Forthcoming events
- 3rd ICDC - The 3rd International Conference on Design Creativity , 12-14 January 2015, Bangalore, India
- ICoRD'15 - 5th International Conference on Research into Design, 7-9 January, 2015, Bangalore, India.
- 13th INTERNATIONAL DESIGN CONFERENCE - DESIGN 2014, 19-22 May, 2014, Dubrovnik, Cavtat, Croatia.
Past events
- 9th ACM Creativity and Cognition Conference (C&C 2013), 17-20 June, 2013:
`Intersections and Interactions¡Ç, The University of Technology, Sydney , Sponsored by ACM SIGCHI.
- 5th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR 2013), 26th-30th August 2013, was held in Tokyo, Japan, with joint sponsorship of the Science Council of Japan.
- ICED 13 - SIG Workshop "Creativity in Design Synthesis" organized by SIG Design Creativity and SIG Formal Design Synthesis
- ICoRD'13 - 4th International Conference on Research into Design
The new International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation (Taylor & Francis) was launched in January 2013.
- The 2nd International conference on Design Creativity , 18th-20th September 2012, Glasgow, UK, Flyer
- Workshop: June 6, 2012, 9am - 12:30pm
- DCW2012 workshop program and papers are available online
- ACM Creativity & Cognition 2011
November 3-6, 2011, The High Museum of Art, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, More info: Homepage and Program
- SIG Design Creativity workshop at ICED2011 conference
- 8th ACM Conference on Creativity & Cognition (C&C
2011), November 3-6, 2011, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Submission closed. (pdf)
- Journal of Engineering Design will publish Special Issue on Design Creativity (pdf)
- Design Creativity Session at ICoRD'11
- The First International Conference on Design Creativity (ICDC 2010) was great success.
- Date: 29 November-1 December 2010, Venue: Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe, Japan.
- ICDC homepage
- Keynote speaker: Hiroyuki Yoshikawa Dr.Eng. (Japan)
- Panel discussions: Dr. John Gero (USA), Dr. Mary Lou Maher (USA), Dr. Steven Smith (USA), Dr. Amaresh Chakrabarti (INDIA), Dr. Yukari Nagai (JAPAN) and Dr. Gabriela Goldschmidt (ISRAEL)
Discussion and Keynotes on Directions of Design Creativity Research form SIG Design Creativity Workshop at DESIGN 2010, May 17
- Workshop in DESIGN 2010: May 17-20, 2010, Cavtat, Croatia
- Theme:'Direction of research on Design Creativity'. More info on DESIGN 2010 homepage
- Workshop D123 schedule: May 17 (Monday). 14:00-18:00, Programme
- In this workshop it will be discussed the direction of research on design creativity. The discussion will be conducted from the theoretical and methodological viewpoints. In particular, the goal is to establish the framework for the themes and research methods for design creativity in the coming generation. The workshop consists of two keynote speeches and discussion.
- Keynote Speaker: Udo Lindemann (Technical University of Munich), Title:Systematic Procedures for Supporting Creativity: A Contradiction?
- Keynote Speaker: Shuichi Fukuda (Stanford University), Title: The Creative Customer
Discussion on Directions of Design Creativity Research form SIG Design Creativity Workshop at ICED 09 September 25th, 2009
- CC09
- ACM 7th Creativity and Cognition Conference (CC09) :: 27 October 2009 - 30 October 2009
Everyday Creativity: Shared Languages and Collective Action, Berkeley Art Museum, CA, USA, Sponsored by ACM SIGCHI, in co-operation with SIGMM/SIGART (News added Feb 2009 edited Oct 30, 2009)
- 'Design Creativity' SIG Workshop
- Date and Time: ICED'09 conference, 25/Aug/2009, 9:00am - 12:30pm, Theme: Directions for Design Creativity Research
- Final program (pdf) (News added June 22, 2009; updated August 16, 2009)
- Special Session on 'Design Creativity' in IASDR
- International Association of Design Research, Oct. 18-22, 2009, Venue: Seoul, Korea (News added April 22, 2009)
- ICED'09
- International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED'09, August 24-27 2009, Stanford, California, USA is one of the biggest forums offering a multitude of differing perspectives on design (News added April 07, 2009)
- June 22, 2008
- June 9, 2008:
- June 21-22 2008
- Design Creativity Workshop (DCW' 08) will be held as part of DCC'08 (Third International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition)
DCW' 08: Call For Paper, Program
- Conference info:
- September 10, 2007:
- Design Creativity Workshop for ICED 2007 is over.
- Thanks to all who attended or contributed to the workshop.
- Program
- Agenda: Toshiharu Taura (pdf.)
- Keynote speach: Amaresh Chakrabarti
Research in Eng Design Creativity-Some Recent Findings (pdf.)
- Keynote speach: John Gero
DESIGN CREATIVITY-A Research Agenda in 8 Questions (pdf.)
- June 13, 2007:
- Design Creativity Workshop for Creativity & Cognition 2007 is over.
Thanks to all who attended or contributed to the workshop.
- Program
- More detailed information:
- September 2007:
- ICED 2007 Special Interest Group Day, 27 August 2007, Paris
- Program
August 27th 2007, From 10:00 to 13:00
ICED 07 - 16th International Conference of Engineering Design
Tuesday 28th of August 2007 - Friday 31st of August 2007
- This workshops will be held at Ecole Centrale, Chatenay-Malbry, in the south of Paris.
To get to Ecole Centrale you need to take an RER Line B train to Antony, south of the centre of Paris. Details of the RER service and buying tickets in Paris are given in multiple languages at Ecole Centrale have arranged shuttle buses which will take participants from Antony station to Ecole Centrale in the morning (9-10.30). For the remainder of the day you should take bus 395 in the direction "Clamart - G. Pompidou", and get off at the stop "Grande Voie des Vignes - Ecole Centrale". This bus stop (which is well marked), is adjacent to the main entrance of the Ecole Centrale, from where there will be directions to the workshops. We plan that there will be guides at Antony station to assist you ¡¦watch out for notices ICED07 - DS SIG DAY¡¦ Buses will take workshop participants to the main ICED07 venue at the end of the day.