CODE-SWAN Symposium and Steering Committee Meeting 2011

Venue: Ishikawa High Tech Center, Room C.
Time: January 26-27, 2011


      The results of this symposium can be downloaded here.
Results of CODE-SWAN SC Meeting, 26-27 Janruary 2011.


      The Symposium and Steering Committee (SC) Meeting Program is held to provide the 2010-2011 project reports, whre the project can be monitored and directed based in the SC members suggestions to achieve further achievement goal.

      The members of Information Theory and Signal Processing lab joined the symposium with nice presentations and fruitful discussions. The program was as follow:
Program CODE-SWAN 2011



Anwar is presenting his results

Fukawa is presenting his results

Hui is presenting his results

Lunch in Yuu Yuu

Lunch in Yuu Yuu

Xiaobo is making a presentation

Ade is making a presentation

Takano is in Action

Takano is in Action

On the way to the lab

On the way to the lab
