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  • 2021.3.24:Congratulations to Dr. DU Bo for graduation!
    Research Title:
    1. 3D Printing and Material Structure Creative Design Traditional Calligraphy and Painting Utensils
    2. Sustainability of Cultural Semantic: Practical Research of Experimental Ink to Unlock Fashion Creative Desige


  • 2023.3.24: Congratulations to Dr. GAO Wei for the Award of Outstanding Student and graduation!

    Research Title:
    Research on the Adaptability of Outdoor Sites in Urban Communities to Meet the Needs of Elderly Activities


School of Knowledge Science,

Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.

1-1 Asahidai, Nomi, Ishikawa 923-1292 Japan

Tel: +81-(0)761-51-1706

E-mail: ynagai@jaist.ac.jp

New Springer book on Concept Generation for Design Creativity:
A Systematized Theory and Methodology
-> "Concept Generation for Design Creativity" (Springer website)

Springer book on Design Creativity (ICDC 2010)
-> "Design Creativity 2010" (Springer website)

Special Issue of Japanese Society for the Science of Design:
-> "What is "What's the Design"?" (pdf)

Fireflies in summer nearby JAIST

JAIST - Evening view in south-west

View of JAIST campus area (left) from the nearby Mountain Shishiku

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