COE Research Monograph Series
COE Research Monograph Series,Vol.4
北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 21世紀COEプログラム
「DOMAIN ENGINEERING : Technology Management, Research and Engineering」
Dines Bjorner
B5判 505ページ
ISBN 978-4-903092-17-1
This book is a collection of works done by Professor Dines Bjorner during his one year stay at JAIST’s Graduate School of Information Science. He stayed at JAIST as an invited visiting professor of the 21st Century COE (Center of Excellence) project Verifiable and Evolvable e-Society from January of 2006.
The JAIST COE project is an advanced and unique research project aiming at applying computer science based approaches to analyses and designs of such concepts as policies, laws, regulations and standards in our society. Our current society is widely and heavily based on the world-wide network of information systems, and it seems to be not only natural but also inevitable to look into the fundamental structure of our society from the stand point of computer/information science.
Professor Bjorner has long lasting and dominant research achievements in software engineering. His recent research on formal descriptions of domains is a most advanced and challenging topic in software engineering, and also the most important foundation for Verifiable and Evolvable e-Society. Scientific analysis and design of any kind of system in a domain should be based on formal descriptions of basic facts and properties of the domain. Formal description has been a main topic in formal methods, and has formed an important area of formal specification languages.
Formal description of domains is also a most important challenge in formal specification languages and formal methods. During the one year stay of Professor Bjorner at JAIST, several activities of developing formal descriptions of domains in CafeOBJ formal specification language are started. These activities are based on Professor Bjorner’s works contained in this volume. Domain descriptions in CafeOBJ are executable and is better to be analysed and verified, and we hope that these descriptions give new possibilities for domain engineering.
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