@No.29 Oct. 2002 : Japanese / English

" Jaist Library News " is published on an irregular basis and provide you with information about Library services and materials.


Trial of the e-journal, CSLSP-e and its training session (in Japanese)

Stoppage of the on-line information search services

New Web site about photocopy and a loan of the materials from other libraries

Construction of the outer glass brick wall of the library

Trial of the e-journal, CSLSP-e and its training session (in Japanese)

We provide the service of e-journal, CSLSP-eiComputer Society Library Subscription Plan - electronic@by IEEE Computer Societyj. Please access it on following URL. (You can access it through the library web site "E-Journal".).


Duration: until Dec. 31, 2002
Qualification: Faculty members and students (intra-campus network only)
Contents: 19 journals and proceedings (by IEEE Computer Society)

Additionally, we will hold the training session for CSLSP-e as follows. Please come and join it.
If you want to join, please inform us of your name, your department and the course you want to attend. E-mail (syori@jaist.ac.jp) by Fri November 22, 2002.


Time & Date: 3:10 p.m. - 4:40 p.m. Wed Dec. 4, 2002
Location: Computer room (Center for Knowledge Science 3F)
Contents: Computer Operation & Demonstration

If you have any question, please ask the library staff (mailto: syori, EXT: 1194).

Stoppage of the on-line information search services

The server for the on-line information search broke down, so we are sorry that you can not use the following services.

If you have any question, please ask the library staff (mailto: syori, EXT: 1194).

New Web site about photocopy and a loan of the materials from other libraries

We have introduced new Web site about photocopy and a loan of the materials from other libraries. It explains the procedures and you can get each application form through it. It can be accessed through the library Web site, "4.When materials are not found in the Library"of How to use the Library.
Please access it when you want to get photocopy of the material or borrow the book from other libraries.

If you have any questions, please ask the library staff. (E-mail:toshokan, EXT:1191)

Construction of the outer glass brick wall of the library

The outer glass brick wall of the library facing the cafeteria is scheduled to be constructed from Tuesday, October 15, 2002 to Saturday, October 26, 2002. (*It is likely to be postponed due to bad weather.)
We are sorry the noise and the vibration, etc. bother you under construction. Please be careful when you pass around the construction area.
Thank you for your cooperation.

If you have any question, please ask the JAIST staff. (E-mail:kenchiku, EXT: 1154, 1155)

Library, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology