Member Information
Surname: JUNAIDY
Given name: Deny Willy
Contact (E-mail address, Website)
E-mail: deny.wj[a_t]
Position: Senior Lecturer
Organization: Faculty of Architecture and Ekistics
Address: Faculty of Architecture and Ekistics (FAE), Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK), Karung Berkunci 01, 16300 Bachok, Kelantan, MALAYSIA
Country: Malaysia
Interior Architecture, Furniture Design, Craft, Design Cognition
Research Interests
Knowledge creation process from the viewpoint of design (design cognition, craft, and furniture study)
Selected Publications
1. Junaidy, Deny W., Kaner, J., Ioras, F., Nagai, Y. (2015) Capturing characteristics of the conceptual ideation process of master craftspersons to inform design education: A comparative study of rural craft practitioner in Indonesia and in the UK. J. Design Research.
2. Junaidy, D. W., Nagai, Y. (2013). The in–depth cognitive levels of imagination of artisans and designers. Journal of Design Research, 11(4), 317-335.
3. Junaidy, D. W., Nagai, Y., & Ihsan, M. (2013). Craftsmen Versus Designers: The Difference of In-Depth Cognitive Levels at the Early Stage of Idea Generation. In ICoRD'13 (pp. 223-234). Springer India.