
Mar 07, 2025 updated

02/Theme by Maezono Group/前園グループで提供するテーマ

021/Materials Informatics using Super Computers

Using super computers at JAIST, one will learn the basics of the simulations for
Materials Informatics: Operations of simulation runs, and post-processing of data using UNIX
environment (3rd, 4th year in undergraduate/4th, 5th year in Tech. College)

Examples of available theme (2017)

  1. Electronic structure calculations of newly-synthesized inorganic layered materials.
  2. delling of catalysts surfaces for gas reactions.
  3. Phonon analysis of layered inorganic materials.
  4. Machine leaning techniques applied to quantum many-body problems.

022/Building up parallel computers


Using the cluster consisting of over 200 processors in our lab,
one can learn how to build it from PC parts and how to run it
by Linux operating system (3rd, 4th year in undergraduate/4th, 5th year in Tech. College).

本研修内容 (自作PCによる並列クラスタ構築と運用) は森北出版より2017年に出版されました (自作PCクラスタ超入門)

  • 自作クラスタ計算機の排熱利用に関するアイデア

023/Introduction to Quantum Simulation for students majoring different areas


Based on our educational experience for non-special students, we provide an introduction
along the practical simulation exercises
(3rd, 4th year in undergraduate/4th, 5th year in Tech. College)

当研究室の情報科学研究科での教育実績を活かし、量子物理の履修未経験学生に対する、 シミュレーション実務を通じての入門コースを提供します(大学院生/学部3,4年/高専本科4,5年/専攻科1年)


024/Pattern recognition applied to materials informatics

Machine learning tools for pattern recognitions are applied to material structure problems in material science.

025/Ab initio quantum Monte Carlo


当研究室には、CASINO、TurboRVB、QMCPACKといった、世界規模で開発されている、 第一原理量子モンテカルロ計算コードの開発者が所属しています。それら計算コードの開発、 及び、大規模計算を通じた、凝集系物理学/材料科学分野での応用展開に取り組みます。

03/Students joined so far/これまでのインターン実績

031/Foreign students

  • Ex-Visitors are listed here
    過去の研究滞在者は こちら
  1. Ms. Hsu/Special Visiting student/PG/Oct.24 - Jan.25
    Own funded/PG
    Frm&To/National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
  1. Mr. Chu/Special Visiting student/PG/Sep.24 - Jan.25
    Own funded/PG
    Frm&To/National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
  1. Ms. Chang/Special Visiting student/PG/Sep.24 - Jan.25
    Own funded/PG
    Frm&To/National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
  1. Mr. Na Talang/Special Visiting student/PG/Aug.24 - Jan.25
    Own funded/PG
    Frm&To/Mahidol University
  1. Mr. Nguyen/inter-college transfer student/PG/Apr.24 - Sep.25
  1. Ms. Sani/Special Visiting student/PG/Oct.23 - Oct.23
    Intern supported by Sakura Science 2023
  1. Ms. Hatta/Special Visiting student/PG/Oct.23 - Oct.23
    Intern supported by Sakura Science 2023
  1. Mr. Hatta/Special Visiting student/PG/Oct.23 - Oct.23
    Intern supported by Sakura Science 2023
  1. Ms. Yi-Hui/Special Visiting student/Oct.23 - Oct.23
    Intern supported by TAIWAN TECH/PG
    Frm&To/National Taiwan University
  1. Ms. Che-Chih/Special Visiting student/Oct.23 - Oct.23
    Intern supported by TAIWAN TECH/PG
    Frm&To/National Taiwan University
  1. Ms. Lei/Visiting student/Jul.23 - Jul.23
    Intern supported by BUAEEE, summer school 2023/UG
    Frm&To/Beihang University
  1. Mr. Yu/Visiting student/Jul.23 - Jul.23
    Intern supported by BUAEEE, summer school 2023/UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of computerscience and technology, China University of Petroleum
  1. Mr. Zheng/Visiting student/Apr.23 - May.23
    Own funded/PG
    Frm&To/Jilin University
  1. Mr. Luo/Visiting student/Apr.23 - May.23
    Own funded/PG
    Frm&To/Jilin University
  1. Ms. Khamkaew/Visiting student/Feb.23 - Mar.23/Labown/UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Physics, Chulalongkorn University
  1. Mr. Thanawit/Visiting student/Feb.23 - Mar.23/Labown/UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Physics, Chulalongkorn University
  1. Mr. Kuamit/Visiting student/Feb.20 - Feb.20/Labown/PG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Chemistry, Chulalongkorn University
  1. Mr. Ploysongsri/Visiting student/Feb.20 - Feb.20/Labown/PG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Chemistry, Chulalongkorn University
  1. Mr. Khamkaeo/Visiting student/Jan.20 - Mar.20/Labown/UG
    Frm&To/Dept of Physics, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
  1. Mr. Atthapak/Visiting student/Jan.20 - Mar.20/Labown/UG
    Frm&To/Dept of Physics, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
  1. Ms. Moharana/Visiting student/Jan.20 - Mar.20/IITM/PG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, IITM
  1. Ms. Yang/Visiting student/Jan.20 - Feb.20/Labown/PG
    Frm&To/Dept of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University
  1. Ms. Yixiao/Visiting student/Jan.20 - Feb.20/Labown/PG
    Frm&To/Dept of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University
  1. Mr. Benny/Visiting student/Dec.19 - Dec.19
    Intern supported by SAKURA Science Plan./UG
    Frm&To/Dept of Physics/SRM University AP
  1. Mr. Komalig/Visiting student/Dec.19 - Dec.19
    Intern supported by SAKURA Science Plan./UG
    Frm&To/Dept of Industrial Technology, ITB
  1. Mr. Alfaza/Visiting student/Dec.19 - Dec.19
    Intern supported by SAKURA Science Plan./UG
    Frm&To/Dept of Engineering Physics, ITB
  1. Mr. Wijaya/Visiting student/Dec.19 - Dec.19
    Intern supported by SAKURA Science Plan./UG
    Frm&To/Dept of Engineering Physics, ITB
  1. Mr. Prasetyo/Visiting student/Dec.19 - Dec.19
    Intern supported by SAKURA Science Plan./UG
    Frm&To/Dept of Engineering Physics, ITB
  1. Mr. Octavian/Visiting student/Dec.19 - Dec.19
    Intern supported by SAKURA Science Plan./UG
    Frm&To/Dept of Engineering Physics, ITB
  1. Mr. Rohit/Visiting student/Jul.19 - Aug.19/JASSO/PG
    Frm&To/Dept of Materials Science and Engineering, IIT Gandhinagar (India)
  1. Mr. Diptesh/Visiting student/Jun.19 - Aug.19/Labown/PG
    Frm&To/Dept of Physics, IIT Gandhinagar (India)
  1. Ms. Yixiao/Visiting student/Jul.19 - Aug.19/JASSO/PG
    Frm&To/Dept of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University
  1. Ms. Rizka/Visiting student/Jun.19 - Aug.19/Labown/PG
    Frm&To/Dept of Industrial Technology, ITB
  1. Ms. Nufida/Visiting student/Jun.19 - Aug.19/Labown/PG
    Frm&To/Dept of Industrial Technology, ITB
  1. Mr. Tarin/Visiting student/Mar.19 - Mar.19/Labown/PG
    Frm&To/Chulalongkorn University
  1. Mr. Aswin/Visiting student/Oct.18 - Oct.18
    Intern supported by SAKURA Science Plan./PG
    Frm&To/Dept of Industrial Technology, ITB
  1. Ms. Rizka/Visiting student/Oct.18 - Oct.18
    Intern supported by SAKURA Science Plan./PG
    Frm&To/Dept of Industrial Technology, ITB
  1. Ms. Pradana/Visiting student/Oct.18 - Oct.18
    Intern supported by SAKURA Science Plan./PG
    Frm&To/Dept of Industrial Technology, ITB
  1. Ms. Panjaitan/Visiting student/Oct.18 - Oct.18
    Intern supported by SAKURA Science Plan./UG
    Frm&To/Dept of Industrial Technology, ITB
  1. Mr. Melvin/Visiting student/Oct.18 - Oct.18
    Intern supported by SAKURA Science Plan./UG
    Frm&To/Dept of Industrial Technology, ITB
  1. Ms. Tarabunga/Visiting student/Oct.18 - Oct.18
    Intern supported by SAKURA Science Plan./UG
    Frm&To/Dept of Industrial Technology, ITB
  1. MR. Ramadhan/Visiting student/Oct.18 - Oct.18
    Intern supported by SAKURA Science Plan./UG
    Frm&To/Dept of Industrial Technology, ITB
  1. MR. Kumiawan/Visiting student/Oct.18 - Oct.18
    Intern supported by SAKURA Science Plan./UG
    Frm&To/Dept of Industrial Technology, ITB
  1. MR. /Visiting student/Oct.18 - Oct.18
    Intern supported by SAKURA Science Plan./UG
    Frm&To/Dept of Materials Science and Technology, VNUHCM
  1. Mr. Sankalpa/Visiting student/Oct.18 - Oct.18
    Intern supported by SAKURA Science Plan./UG
    Frm&To/Dept of Science, Christ University
  1. Mr. Uthayopas/Visiting student/Oct.18 - Nov.18/JASSO/PG
    Frm&To/Dept of Chemistry, Mahidol University
  1. Mr. Behara/Visiting student/Jun.18 - Jul.18/Labown/UG
    Frm&To/Dept of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras(IITM), India.
  1. Mr. Seal/Visiting student/Jun.18 - Jul.18
    Intern supported by Jaist-India cooperative program./UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Chemitry, University Of Delhi.
  1. Mr. Ghaffar/Special Visiting student/May.18 - Jul.18
    Intern supported by Jaist-India cooperative program./PG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Physics, IIT Gandhinagar (India).
  1. Mr. Raghav/Special Visiting student/May.18 - Jul.18
    Intern supported by Jaist-India cooperative program./PG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Electrical Engineering, IIT Gandhinagar (India).
  1. Ms. Anushikha/Visiting student/May.18 - Jun.18
    Intern supported by Jaist-India cooperative program./UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, IIT Gandhinagar (India).
  1. Mr. Ravi/Visiting student/May.18 - Jun.18
    Intern supported by Jaist-India cooperative program./UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Electrical Engineering, IIT Gandhinagar (India).
  1. Mr. Yadav/Visiting student/May.18 - Jun.18
    Intern supported by Jaist-India cooperative program./UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Electrical Engineering, IIT Gandhinagar (India).
  1. Mr. Sai/Visiting student/Oct.17-Dec.17/Labown/PG
    Frm&To/Dept of Computer Science, University of Information Technology(UIT), Myanmar.
    Reduction of Waiting Time at Outpatient Department in Yangon’s Public Hospital by Queuing Theory and Monte Carlo Simulation
  1. Mr. Prabowo/Visiting student/Sep.17 - Nov.17/JASSO/PG
    Frm&To/Dept of Engineering Physics, ITB
  1. Mr. Faozan/Visiting student/Sep.17 - Oct.17/self-funded/PG
    Frm&To/Dept of Engineering Physics, ITB
  1. Ms. Hanifatunnisa/Visiting student/Jul.17 - Oct.17/labown/PG
    Frm&To/Dept of Engineering Physics, ITB
  1. Mr. Kesorn/Visiting student/Aug.17 - Aug.18/Labown/PG
    Frm&To/Dept of Physics, Mahidol University
  1. Mr. Hunkao/Visiting student/Aug.17 - Aug.18/Labown/PG
    Frm&To/Dept of Physics, Mahidol University
  1. Mr. Sharma/Visiting student/Jul.17 - Jul.17
    Intern supported by SAKURA Science Plan./UG
    Frm&To/Dept of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar(IITGN)
  1. Mr. Sinaga/Visiting student/Jul.17 - Jul.17
    Intern supported by SAKURA Science Plan./UG
    Frm&To/Dept of Engineering Physics, ITB
  1. Ms. Nguyen/Visiting student/Jul.17 - Jul.17
    Intern supported by SAKURA Science Plan./UG
    Frm&To/Dept of Chemistry, Quy Nhon University
  1. Mr. Pattrawutthiwong/Visiting student/Jul.17 - Jul.17
    Intern supported by SAKURA Science Plan./UG
    Frm&To/Dept of Physics, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi(KMUTT)
  1. Mr. TAN/Visiting student/Jul.17 - Jul.17
    Intern supported by SAKURA Science Plan./UG
    Frm&To/Dept of Physics, University of Malaya
  1. Mr. Koay/Visiting student/Jul.17 - Jul.17
    Intern supported by SAKURA Science Plan./UG
    Frm&To/Dept of Physics, University of Malaya
  1. Mr. Pallath/Visiting student/Jun.17 - Jul.17
    Intern supported by Jaist-India cooperative program./UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Chemical Engineering, IIT Gandhinagar (India).
  1. Mr. Shah/Visiting student/Jun.17 - Jul.17
    Intern supported by Jaist-India cooperative program./UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, IIT Gandhinagar (India).
  1. Mr. Singh/Visiting student/Jun.17 - Jul.17
    Intern supported by Jaist-India cooperative program./UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, IIT Gandhinagar (India).
  1. Ms. Sharma/Visiting student/Jun.17 - Aug.17
    Intern supported by Jaist-India cooperative program./PG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Chemitry, University Of Delhi.
  1. Mr. Saha/Visiting student/Jun.17 - Jul.17
    Intern supported by Jaist-India cooperative program./PG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Physics, IIT Gandhinagar (India).
  1. Mr. Singh/Visiting student/Jun.17 - Aug.17
    Intern supported by Jaist-India cooperative program./PG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Materials Research Centre, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
  1. Mr. Singh/Visiting student/Jan.17 - Jan.17
    Intern supported by Jaist-India cooperative program./UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering, IIT Gandhinagar (India).
  1. Mr. Dhariwal/Visiting student/Jan.17 - Jan.17
    Intern supported by Jaist-India cooperative program./UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering, IIT Gandhinagar (India).
  1. Ms. Ankita/Visiting student/Jan.17 - Jan.17
    Intern supported by Jaist-India cooperative program./UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering, IIT Gandhinagar (India).
  1. Ms. Agrawal/Visiting student/Jan.17 - Jan.17
    Intern supported by Jaist-India cooperative program./UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Chemical Engineering, IIT Gandhinagar (India).
  1. Ms. Sindhana/Visiting student/Dec.16 - Jan.17
    Intern supported by JASSO./UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Physics, IISC (India).
  1. Ms. Chhabra/Visiting student/Dec.16 - Jan.17
    Intern supported by JASSO./UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Chemistry, University of Delhi (India).
  1. Mr. Ng/Visiting student/Jan.17 - Feb.17
    Intern supported by JASSO./PG
    Frm&To/Department of Physics, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Malaysia).
  1. Mr. Prathitha/Visiting student/May.16 - Jul.16
    Intern supported by Jaist-India cooperative program./UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Chemistry, IISC (India).
  1. Ms. Sindhana/Visiting student/May.16 - Jul.16
    Intern supported by Jaist-India cooperative program./UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Physics, IISC (India).
  1. Ms. Ojha/Visiting student/May.16 - Aug.16
    Intern supported by Jaist-India cooperative program./PG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Electrical Engineering, IIT Gandhinagar (India).
  1. Mr. Bhoir/Visiting student/May.16 - Aug.16
    Intern supported by Jaist-India cooperative program./PG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Electrical Engineering, IIT Gandhinagar (India).
  1. Mr. Ganeriwala/Visiting student/May.16 - Aug.16
    Intern supported by Jaist-India cooperative program./PG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Electrical Engineering, IIT Gandhinagar (India).
  1. Mr. Wang/Visiting student/Jul.16 - Jul.16
    Intern supported by JST-SAKURA Science./UG
    Frm&To/College of Physics, Jilin University (China).
  1. Mr. Tran/Visiting student/Jul.16 - Jul.16
    Intern supported by JST-SAKURA Science./UG
    Frm&To/University of Science, Vietnam National University in Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam).
  1. Mr. Ng/Visiting student/Jul.16 - Jul.16
    Intern supported by JST-SAKURA Science./UG
    Frm&To/Department of Physics, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Malaysia).
  1. Ms. Tuanweeradecht/Visiting student/Jul.16 - Jul.16
    Intern supported by JST-SAKURA Science./UG
    Frm&To/Department of Chemistry, Mahidol University (Thailand).
  1. Mr. Ayushman/Visiting student/Jul.16 - Jul.16
    Intern supported by JST-SAKURA Science./UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Electrical Eng., IIT Gandhinagar (India).
  1. Ms. Chhabra/Visiting student/Jul.16 - Jul.16
    Intern supported by JST-SAKURA Science./UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Chemistry, University of Delhi (India).
  1. Mr. Smerchit/Visiting student/Jul.16 - Jul.16
    Intern supported by JST-SAKURA Science./UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Physics, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (Thailand).
  1. Mr.Rattanawongnara/Visiting student/Jul.16 - Jul.16
    Intern supported by JST-SAKURA Science./UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Electrical Eng., Chulalongkorn University (Thailand).
  1. Mr. Ihsan/Visiting student/Feb.16 - Mar.16
    Intern supported by JASSO./UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Engineering Physics, Bandung Institute of Technology (Indonesia).
  1. Mr. Radzwan/Visiting student/Jan.16 - Mar.16
    Intern supported by JASSO./PG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Physics, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
  1. Mr. Parashar/Visiting student/Dec.15 - Jan.16
    Intern supported by Jaist-India cooperative program.
  1. Mr. Jain/Visiting student/Sep.15 - Oct.15
    Intern supported by Jaist-India cooperative program./UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Chemical Eng., IIT-Gandhinagar, India
  1. Mr. Singh/Visiting student/Sep.15 - Oct.15
    Intern supported by Jaist-India cooperative program./UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Chemical Eng., IIT-Gandhinagar, India.
  1. Mr. Anand/Visiting student/Sep.15 - Oct.15
    Intern supported by Jaist-India cooperative program./UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Civil Eng., IIT-Gandhinagar, India.
  1. Mr. Bubna/Visiting student/Sep.15 - Oct.15
    Intern supported by Jaist-India cooperative program./UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Mechanical Eng., IIT-Gandhinagar, India.
  1. Mr. Batsuuri/Visiting student/Sep.15 - Nov.15
    Intern supported by IS-JAIST./UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Energy Resource and Environment Tech., Mongol Itnl. University, Mongol.
  1. MS. Maneeyom/Visiting student/July.15 - July.15
    Intern supported by JST-SAKURA Science./UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Chemistry, Mahidol University, Thailand.
  1. Mr. Radzwan/Visiting student/July.15 - July.15
    Intern supported by JST-SAKURA Science./UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Physics, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
  1. Mr. Afizol/Visiting student/July.15 - July.15
    Intern supported by JST-SAKURA Science./UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Physics, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
  1. MS. Farhana/Visiting student/July.15 - July.15
    Intern supported by JST-SAKURA Science./UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Physics, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
  1. Mr. Piyush/Visiting student/July.15 - July.15
    Intern supported by JST-SAKURA Science./UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur
  1. Mr. Agrawal/Visiting student/July.15 - July.15
    Intern supported by JST-SAKURA Science./UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur
  1. Mr. Prawira/Visiting student/July.15 - July.15
    Intern supported by JST-SAKURA Science./UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Engineering Physics, Bandung Institute of Technology (Indonesia).
  1. MS. Hanifatunnisa/Visiting student/July.15 - July.15
    Intern supported by JST-SAKURA Science./UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Engineering Physics, Bandung Institute of Technology (Indonesia).
  1. MS. Ahmad/Visiting student/July.15 - Sep.15
    Frm&To/IISc/Post-grad./Materials Science
    Intern supported by Co-education program with IISc
  1. Mr. Gupta/Visiting student/May.15 - July.15
    Intern supported by IS-JAIST.
  1. Mr. Parashar/Visiting student/May.15 - June.15
    Intern supported by Jaist-India cooperative program
  1. Mr. Singh/Visiting student/Feb.15 - Mar.15
    Frm&To/Electrical Engineering, IIT Gandhinagar.
    Intern supported by Co-education program with IITGN./UG
  1. Mr. Saini/Visiting student/Feb.15 - Mar.15
    Intern supported by Co-education program with IITGN./UG
    Frm&To/Mechanical Engineering, IIT Gandhinagar.
  1. Mr. Izzuddin/Visiting student/Feb.15 - Mar.15
    Intern supported by JASSO./PG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Physics, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
  1. キム (Mr. Kim/Visiting student/Feb.15 - Mar.15)
    Intern supported by JASSO/PG
    Frm&To/Fuel Cell Institute, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
  1. Mr. Kumowarih/Visiting student/Oct.14 - Nov.14
    Intern supported by JST-SAKURA Science./UG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Engineering Physics, Bandung Institute of Technology (Indonesia).
  1. リンパワトクル(Mr. Limpawatkul/Visiting student/Mar.14 - May.14)
    Intern by self funded/UG
    Frm&To/Chulalongkorn University, Dept. of Computer Eng. (Thailand)
  1. リドワン (Mr. Ridwan/Visiting student/Sep.13 - Nov.13)
    Intern supported by JASSO/PG
    Frm&To/Indonesian Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology,
    Dept. of Informatics, Bandung Institute of Technology (Indonesia)
  1. オウマ (Mr. Ouma/Visiting student/Jan.13 - Feb.13)
    Intern by self funded/PG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Physics, Pretoria University (South Africa), supported by Pretoria U.
  1. Ms. Sawatlon/Intern/Feb.13 - Mar.13
    Intern supported by JASSO./UG
  1. ギンティング (Mr. Ginting/Intern/Feb.13 - Mar.13)
    Intern supported by JASSO/UG
  1. アバスネジャド (MS. Abbasnejad/Special Research student/Jun.11 - Dec.11)
    Intern by self funded (Iranian government)/PG
    Frm&To/Dept. of Physics of Teheran University, supported by Iranian government)
    Grant from Marubun Research Promotion Foundation (2012)

032/Japanese students

  1. 和氣(Mr. Wake/Visiting student/Nov.14 - Nov.22)
  1. 伊藤(Mr. Ito/Visiting student/Sep.17 - Sep.24)
  1. 小林(Mr. Kobayashi/Visiting student/Aug.18 - Aug.28)
  1. 上條(Mr. Kamijo/Visiting student/Aug.18 - Aug.23)
  1. 三谷(Mr. Mitani/Visiting student/Aug.18 - Aug.23)
  1. 多田(Mr. Tada/Visiting student/Aug.18 - Aug.23)
  1. 中村(Mr. Nakamura/Visiting student/Aug.19 - Sep.6)
  1. 青木(Mr. Aoki/Visiting student/Sep.11 - Sep.15)
  1. 水野(Mr. Mizuno/Visiting student/Aug.25 - Aug.31)
  1. 髙橋(Mr. Takahashi/Visiting student/Aug.25 - Aug.31)
  1. 藤丸(Mr. Fujimaru/Visiting student/Aug.17 - Sep.01)
  1. 河内(Mr. Kawachi/Visiting student/Jul.23 - Aug.23)
  1. 藤丸(Mr. Fujimaru/Visiting student/Aug.22 - Sep.22)
  1. 深川(Mr. Fukagawa/Visiting student/Sep.22 - Sep.22)
  1. 佐藤(Mr. Sato/Visiting student/Sep.21 - Sep.21)
  1. 小西(Mr. Konishi/Visiting student/Sep.19 - Sep.19)
  1. 中辻(Mr. Nakatuji/Visiting student/Sep.19 - Sep.19)
  1. 冨田(Mr. Tomita/Visiting student/Sep.19 - Sep.19)
  1. 桐生(Mr. Kiryu/Visiting student/Sep.19 - Sep.19)
  1. 久保寺(Mr. Kubodera/Visiting student/Oct.18 - Oct.18)
  1. 皆川(Mr. Minagawa/Visiting student/Sep.18 - Sep.18)
  1. 長谷川(Mr. Hasegawa/Visiting student/Aug.17 - Sep.17)
  1. 石塚(Mr. Ishizuka/Visiting student/Aug.17 - Sep.17)
  1. 川俣(Mr. Kawamata/Visiting student/Aug.17 - Aug.17)
  1. 山之口(Mr. Yamanokuchi /Visiting student/Aug.17 - Sep.17)
  1. 丸尾(Mr. Maruo/Visiting student/Aug.17 - Sep.17)
  1. 高橋(Mr. Takahashi/Visiting student/Aug.17 - Sep.17)
  1. 黛(Mr. Mayuzumi/Visiting student/Aug.16 - Aug.16)
  1. 及川(Mr. Oikawa/Visiting student/Aug.16 - Aug.16)
  1. 辻(Mr. Tsuji/Visiting student/Sep.16 - Sep.16)
  1. 谷地(Mr. Tanichi/Visiting student/Aug.15 - Aug.15)
  1. 阿久津(Mr. Akutsu/Visiting student/Aug.15 - Aug.15)
    Frm&To/Gunma Collage of Tech. (Japan)
  1. 杉山(Mr. Sugiyama/Visiting student/Aug.14 - Aug.14)
    Frm&To/Numazu Collage of Tech. (Japan)
  1. 鈴木(Mr. Suzuki/Visiting student/Aug.14 - Aug.14)
    Frm&To/Sendai Collage of Tech. (Japan)
  1. 小林(Mr. Kobayashi/Visiting student/Aug.14 - Aug.14)
    Frm&To/Nagano Collage of Tech. (Japan)
  1. Mr. Ichibha/Undergraduate/Aug.14 - Aug.14
    Frm/Dept. of Physics, Tokyo Univ. of Sci.



  1. 利用DMC 进行基础研究 (Diffusion Monte Carlo tech. 扩散蒙特卡洛方法)
  2. 利用DFT 进行工业应用 (Density Functional Theory密度泛函理论)
  3. 利用机器学习和人工智能进行材料信息学研究 (Machine Learning 机器学习)
  4. 高性能计算 专注材料模拟


JACS (IF=13.858)/Angew.Chem. (11.701)/Phys.Rev.Lett. (7.435)/Sci.Rep. (5.078)/
J.Comput.Theor.Chem. (5.39)/Inorg.Chem. (4.857)/J.Comput.Chem. (3.84)/
Phys.Rev.B (3.767)/Appl.Phys.Lett. (3.794)/Jour.Chem.Phys. (3.164)/etc.

