にある。「好き」と答えた県外出身の 人はさらに少なく、32%。
 金沢方言のイメージのうち「間のびしている」と感じたのは、地 元生まれが45%、県外出身者は65%。金沢市に住む県外出身者は金沢 のイメージと金沢弁には、相当イメージのギャップがあると考えて いるようだ。
 全国十四地点の好感度の順位は、1)松本 2)那覇 3)福岡、弘前  5)札幌となっている。金沢は12位。金沢より好感度が低かった地 点は、13位に千葉、14位に大垣という結果になっていて、九州、東 北、関西が好感度の高い地域の上位を占め、はっきりした方言の特 徴が打ち出しにくい地域ほど好感度が低いという結果になっている。


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