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Information of Symposium

Call for Participants

International Symposium on Communication and Software Technologies

for Ubiquitous Computing

March 8, 2005
Ishikawa High-Tech Conference Center, 2-1 Asahidai, Noumi-City, Ishikawa, Japan

This symposium is a forum for scientists, engineers, and practitioners throughout the world to exchange ideas and research results related to communication infrastructures of ubiquitous computing and software technologies to develop ubiquitous applications. This event will be held at High-Tech Center in Ishikawa Prefecture of Japan on March 8, 2005. This symposium mainly consists of invitation based keynote addresses and invited talks given by distinguished guests.

General Chair: Takuya Katayama (JAIST )
Organizing Chair: Koichiro Ochimizu (JAIST)
Program Co-Chair: Yoichi Shinoda (JAIST), Yasuo Tan (JAIST)
Supported by
User Group of Hokuriku IT Research Center
Hokuriku IT Research Center of National Institute of Information and Communication Technology (NiCT)
Internet Research Center of JAIST
21st COE Program "Verifiable and Evolvable e-Society"


9:30 - 10:00 Welcome Speech
Takuya Katayama (JAIST)
Kaoru Suzuki (Director, Hokuriku bureau of telecommunications)
10:20 - 12:10 Ubiquitous Application (Chair: Koichiro Ochimizu, JAIST)
Key note-1
  1. Agile Development of Mobile Information Systems
    Dr. Pekka Abrahamsson, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Invited Talk
  1. Middleware Support for Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
    Prof. Gianpaolo Cugola, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Discussion (Q&A)
12:10 - 13:30 Lunch Break
13:30 - 15:00 Ubiquitous Application Infrastructure (Chair: Yasuo Tan, JAIST)
Invited Talk
  1. Sensor Networks as Social Infrastructure
    Prof. Yoshito Tobe (Tokyo Denki University)
  2. Current status of homenetworking architectures and services.
    Prof. Yasuo Tan (JAIST)
Discussion (Q&A)
Coffee Break
15:30 - 17:00 Ubiquitous System and Verification (Chair: Yoichi Shinoda, JAIST)
Key note-2
  1. A Network Service Provider's View of Ubiquitous Computing
    Dr. Richard D. Schlichting, AT&T Labs-Research
  2. Success and Future of the StarBED Internet Simulator Project
    Prof. Yoich Shinoda, JAIST
Discussion (Q&A)

List of Speakers