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Information of COE Seminar

We would like to inform you about COE-Seminar as follows.

DATE : July 20, 2005 15:00-16:00
PLACE : IS Collaboration room 7 (IS III-5)
SUBJECT : Trusted Computing and Trustworthy Networks in Tsinghua University
SPEAKER: Dr. Chuang Lin
SPEECH : English
Reference: Research Center for Trustworthy e-Society (E-mail:miyuki-s)

Today's Internet is fragile, with a great deal of network security
threats, including malicious attack, junk mail, computer virus and bad
information etc. Of all the changes that are transforming the Internet, the
loss of trustworthiness may be the most fundamental. Vulnerabilities, the
most important and basic reasons that caused so many attacks and destruction
behaviors, can be introduced on each phase of constructing a system, such as
design, implementation, operation and management. Moreover, existing
isolated and add-on secure systems are rarely robust under malicious attack,
mismanagement and internal faults.
As a solution to enhance trustworthiness of endpoints, Trusted Computing has
been proposed by Trusted Computing Group (TCG). In order to build a
holistic, systemic security networks, we proposed the conception of
Trustworthy networks. In the lecture, the developments of the research on
Trusted Computing and Trustworthy Networks in Tsinghua University are
introduced. The key challenges in constructing trustworthy networks and
basic properties are discussed. Some open issues also are presented for the
further investigations.
Slide (PDF file)

Chuang Lin received the B.S. in computer engineering from Tsinghua
University, Beijing, China in 1977, and the M.S. in computer networks from
Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1981, and the Ph.D. in System Modeling and
Performance Evaluation in Tsinghua University in 1994. Currently he is the
professor and Ph.D. supervisor, and the head of the Department of Computer
Science and Technology, Tsinghua University. His current research interests
include computer networks, performance evaluation, network security, Petri
net theory, trustworthy networks and trustworthy computing. He has published
more than 200 papers in research journals and IEEE conference proceedings in
these areas and has published three books. Professor Lin serves as the
Technical Program Co-Chair, the 10th IEEE Workshop on Future Trends of
Distributed Computing Systems (FTDCS 2004); the General Chair, ACM SIGCOMM
Asia workshop 2005; and the Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular
Technology. Professor Lin is a senior member of the IEEE.