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Journals, etc.

°½ÄÍ Í´Æó, ²íÜÛ Î´´ð, °ÂÀî ÎÏ, µÈ¹â ½ßÉ×,
¾ðÊó½èÍý³Ø²ñÏÀʸ»ï Vol. 63, No. 2, pp. 379-387, 2022.

Sorn Sooksatra , Toshiaki Kondo, Pished Bunnun and Atsuo Yoshitaka,
"Redesigned Skip-Network for Crowd Counting with Dilated Convolution and Backward Connection "
Journal of Imaging, Vol. 6, No. 28, 16pages, doi:10.3390/jimaging6050028, 2020.

Khoa Pho, Muhamad Kamal Mohammed Amin, and Atsuo Yoshitaka,
"Segmentation-driven Hierarchical RetinaNet¡¡for Detecting Protozoa in Micrograph",
International Journal of Semantic Computing, Vol. 13, No.3, pp. 393-413, 2019.

Sorn Sooksatra, Toshiaki Kondo, Pished Bunnun, and Atsuo Yoshitaka.
"Headlight recognition for night-time traffic surveillance using spatial-temporal information",
Singal, Image, and Video Processing. July 2019, pp. 1-8.

Trang Van, Atsuo Yoshitaka, Bac Le,
"Mining web access patterns with super-pattern constraint",
Applied Intelligence, Vol. 48, No. 11, pp. 3902-3914, 2018.

Anh Minh Truong and Atsuo Yoshitaka,
"Structured RNN for Human Interaction",
IET Computer Vision, Vol. 12, No. 6, pp.817-825, 2018.

Nguyen Ho Minh Duy, Tran Anh Tuan, Nguyen Hai Duong, Tran Anh Tuan, Nguyen Kim Dao, Atsuo Yoshitaka, Jin Young Kim, Seung Ho Choi, and Pham The Bao,
"3D-Brain MRI Segmentation Based on Improved Level Set by AI Rules and Medical Knowledge Combining 3 Classes-EM and Bayesian Method,"
Journal of KIIT. Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 75-88, 2016.

Ngoc Nguyen and Atsuo Yoshitaka,
"Human Interaction Recognition Using Hierarchical Invariant Features,"
International Journal of Semantic Computing, Volume 09, Issue 02, pp. 169-191 , 2015.

Hiroko Mitarai, Atsuo Yoshitaka,
"Emocap: Video Shooting Support System for Non-Expert Users,"
International Journal of Multimedia Data Engineering and Management, Vol.3, No. 2, 58-75, 2012.

Hiroko Mitarai, Atsuo Yoshitaka,
¡ÈInteraction Model for Emotive Video Production,¡É
International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 5, pp. 661-666, 2012.

Atsuo Yoshitaka, Akihiro Kawano, and Tsukasa Hirashima,
"IR-Tag-based Speaker Tracking for Lecture Capture,"
JSiSE Journal on Information and Systems in Education, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 25-35, 2009.

¾ðÊó½èÍý³Ø²ñÏÀʸ»ï, Vol. 50, No. 5, pp.1467-1476, 2009.

¾ðÊó½èÍý³Ø²ñÏÀʸ»ï, Vol. 50, No. 4, pp.1421-1430, 2009.

¾ðÊó½èÍý³Ø²ñÏÀʸ»ï¡¤Vol. 48, No. 3, pp. 1048-1057, 2007.

¾ðÊó½èÍý³Ø²ñÏÀʸ»ï, Vol. 47, No. 6, pp.1696-1707, 2006.

Atsuo Yoshitaka, Yasuhiro Hori, and Hirokazu Seki,
"Digital Reminder: Real World-Oriented Database System,"
EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Vol. 2004, No. 11, pp. 1663-1671, 2004.

A. Yoshitaka and T. Ichikawa,
"A Survey on Content-Based Retrieval for Multimedia Databases,"
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Jan.-Feb., pp. 81-93, 1999.

A. Yoshitaka, M. Hirakawa, and T. Ichikawa,
"Knowledge-Assisted Retrieval of Spatiotemporal Content in Multimedia Databases,"
International Journal on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Vol.7, No.3, pp.289-303, 1997.

A. Yoshitaka, Y. Hosoda, M. Yoshimitsu, M. Hirakawa, and T. Ichikawa,
"VIOLONE: Video Retrieval by Motion Example,"
Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, Vol.7, pp. 423-443, 1996.

K. Tsuda, A. Yoshitaka, M. Hirakawa, M. Tanaka, and T. Ichikawa,
"IconicBrowser: An Iconic Retrieval 2System for Object-Oriented Databases,"
Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, Vol. 1, pp. 59-76, 1990.

Book Chapter Contribution

Atsuo Yoshitaka, Shinobu Chujyou, and Hiroshi Kato,
"A PHR Front-End System with the Facility of Data Migration from Printed Forms",
In Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Volume 416, Springer, 2016.

Atsuo Yoshitaka, Shinobu Chujyou, and Hiroshi Kato,
"Improving the Operability of Personal Health Record System by Dynamic Dictionary Configuration for OCR",
Knowledge and Systems Engineering, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Volume 326, Springer, pp 541-552, 2015.

Hiroko Mitarai, Yoshihiro Itamiya, and Atsuo Yoshitaka,
"Interactive Photographic Shooting Assistance Based on Composition and Saliency",
Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2013, LNCS 7975, pp.348-363, 2013.

D. A. Doan, N.-T. Tran, D.-P. Vo, B. Le, and A. Yoshitaka,
"Combining Descriptors Extracted from Feature Maps of Deconvolutional Networks and SIFT Descriptors in Scene Image Classification",
Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2013, LNCS 7975, pp.321-330, 2013.

A. Yoshitaka¡¤K. Wakiyama and T. Hirashima,
"Recommendation of Visual Information by Gaze-Based Implicit Preference Acquisition",
Advances in Multimedia Modeling, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4351, pp.126-137, 2007.

"Digital Reminder:¥æ¡¼¥¶¤Î»ëÅÀ¤«¤é¤Î¼ÂÀ¤³¦»Ø¸þ¥Ç¡¼¥¿¥Ù¡¼¥¹¤Î¹½ÃۤȤ½¤Î¥¤¥ó¥¿¥Õ¥§¡¼¥¹¡Á»ëÀþ¤òÍѤ¤¤¿»ë³Ð¾ðÊó¤ÎưŪ³ÍÆÀ¤ÈÄó¼¨"¡¢

¥¤¥ó¥¿¥é¥¯¥Æ¥£¥Ö¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à¤È¥½¥Õ¥È¥¦¥§¥¢­º, pp.17-22, 1998.

¥¤¥ó¥¿¥é¥¯¥Æ¥£¥Ö¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à¤È¥½¥Õ¥È¥¦¥§¥¢­¸, pp. 209-216, 1996.

International Conferences (if not specified, it is a reviewed paper.)

Pengcheng Zeng and Atsuo Yoshitaka,
"Visual Speech Recognition with Surrounding and Emotional Information",
International Symposium on Multimedia, 8 pp., 2024.

Genta Matsukawa and Atsuo Yoshitaka,
"Data Augmentation with Diffusion Model for Hand Detection",
International Symposium on Multimedia, 4 pp., 2024.

Han Lam, Khoa Pho, and Atsuo Yoshitaka,
"AdVLO: Region selection via Attention-driven for Visual LiDAR Odometry",
Proc. 15th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems, 12 pp. 2023.

Khoa Pho, Han Lam, Tung Le, Huy Tien Nguyen and Atsuo Yoshitaka,
"Attention-driven RetinaNet for Parasitic Egg Detection,"
Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia, pp. 265-272, 2022.

Sorn Sooksatra, Atsuo Yoshitaka, Toshiaki Kondo and Pished Bunnun,
"The Density-Aware Estimation Network for Vehicle Counting in Traffic Surveillance System",
Proc. 15th IEEE Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet Based Systems, pp. 231-238, 2019.

An Nguyen and Atsuo Yoshitaka,
"Less Visually Different Objects Recognition with Aggregated Residual Siamese Network",
Proc. 11th International Conference on Knowledge and System Engineering, 7 pp., 2019.

Thanh-An Nguyen and Atsuo Yoshitaka,
"Defect Analysis of Inner-Wall of Pipes by Differentiated Residual Blocks of Convolutional Neural Network",
Proc. IEEE 4th International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (ICSIP 2019), 6 pp., 2019.

Tuan-Anh D. Le, Duc-Tan Lam, Phong Vo, Atsuo Yoshitaka, Hoai-Bac Le,
"Recover Water Bodies in Multi-spectral Satellite Images with Deep Neural Nets",
Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology, pp. 281-288, 2018.

Khoa Pho, Muhamad Kamal Mohammed Aminy, Atsuo Yoshitaka,
"Segmentation-driven RetinaNet for Protozoa Detection",
Proc. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia, 8 pp., 2018.

Atsuo Yoshitaka and Anh Minh Truong,
"Design and Implementation of Group Work Monitoring System for Exploring Creativity",
Proc. 13th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems, 5 pp., 2018.

Khoa Pho, Takafumi Hirase, Muhamad Kamal Mohammed Amin, Atsuo Yoshitaka,
"Protozoa Identification using 3D Geometric Multiple Color Channel Local Feature",
Proc. International Conference on Knowledge and System Engineering, 6 pages, 2018.

Anh Minh Truong, Atsuo Yoshitaka,
"Structured LSTM for Human-Object Interaction Detection and Anticipation,"
Proc. 14th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal based Surveillance, 6pp., 2017.

Van-Nhan TRAN, Waidah ISMAIL, Rosline HASSAN and Atsuo YOSHITAKA,
"An Automated Method for the Nuclei and Cytoplasm of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Detection in Blood Smear Images,"
World Automation Congress, IEEE SMC society, 6pp., 2016.

Md Mosaddik Hasan, Waidah Ismail, Rozita Hassan and Atsuo Yoshitaka,
"Automatic segmentation of jaw from panoramic dental X-ray images using GVF snakes,"
World Automation Congress, IEEE SMC society, 6pgaes, 2016.

Yamamoto, Y., Kawabe, T., Tsuruta, S., Damiani, E., Yoshitaka, A., Mizuno, Y., Knauf, R.,
"IoT-aware online shopping system enhanced with gaze analysis",
Proc. World Automation Congress, 6pp., 2016.

Yamamoto, Y., Kawabe, T., Tsuruta, S., Damiani, E., Yoshitaka, A., Mizuno, Y., Sakurai, Y., Knauf, R.,
"Enhanced IoT-Aware Online Shopping System",
Proc. 12th International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems, pp. 31-35, 2016.

Sooksatra, S., Kondo, T., Bunnun, P., Yoshitaka, A.,
"Headlights classification for traffic surveillance using a structure tensor method with PADI",
2016 55th Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan, SICE 2016, pp. 1472-1477, 2016.

Ngoc Nguyen, Atsuo Yoshitaka,
"Classification and Temporal Localization for Human-Human Interactions,"
Proc. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Big Data, Apr. 20, 2016.

Dinh¡¾Luan Nguyen, Vinh¡¾Tiep Nguyen, Minh¡¾Triet Tran and Atsuo Yoshitaka,
"Deep Convolutional Neural Network in Deformable Part Models for Face Detection",
Proc. 7th Pacific Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology, 2015.

Dinh-Luan Nguyen1, Vinh-Tiep Nguyen1, Minh-Triet Tran1, Atsuo Yoshitaka,
"Adaptive WildNet Face Network for Detecting Face in the Wild",
Proc. 8th International Conference on Machine Vision, 5 pp., 2015.

Dinh Luan Nguyen, Vinh Tiep Nguyen, Minh Triet Tran, and Atsuo Yoshitaka,
Boosting Speed and Accuracy in Deformable Part Models for Face Image in the Wild,
Proc. International Conference on Advanced Computing and Applications, 2015.

Yamamoto, Y., Kawabe, T., Tsuruta, S., Damiani, E., Yoshitaka, A., Mizuno, Y., Knauf, R.,
"Towards Self-Organizing Internet of Things - Aware Systems for Online Sales",
Proceedings - 11th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems, SITIS 2015, pp. 208-215, 2015.

Md Mosaddik Hasan, Biswajit Bala, and Atsuo Yoshitaka,
"SVD Aided Eigenvector Decomposition to Compute PCA and it's Application in Image Denoising",
Proc. International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision, 6pp., 2015.

Ngoc Nguyen and Atsuo Yoshitaka,
"Human Interaction Recognition using Independent Subspace Analysis Algorithm,"
Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia, pp. 40-46, 2014.

Atsuo Yoshitaka, Shinobu Chujyou, and Hiroshi Kato,
"Front End System for Personal Health Record with Data Migration Facility from Printed Information, "
Proc. 9th International Conference on Knowledge, Information, and Creativity Support System, pp. 153-164, 2014.

Atsuo Yoshitaka, Shinobu Chujyou, and Hiroshi Kato,
"Improving the Operability of Personal Health Record System by Dynamic Dictionary Configuration for OCR, "
Proc. International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering, pp. 541-552, 2014.

Ngoc Nguyen and Atsuo Yoshitaka,
"Soccer Video Summarization based on Cinematography and Motion Analysis,"
Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, 6pp., 2014.

Atsuo Yoshitaka, Shinobu Chujyou, and Hiroshi Kato,
"Analysis and Design of Personal Health Record Management System, "
Proc. International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems, pp. 800-805, 2013.

Ngoc Nguyen and Atsuo Yoshitaka,
"Shot type and Replay Detection for Soccer Video Parsing",
Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia, pp. 344-347, 2012.

Atsuo Yoshitaka and Kazuya Sawada,
"Personalized Video Summarization based on Behavior of Viewer,"
Proc. IEEE Eighth International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet Based Systems, pp. 661-667, 2012.

Hiroko Mitarai, Atsuo Yoshitaka,
"Development of Video Shooting Assistant System for Better Expression of Affective Information,"
IEEE The Seventh International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems, 2012. (Invited)

Hiroko Mitarai and Atsuo Yoshitaka,
"Shooting Assistance by Recognizing User's Camera Manipulation for Comprehensive Video Production,"
Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia, pp. 157-164, 2011.

Hiroko Mitarai and Atsuo Yoshitaka,
"Interactive Video Cam System for Emotive Video Production,"
Proc. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo., pp. 1-6, 2011.

Atsuo Yoshitaka and Terumasa Hyoudou,
"Content-Based Retrieval by Multiple Image Examples for Sign Board Retrieval,"
Proc. 28th Picture Coding Symposium, pp.154-157, 2010.

Hiroko Mitarai and Atsuo Yoshitaka,
"Interaction Model for Emotive Video Production,"
Proc. 2010 International Conference on Future Information Technology, Vol. 1, pp. 88-92, 2010.

Atsuo Yoshitaka, Yoshiki Deguchi,
"Rendition-Based Video Editing for Public Contents Authoring,"
Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, pp. 1825-1828, 2009.

Atsuo Yoshitaka, Noriyoshi Kanki, Tsukasa Hirashima,
"Activity-oriented Web Page Retrieval by Reflecting Human Traffic in the Real World,"
Proc. of the International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, pp.164-169, 2009.

Atsuo Yoshitaka, Akihiro Kawano, and Tsukasa Hirashima,
"Speaker Tracking for Automated Lecture Archiving using Tagged Microphone,"
Proc. Tenth IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia, pp. 45-52, Dec. 2008.

A. Yoshitaka¡¤K. Wakiyama and T. Hirashima,
"Recommendation of Visual Information by Gaze-Based Implicit Preference Acquisition"¡¤
Advances in Multimedia Modeling, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4351, pp.126-137, 2007.

Atsuo Yoshitaka and Yoshiki Deguchi,
"Video Summarization based on Film Grammar",
Proc., IEEE 7th Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, pp. 333-336, 2005.

Atsuo Yoshitaka and Kentaro Ueda,
"Retrieving the Movement of Multiple Objects based on Spatiotemporal Abstraction,"
Proc., IEEE 6th Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, pp. 442-445, 2004.

Atsuo Yoshitaka and Hirokazu Seki,
"Detecting Auditory Information in Concentration Based on Eye Movement,"
Proc., IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo., Vol. 3, pp. 537-540, 2003.

Masahito Hirakawa, Keisuke Uchida, and Atsuo Yoshitaka,
"Content-Based Video Retrieval using Mosaic Images,"
Proceedings of 2002 International Symposium on Cyber Worlds: Theory and Practices, pp.161-167, Nov. 2002.

Atsuo Yoshitaka, Yasuhiro Hori, and Hirokazu Seki,
"WISIWYR Access in Image Database Retrieval,"
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, pp. 640-643, Sep. 2002.

Daisuke Toyama, Masumi Kakimoto, Atsuo Yoshitaka, and Masahito Hirakawa,
"A Community-based Web Browsing System,"
Proc., 2001 IEEE Symposia on Human-Centric Computing Languages and Environments, pp.320-327, 2001.

A. Yoshitaka and M. Miyake,
"Scene Detection by Audio-Visual Features,"
Proc., IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo., pp. 49-52, 2001.

A. Yoshitaka and M. Yoshida,
"Automated Construction of Real World-Oriented Database with Gaze Detection,"
Proc., IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo., pp. 641-644, 2001.

A. Yoshitaka, T. Uehara, T. Ichikawa and M. Hirakawa,
"AR-Browser: Active Reading for WWW contents,"
Proc., 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Visual Languages, pp. 99-100, 2000.

A. Yoshitaka, S. Katsuki, M. Hirakawa and T. Ichikawa ,
"SRAW: A Speech Rehabilitation Assistance Workbench - Speech Ability Evaluation by Audio-Video Input -,"
Proc., International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS'99), Vol. 2, pp. 772-777, 1999.

M. Hirakawa, S. Mizumoto, A.Yoshitaka and T. Ichikawa,
"A Situation-Sensitive Interface for the Management of Personal Documents,"
Proc., International Workshop on Multimedia Software Engineering, pp. 96-103, 1998.

A. Yoshitaka, Y. Hosoda, M. Hirakawa, and T. Ichikawa,
"Content-Based Retrieval of Video Data Based on Spatiotemporal Correlation of Objects,"
Proc. International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, pp. 208-213, 1998.

A Yoshitaka, T.Ishii, M. Hirakawa, and T. Ichikawa,
"Content-Based Retrieval of Video Data by the Grammar of the Film,"
Proc. of International Symposium on Visual Languages, pp. 310-317, September 1997.

A. Yoshitaka, M. Yoshimitsu, M. Hirakawa, and T. Ichikawa,
"V-QBE: Video Database Retrieval by Means of Example Motion of Objects,"
Proc., 1996 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems
(IEEE Multimedia Systems '96), pp. 453-457, June 1996.

A. Yoshitaka, S. Kishida, M. Hirakawa, and T. Ichikawa,
"Knowledge-Assisted Content-Based Retrieval for Multimedia Databases,"
Proc., International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems
(ICMCS'94), pp. 131-139, May 1994.

A. Yoshitaka, K. Ueda, M. Hirakawa, and T. Ichikawa,
"Iconic Object Definition System for Object-Oriented Databases,"
Proc., 1993 IEEE/CS Symposium on Visual Languages (VL'93), pp.169-177, September 1993.

A. Yoshitaka, M. Hirakawa, and T. Ichikawa,
"A Framework for Query Processing Utilizing Knowledge,"
Proc., 5th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'93),
pp. 1-10, June 1993.

Domestic workshop (reviewed)

ÏÆ»³¹§µ®, µÈ¹â½ßÉ×, Ê¿Å轡,
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ÃݼÃι¸, µÈ¹â½ßÉ×, Ê¿Å轡,
Âè12²ó¥¤¥ó¥¿¥é¥¯¥Æ¥£¥Ö¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à¤È¥½¥Õ¥È¥¦¥§¥¢¤Ë´Ø¤¹¤ë¥ï¡¼¥¯¥·¥ç¥Ã¥×ÏÀʸ½¸, pp. 19-24, 2004.

Âè11²ó¥¤¥ó¥¿¥é¥¯¥Æ¥£¥Ö¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à¤È¥½¥Õ¥È¥¦¥§¥¢¤Ë´Ø¤¹¤ë¥ï¡¼¥¯¥·¥ç¥Ã¥×ÏÀʸ½¸, pp. 31-40, 2003.

µÈ¹â ½ßÉ×, ËÙ ÂÙ¹À, ´Ø ÇîÏÂ,
Âè10²ó ¥¤¥ó¥¿¥é¥¯¥Æ¥£¥Ö¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à¤È¥½¥Õ¥È¥¦¥§¥¢¤Ë´Ø¤¹¤ë¥ï¡¼¥¯¥·¥ç¥Ã¥×ÏÀʸ½¸, pp. 35-41, 2002.