Ishikawa Digest         石川ダイジェスト

News highlight from Ishikawa Prefecture


In Shiramine-Mura on November second, Tsurugi -Machi's Public Works Office dispatched the first snowplow of the year to clear the snow in Shiramine-mura for 2.5 km along highway route 157 between Tanitoge and Muronomori.

By 11:00 a.m. on November second, the snow on the border of Fukui and Ishikawa Prefectures near Tanitoge had reached a depth of 10 cm, necessitating the use of a showplow some thirty-three days sooner than last year and thirty days sooner than the average first use of a snowplow over the past ten years, December second.

On Hakusan Super Rind※(Hakusan Super Forest Road) snow fell all day on November first, andthe road was closed on November second as well. On November 22nd at 2:00 p.m. near Sanpoiwa (1450m above sea level) almost sixty cm of snow had accumulated. The Hakusan Super Rind※Ishikawa Administration Office said that after seeing the weather on November third they would decide if they should call Gifu Prefecture about dispatching a snowplow.

 白峰村で、11月1日に今年始めて除雪車が出動した。国道157号の 谷峠から室の森までの2.5キロ間で除雪車が活躍した。
 福井県との県境付近の積雪が10センチになり、去年より33日も早 く除雪の要請があったもので、過去10年の平均より30日早かった。
 白山スーパー林道でも1日と2日に雪が降り通行止めになった。三 方岩(標高1450メートル)付近の積雪は約60センチ。

The Ishikawa Prefeture Malaysia Friendship Association

The Ishikawa Prefecture Malaysia Friendship Association began on October ninth. Their first activity was taking the Penanfree School Hockey team visiting Togi-Machi for goodwill games to show them around Kenrokuen on November seventeenth.

Because there are about thirty Malaysians living within the prefecture yet no friendship association, Ms. Yoko Kawamori, a Japanese lanuage teacher in Okuwa-Machi began the society and became the first member. Chan Futao, a member of the association and a fourth-year engineering student in Kanazawa University (who is in his sixth year in Kanazawa) was in the welcoming party for PFA and said, "We have been anxiously awaiting meeting people from our home country as the first activity of this association," and he happily showed people around Kenrokuen.

The association will henceforth regualarly hold events in an effort to teach local citizens about the games, the language, and other aspects of Malaysia. On November 24th at 7 p.m. the association held its first such gathering to five a general introduction to the country of Malaysia.

 10月9日、石川県マレーシア友好協会が発足し、最初の活動とし て富来町を訪問中だったマレーシアのペナンフリースクールのホッ ケーチームを兼六園に案内した。
 県内にはマレーシア人が約30名住んでいるが、現在まで友好協会 は作られていなかったので、川森洋子さんがこの友好協会発足に尽 力した。メンバーの金大の工学部四年生チャンフタオさんは母国の 人達への歓迎の言葉として、「初回の活動も、国の人と会えるのも 待ち遠しかった」と述べた。
 これからも当協会はマレーシアを紹介するためにPRを行う予定で、 第1回目は11月24日に行われた。


On the 16th of November the "Tree Fantasy" illumination ceremony was held at Kohrinbo Atrio Plaza, and the centre of the city was majically lit up with thousands of tiny lights.

At the ceremony Mr. Nakamura, President of the Kohrinbo Tree Fantasy Executive Commitee, gave a few words, and then Fumiko Shibuya and her two fellow Hyakumangoku beauty queens turned on the switch. About 100 people from the Ishikawa Choral Society and the Kanazawa Children's Choir sang Silent Night and various other songs.

A total of 22,680 light bulbs were used to light up the 28 trees lining National Route 28 and the Kohrinbo intersection. Office ladies on their way home from work stop and gaze at the pretty lights which add a romantic air to evenings in the city.

The trees will be lit up until the 12th of February next year every day from 5.00-10.00p.m. The lights will be left on, however, from 5.00p.m. on New Years Eve until 6.00a.m. on New Year's Day.

 11月16日に金沢市の香林坊アトリオ広場で「ツリーファンタジー」 の点灯式が行われ、イルミネーションが都心を幻想的に彩った。
 点灯式では中村香林坊ツリーファンタジー実行委員長の挨拶に続 き、ミス百万石の渋谷久美子さんら3人がスイッチを入れ、石川県 合唱協会と金沢市児童合唱団約100人が「きよしこの夜」などを歌っ た。
 国道157号香林坊交差点周辺にある街路樹28本に電球が22,680個 も取り付けられた。帰る途中のサラリーマンやOLが足を止め、ロマ ンチックな明かりに見入った。イルミネーションは来年2月12日ま で午後5時から同10時の間、大みそかは午後5時から元日午前6時ま で点灯される。


The women's division of the Tsurugi Chamber of Commerce wants to help underpriviledged people overseas by collecting used telephone cards, so on November 1st they placed collection boxes in more than twenty locations in Tsurugi including banks, credit unions, and post offices.

The divison is also accepting used JR orange cards and highway cards. They then send the cards to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and to JOICEF, an auxiliay organization of the Ministry of Welfare. JOICEF sells the used cards for money. One card can buy three pills of insecticide, and 220 cards can buy 20 kilograms of corn for overseas assistance.

 鶴来町商工会の婦人部は、海外の恵まれない人達を援助する目的 で、11月1日から使用済テレホンカード収集活動を始め、鶴来町の 銀行や信用金庫、郵便局などに収集箱を設置した。
 この運動はテレホンカード・JRのオレンジカード・日本道路公団 のハイウェイカードを集め、外務所と厚生省の外郭団体ジョイセフ に送るもの。ジョイセフ(家族計画国際協力財団)では収集家に売 却して、1枚のカードで駆虫剤3錠、220枚で種トウモロコシ20キロ を海外に援助できるという。


The first standard-size soccer field in the Noto region was completed at the site of Kahsima AL Plaza, and on November 29 eight children's soccer teams from around Ishikawa gathered for a tournament. The soccer field was built with the intent of being an added attraction to AL Plaza. It is 10,200 square metres, sixty-eight metres wide by 150 metres long, regulation size. The area is fully equipped for night games and has bleachers which can acommodate 10,000 spectators. The grounds may be used for anything, including softball and gateball.

 能登地区では初の公式規格のサッカー場が鹿島のアルプラザで建 設され、11月19日、県内8つの少年サッカーチームが競技を楽しん だ。サッカー場はアルプラザのセールスポイントとなっている。こ のサッカー場は10,200平方メートル、幅68メートル、縦150メート ルで。ナイター施設が完備し、スタンドと芝生席で約1万人収容、 サッカーだけではなくソフトボールやゲートボールなどにも利用で きる。


The number of schools in the prefecture that are doing away with school bag regulations are rapidly increasing, and at present about 90 per cent of schools allow students to use a school bag of their own choice. The reason for this new trend is the growing desire of schools to acknowledge and respect student's independence.

Uniform changes are also underway. The old sailor blouse and stand up collar look is "out" and the blazor and rucksack look is "in". According to Mr Murakami, President of the Student Guidance Council and Principal of Koyo Senior High School, over the next one to two years regulation school bags such as the commonly used black leather bag will become less familiar. Even now only about 10 per cent of all schools still require the use of a regulation school bag. Up until a few years ago the majority of high schools enforced the use of regulation school bags as a form of discipline that would give the students a sense of solidarity. However, these days students are more fashion conscious and practical minded and have been wearing their regulation bags on their backs like a rucksack. In response to this many schools have decided to allow students to use a school bag of their choice.

Recently students, particularly boys, have been making adjustments to their uniforms to suit their own style. This is one of the reasons why many schools of late have replaced the traditional stand up collar in favour of a blazor. According to Mr Murakami, about half of the senior high schools in the prefecture have introduced the blazor as part of the boy's uniform, and by 1997 about 13 or 14 more schools have plans to do the same.

There are people who miss the stand up collar and regulation school bags. A local housewife whose son attends a prefectural high school in northern Kanazwa said that "compared to my old school days, the uniforms of today, particularly the boys, are very casual and don't seem like uniforms at all".

According to Mr Nakaya, head of the Ishikawa Board of Education School Advisory Division, teachers and parents need to understand that these changes are what the students want. Its about time that we all let go of our fixed ideas of what a uniform and school bag should or should not be.

 通学用かばんを自由化する高校が、石川県内で急増している。生 徒の自主性を尊重するとの理由からで、現在全体の約9割に達して いる。服もつめえりやセーラー服はめっきり少なくなり、ブレザー にリュック姿が高校生の通学スタイルになった。
 県生徒指導連絡協議会の村上会長(向陽高校長)によると、かつ て一般的だった黒の革かばんも各校指定かばんもここ1、2年で県内 の高校から急速に姿を消し、「今も指定かばんを使用しているのは 全体の1割程度」(村上会長)となっている。
県教委学校指導課によると、数年前まで多くの高校は、生徒に連 帯感と規律ある行動を身に付けさせるとの目的で指定かばんの使用 を校則で義務づけていた。ところが最近、機能性やファション性の 点からかばんの自由化を望む声が生徒の間で高まり、多くの生徒が 指定かばんをリュックのように背負って通学していることから、自 由化に踏み切る学校が増えている。
 男子制服のつめえりは一部の生徒が変造して着用する例もあるの で、ブレザーに変更する学校が多くなっている。村上会長によると、 県内全高校の約半数が男子の制服にブレザーを導入しており、1997 年までに新たに13、4校がブレザーに変更する予定である。
 県内には従来のつめえりに学生かばんスタイルをなつかしむ声も あり、金沢市北部の県立高校に長男が通う主婦は「自分の高校時代 に比べて男子生徒の服装がカジュアルになった印象を受ける」と話 した。
 県教委学校指導課の中谷課長は「生徒が希望し、教員、両親の理 解を得たものであれば、かばん、制服ともに固定観念にとわれる必 要はないと思う」としている。


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